
The story is of a person who was paralyzed from the waist down due to a car accident and 22 years later they were prayed for and healed. They are claiming there is a causal effect, they are claiming that these things happen regularly enough to be observed, yet they want to hide behind the idea that it is somewhat random and not actually try to test it. The primary studies here are Case Studies, which are some of the lowest and least informative types of studies in medicine (see https://guides.library.stonybrook.edu/evidence-based-medicine/levels_of_evidence) with Meta-studies, Systematic reviews, and Randomized Controlled Studies being the most effective forms. There are any examples of this, so see https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15166467/ and https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/full-moon-does-not-affect-mental-health-emergency-room-study-suggests as a couple. Quoting myself here (from this post). A blessing to the rest of the Body of Christ. The analogy doesn't work, and honestly I think this is a miracle talking-point that Elijah is misusing here. Doesn't seem to be anything other than perhaps theology. Craig thanks so much for being with us. This discussion is a summary of the high points of his 2 volume, over 1000 page books entitled, Miracles. I mean I tried to get accounts from all sorts of different cultures. Craig Keener: Well I tried to get accounts from all over the world. How has the book been received, both in Christian circles and then outside Christian circles? Just to have the words "inference to the best explanation" that legitimizes the inference that you're making rather than actually being able to use inference to the best explanation. I think people sitting back and watching kind of don't take into account that this is life-changing stuff that's happening to these people. There isn't anything that could tie the prayer as the causal element, given that she was most likely prayed for often an we're picking out the one case before a claimed recovery. God is going to wipe away every tear from our eyes. Medical science has come a long way recognizing the fact that humans are easily fooled, they see patterns and agency where there isn't any good evidence, and biology is messy enough that uncertainty is always something to consider. We know that the healing was observed after the prayer, but we don't know if it caused it because we can't rule out an earlier recovery that went unnoticed. So that, I mean that would almost qual, I mean three hours. There were plenty of other stories just like it, too. What about single cases? All rights reserved. end of the fall 2020 semester. Even if miracles could be the case, regardless of your worldview, how would you be able to demonstrate that God did it? It's part of the lowering of the standards of evidence. Craig Keener: Greg Spencer is a case of this. Scott Rae: Right. And he went to a retreat for the healing of the mind. Further, the authors admit, although they do not disclose the data, that previous attempts to document response to the treatment in other populations have failed. Partly, because we are human and have many biases. We wouldn't conclude that these things actually happened as reported, especially given the gaps in the timelines. It doesn't matter whether the claim is religious or scientific, the same rules apply. After his conversion, Lee worked briefly as a pastor before moving into an apologetics ministry focusing on writing and video productions. So what made you want to go in this direction? The Surfaris were a California garage band with an average age of 15 who had been successful enough playing at sock hops and house parties that they were able to acquire a manager. They're not replicable but if there's a pattern like nine times out of ten where this happens it's in the context of prayer, that should say something. There may be a difference between the way they look at things now vs the way they looked at it at the time of the event -- which is perfectly explainable under naturalism. My oldest grandson loves to run and is always racing ahead, scampering up hills and sliding down ravines faster than the rest. Her feet and fingers were suddenly straight and normal again. Also, the theists show a profound lack of imagination in coming up with studies that can test the involvement of an agent, while ruling out other effects. Thinking about the Snyder "miracle", I do wonder why in these cases there isn't much more extensive medical documentation? And her hands had been curled up so much that every few months they had to uncurl her hands to get the dead skin out. I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Real Seekers podcast and discussing / debating miracles with Matthew (atheist) and Dale (Christian) last week. fall transition to the AAU will depend on the progress of the search process. Strobel, 66, is a former investigative journalist with the Chicago Tribune. candidates for its presidency.. She deteriorated over a period of many years, several operations, many hospitalizations," Strobel explained. And so I guess my first question is, what motivated you to undertake that because your field has been pretty technical New Testament studies. Here's my comment. And the reason Usually people don't get medical documentation even when it's available. Her blindness, too, had been instantaneously healed. Sometimes we don't even get healing in this physical body in this life, but when it happens to any of us it's a reminder to all of us of God's plans for us. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky. Even her muscles were unatrophied. So, we know that at least 450 Christians began praying for her, because they wrote letters saying, 'We're praying for you.. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. We know exactly how skeletal muscle tissue is developed, and it takes weeks to months. University of Virginia, as well as private ones including Harvard, Yale, MIT, Scott Rae: That's staggering to think about. He says, he's going back to these passages about the coming of the [inaudible] and saying, "John, these are signs of the Kingdom right now." Scott Rae is professor of Christian ethics and dean of the faculty at Talbot School of Theology. Nathan's point here is interesting, especially in light of the idea that the murderer example is not being used in the right place, that Elijah has this set of standard "tools" that he pulls out but doesn't seem to understand their use or limitations and is prone to misapply them. and Duane Miller (healed from irrevocably damaged vocal chords). These are both testable, yet there seems to be little effort by theists to improve the studies, they seem to rather prefer falling back on case studies. Also there is this general trend of naturalism in which you are looked down upon if you believe that the supernatural can occur so there is this whole culture at play where the medical community is working against finding truth". And around 39% of them claimed to have witnessed or experienced divine healing. It doesn't mean to stop praying for healing. That's a gift from God." Is it possible she was misdiagnosed -- it wasn't MS, so looking for an MS recovery may be misdirected? Is it possible she was misdiagnosed -- it wasn't MS, so looking for an MS recovery may be misdirected? There were plenty of other stories just like it, too. "Barbara Snyder was diagnosed at the Mayo Clinic with multiple sclerosis. I wear glasses. Well I shouldn't say everybody, but lots of people have love stories. But there is another reason to study proximal prayer, which in this study meant physical laying on of hands, not just being near the subject. Earlier in her career, she served as provost of Ohio State University . It was easier for me for some cultures than for other cultures. And in each case, it's a witness to God's Glory where God gives grace to overcome in different kinds of situations. What do atheists think of Barbara Snyder, who was healed of all her symptoms and all her illness to the point where 31 years later she's completely healthy? This was in 1981 that this happened. Scott Rae: Yeah, see that's the big miracle that's coming. And then the book that tells the story of your relationship to your wife called Impossible Love. Yes, I'll look for these mundane explanations first before jumping to agency, because those are the most common explanations of extraordinary claims. If you enjoyed our conversation today, give us a rating on your podcast app. University. And, in fact, one doctor described her as being one of the most hopelessly ill patients he'd ever encountered.. Yeah, I think of my friend Nabeel Qureshi. There's a long list of reasons for this poorly understood condition. Synder's miraculous healing , which unfolded more than 30 years ago, was apparently so shocking that even her doctors have written about her seemingly impossible medical . Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox. In his book, The Case for Miracles, evangelist Lee Strobel cites the miraculous healing of Barbara Snyder that took place nearly 30 years ago. Snyder, who became president of Case Western Reserve Craig Keener: Yes. Further, she also has a twin sister! Note that the STEP study mentioned below is, Let me start by saying that there have been gold standard studies before and after STEP that reached the opposite conclusion: that the group receiving prayer had better outcomes, she said. And so when she was healed, the first thing she noticed was her feet were flat on the ground. How do we know the initial diagnosis was accurate? It also includes the audio recording of Duane Miller, Contains an interview with Bruce Van Natta, the mechanic I referenced who lost most of his small intestines in an accident and was later healed. Synder's miraculous healing, which unfolded more than 30 years ago, was apparently so shocking that even her doctors have written about her seemingly impossible medical turnaround. Barbara spent years paralyzed, but stood up in an instant. Finding Miracles in the Moments April 8, 2022 by Barbara Snyder 16 Comments I love to explore the outdoors with my grandkids, especially when our adventures lead us into the woods. And each of us have different tasks. This is where they burn child witches," and stuff like that. But I'm grateful for the, the engagement that's come since then because there has been a lot of good engagement and people have taken it seriously and taken to heart some of the arguments in it. These are two red flags which will need some level of caution in establishing the cause of the condition improving. Then he was prayed for and was instantly healed, could eat, and have his tubes removed. episode says, if i'm not mistaken the one that Herbert Benson conducted was that when they were trying to recruit people they were having trouble getting certain participants that all the protestant participants were from the unity school of christianity which actually doesn't believe in miracles and so you know they had a limit it's not the ideal way to conduct a prayer study, if there's a pattern like nine times out of ten where this happens it's in the context of prayer that that should say something again we we need a whole lot of a whole lot of cases to be able to to examine that. maybe we can study this" That's how a lot of science is done, it starts with "oh wow, that's weird" and then we can go and start testing it but theists don't seem to even want to take that next step. Thinking about the Snyder "miracle", I do wonder why in these cases there isn't much more extensive medical documentation? At a minimum, one has to. Did she go back to Congo after her PhD studies? Sometimes God uses things. Despite several operations and treatments, Barbara continued to deteriorate to the point that she was put into respite with doctor's orders not to resuscitate. This is why causal connections are so hard to establish, because not only do you have to demonstrate a real effect, you have to somehow distinguish possible causes. Thu 03 February 2022 Both great books that I encourage all of our listeners to get hold of and to digest. Why don't we just simply believe. And he said because these precious people that never had a chance to be exposed to God's extravagant love, He works in extravagant ways to let them know. Barbara Rook "Babs" Snyder is an American academic and president of the Association of American Universities. Certainly, Jesus gave a bright future to Barbara Snyder in 1981. So we're talking about something like hundreds of millions of people. We're all aware of suffering in the world, but miracles is a happy topic. credentials as both a highly regarded research institution and as a place where "Barbara Snyder was diagnosed at the Mayo Clinic with multiple sclerosis. Synder's miraculous healing , which unfolded more than 30 years ago, was apparently so shocking that even her doctors have written about her seemingly impossible medical . It's not impossible under theism, but it is an odd omission and speaks to God's motivation. Couldn't the medical records have been earlier?) Now of course, after six minutes with no oxygen you have irreparable brain damage starting in, but Terese had no brain damage. Barbara began her academic career as an assistant professor at Case Western Reserves School of Law, then joined the faculty of Moritz College of Law at The Ohio State University. Well she couldn't walk. How would you eliminate the hypothesis that a miracle did in fact happen? You need to collect the records, have a medical professional who can actually make sense of that data, and have a medical specialist who is willing to look at the data. Now, Strobel, whose personal story was told through the Pure Flix feature film, book and documentary titled The Case for Christ, has released, The Case for Miracles, a new investigative book that relies on facts, interviews and studies to further explore spiritual matters. A prolific author, he has written numerous bible commentaries and other works in biblical studies, in addition to his 2 volume work, Miracles. I love this Bible study!" A Barbara Sent Home to Die Let me tell you now about a different Barbara, Barbara Cummiskey.2 When she was a teenager, doctors diagnosed Barbara with multiple sclerosis (MS). Why not? ", "CWRU President Barbara R. Snyder is highest-paid private college president in Ohio", Office of the President: Case Western Reserve University, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Barbara_Snyder&oldid=1129564651, Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences alumni, Presidents of the Association of American Universities, Articles with dead external links from October 2016, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 26 December 2022, at 02:48. Barbara (Burns) Snyder, age 92, of Elmira, NY, passed away Friday, November 18, 2022 at her home. She was healed just suddenly. Facebook gives people the power. But we also had the medical documentation. It is a reasonable question to ask -- how much evidence is enough? These steps are in place to get at the truth, not to specifically put up barriers to rule out miracles. And this is not by any means the most dramatic story I found. It's not enough to show an effect that's really rare, maybe that's your first motivation, like "oh wow, this is a weird case. Look, I have male pattern balding. Case studies may be suggestive, but they are there so that you can propose hypotheses to test more rigorously. Above all, Max underscores, "Getting unstuck means getting excited about getting out.". The James Randi foundation did this as well, with a preliminary test before the more in-depth test. People casually talk about God helping to find their car keys or help their sportsing team win, which are not miraculous but imply the intervention of the agent and thus fall under the same umbrella. Each of these is far harder than the rather trivial challenges to testing miracle claims. How can I help? The university has retained Spencer Stuart to assist in this search. in social ethics from the University of Southern California, a Th.M. Studies of distant intercessory prayer have been essentially negative we see the typical random scatter of results expected of an ineffective treatment, with no consistent pattern of positive results, and with the best studies being negative. Meanwhile, her muscles were atrophied. However studies also show about 80% of ER nurses and 64% of ER doctors believe lunar cycles affect patients' mental health, even though the data do not support such an effect. In 1972, having been blind for over 12 years, the individual reportedly regained her vision instantaneously after receiving proximal-intercessory-prayer (PIP). What would happen if two people out in space a few meters apart, abandoned by their spacecraft, decided to wait until gravity pulled them together? And she began dancing around. his term as board chair this Junewill lead a national search for her There was no blinding or control group so everyone in the study, subjects and experimenters, knew that every subject was getting the treatment. By this point, she was almost blind and . As an Atheist, of course it didn't. So she basically pulls the tube out of her throat, says, Go find my parents [and] jumps out of bed.. We average between 2 and 3 posts a day. The latter has more eyewitness testimony than we have for Barbara Snyder. All subjects demonstrated improvement from the intervention. James: yes so think about what Shermer has done. But again, it's a sign. Intercessory prayer commences and one day he awakes to find his or her arm back on their body, intact. It's not the consummation. Read Barbara's Blog for blog posts and speeches from the Presidenton prominent and emerging issues facing research universities and the broader higher education community. Barbara Cummiskey Snyder is on Facebook. It's not enough to be given the treatment and see an improvement afterward. I commented on the story here but there is very little to go on. And why aren't there miracle claims of people spontaneously generating electricity? And even after CPR is stopped, there is an observed phenomenon of spontaneous recovery of heart activity after as much as 15 minutes, and his recovered after 10 minutes. 2023 Robert L. White All Rights Reserved. He's effectively asked "look, according to your explanation we would expect miracles to occur actually in many more cases because god apparently has the the reasons and the motivation and the context for him to perform miracles there but he doesn't, so there's a plausibility issue there with with your explanation" Shermer's identified one aspect that seems to be accounted for poorly on the miracle explanation. Craig Keener: I think it's true in some places more than in others. She was doing her work in history. A particular response has now happened twice in an ongoing discussion about extraordinary claims, and I felt I needed to think about it more deeply. I misspoke in the episode for the next one, thinking the name was Barbara Snyder, but Barbara's case is an MS case. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I wasn't able to be in touch with her for that year and a half, but I didn't know if she was alive or dead. You wont want to miss Scotts interview with Dr. Craig Keener, renowned New Testament scholar, who has done in depth research on miracles today. Visit Pure Flix for access to thousands of faith and family friendly movies and TV shows. He died of stomach cancer at a, I think what was he? It's here for completeness, even though there isn't much more we can say. This miracle claim never came up in the episode. Second thing she noticed was her hands were open. She was blind, bedridden with severely impaired breathing due to a paralyzed diaphragm and a collapsed lung. Really? I asked. He had asthma all his life. The situation was pretty hopelessuntil something quite shocking happened. Strobel said. If there's that many cases there should be enough regularity to detect these things statistically which is exactly the tools we've developed in science to do and to rule out other factors. And, in fact, one doctor described her as being one of the most hopelessly ill patients he'd ever encountered." And I think with a little imagination one can probably control for things like spontaneous remission and background effects and even some of the kind of unknown effects by a suitably designed experiment. Dying M.S. Can we come to any agreement here? So that's why Christianity featured that part. I was talking with Antoinette Malumbay with my wife translating for me 'cause my wife knew the story only second hand herself. Tell our listeners a little bit a how you two met and why you wrote the book, Impossible Love. That's for when the Lord returns. Keener quotes a study that showed that half of the physicians studied said that they had seen what they consider to be miracles. We originally met when we were, she was an exchange student and I was doing my PhD in New Testament at Duke. But in this case, he had to have the medical documentation be he'd been on disability. It's not just saying that the evidence provided is lacking, but there is missing evidence that would be expected on the truth of the claim -- making it an argument against the claim. It was predicted that she would die soon. achievements during Snyders tenure include: Association of American Universities (AAU), Maltz Center donors, performers celebrate Phase II, School of Medicine graduate program information tabling event, Summer study abroad with CWRU faculty information session, New study reveals ketamine could be effective treatment for cocaine-use disorders, Get to know members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council at CWRU: Week 3, Begun with a $1 billion goal, it ultimately raised. A gymnast back in high school, Barbara hadn't walked in seven years. Could you imagine a similar claim written about, say, a homeopathic remedy for cancer? This explores some of the rarer causes, but more importantly, the study they reference for the viral cause for the condition had cases that resolved in as long as 2 years (N=11). She went back. It also includes the audio recording of Duane Miller as he is being spontaneously healed of his permanent, severe vocal chord damage. What happens if you don't have randomized-controlled studies in medicine? The Mayo Clinic had diagnosed Barbara with multiple sclerosis. "This male voice coming from the corner of the room where nobody was said, 'Get up, my child, and walk,'" Strobel recounted. If you took our remedy, and improved, we want to hear from you. We should celebrate that. process later this month. He encountered scores of healings and other claims of the miraculous along the way, but there was one case in particular that truly blew his mind: the case of Barbara Snyder. Some initial thoughts Time stamp 4:47 James is right that the evidence on a lot of these cases is really really bad. So her initial eyesight is 7/200, quite poor. In Craig Keener: Which is her first language. The theists seem unwilling to do the work and want a pass anyway. You just wonder how legitimate are these miracle claims in the 21st century? Strobel said. Scott Rae: Well that gets us to the books that I want to talk more about today. of the members of the University Athletic Association are part of the AAU. DiSanto said that he would provide additional updates regarding the search The entire approach of those arguing for miracles focuses on the (presumed) successes but in any real study for a treatment, we need to know all of the cases -- the ones that worked and the ones that didn't -- to provide evidence of efficacy. Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more. In response, Snyder said, "I am proud to be president of Case Western Reserve and intend to continue in this role for many years to come. So tell our listeners some of the stories that you uncovered as a result of your research. Scott Rae: Close, Medine. in economics from Southern Methodist University. For more information about our use of cookies, our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information generally, and any rights you may have to access, delete, or opt out of the sale of your personal information, please view our Privacy Policy. Any legitimate effect should be able to withstand this scrutiny (and more! Scott Rae: Yeah. What surprised you? She deteriorated over a period of many years, several operations, many hospitalizations," Strobel explained. It's always possible to ask for more (Couldn't more doctors have seen it? As James says, "God really needs to up his game.". The opportunity to serve as Case We see this with homeopathy, where well-controlled studies are negative and then dismissed because treatments were not individualized. episode: Is there medical evidence for miracles? my peers call to work on behalf of all of our institutions.. This shows a profound lack of imagination on the part of the investigators, and I think shows their hand. Recently, there was some data indicating possibly faster-than-light neutrinos. This one is much like the previous one, but there is no study -- just the stories. These two cases are some of the best they have, and they are only modestly interesting, and have plausible mundane explanations. James is right that the evidence on a lot of these cases is really really bad. This effect has been seen a lot, but a good example is the Rendelsham Forest UFO sighting where there is a big difference between the original reports and the later reports or the Barney and Betty Hill case of alien abduction where one can track the contamination of the story to popular media depictions of aliens. It also calls into question the motives of God -- God is more concerned to give you a pool table than to cure leukemia in children or heart defects or nearly anything else. To this day.. randomized controlled studies, well considered controls, etc) to avoid these confounders. In all of human history there has never been one single credible and fully verified miracle cure. in Old Testament from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a B.A.S. And again, the group that received prayer had better outcomes than the control group. (p. 127). They're meant to be signs of the Kingdom. "But my skepticism didn't go away.". The response is, essentially, that I am demanding too much evidence. But I think there's a good representative sample. And we give Glory to God whenever we get the opportunity to be a part of those, but it's, we don't expect that, that the Kingdom, that we'll have experienced the Kingdom in its fullest now. "It got to the point where she was dying. Barbara would always declare, "I love this Bible study! In addition to Case Western Reserve, all For more information about our use of cookies, our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information generally, and any rights you may have to access, delete, or opt out of the sale of your personal information, please view our, Columbine survivors powerful lessons after facing terror, Jesus performed the miracles described in the Gospels, originally published on Pure Flix Insider, DeSantis tells Allie Beth Stuckey precisely why the radical left fears him and hates Florida, Biden admin admits key talking point of gas price crisis it used to shift blame onto oil industry was wrong, Harvard professor of medicine hilariously trolls 'vaccine fanatics' when natural immunity comes up during House roundtable on COVID policies, Christian high school girls' basketball team takes a stand, forfeits playoff game rather than compete against male opponent, Whitlock: My letter to Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston, 'I'm going to f***ing kill you': Surveillance catches women brutally beating grocery store clerk in brazen attack, Biden raises eyebrows with racial comment at Black History Month event: 'But I'm not stupid', 'I dont feel comfortable racing against men': Man claiming to be female since 2017 crushes another women's track record, Police find 200k images of child pornography weighing more than 1 ton in Florida man's home, Four armed men potentially poised to rob Missouri church overwhelmed not by force but by prayer: 'You walked on Holy Ghost turf', 'You lied to us under oath': Hawley corners Biden nominee with her own words that contradict her testimony, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. 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