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why did saul goodman go into hiding

That's a bit of a reach, don't you think, Dave? Desperate to get rid of the money, he resorts to throwing stacks of money into peoples' yards as he drives by. At night, Jimmy finds the three youths who mugged him and offers to cut them in on his business in return for leaving him alone. Shortly after, Jimmy began making renovations at his business, completely changing it from a nail salon to a full on law firm and he and Kim work the day while Mike and his team do damage control from their apartment and erase all traces of Howards murder. As Kim meets with Cliff Main at an outdoor caf, Jimmy disguises himself as Howard and takes Howard's car while Howard is visiting his therapist. I watched the first episode of Better Call Saul, and he's in that coffee shop in Omaha looking over his shoulder, but I'm still not sure why. Stunned at first, she is amused when Jimmy successfully puts the move on Ken, a loudmouthed broker. No mention is ever made of him facing charges for his criminal actions in Omaha such as the shoplifting scheme, his identity theft scheme, the robbery that Jeff got arrested for and threatening Marion, suggesting that Jimmy wasn't charged for them and was possibly not even caught for most of them. 'Cause it's too small! The plea negotiation drags on into the middle of the night, with Castellano's team being forced to agree to a reduced sentence of seven-and-a-half years. After being caught, Jimmy slips from "Gene Takavic" back into his old Saul Goodman persona to escape serious jail time, wearing a flashy suit once again and deftly negotiating a potential life plus 190 years sentence down to just seven years. And it just obviously, obviously is as well. You rub their noses in it! Jimmy's speech moves Kim and some of the committee members to tears. Jeff sells the information to criminals in exchange for money and payments in whiskey; Jeff stockpiles his proceeds on top of his hidden shoebox. While making the final preparations for Jesse's leave, Saul scolds him for smoking cannabis, and instructs him to give him the rest of the drugs. Jeff returns home to find them together in the kitchen. With the aid of Jeff and Buddy, Gene starts a new routine: he accosts well-off bar patrons, sends them home in Jeff's cab, and has Buddy enter their homes to steal their financial information. A chance to play at the palace! Remembering her prior arrangement with Saul, and eager to duck out of her argument with the tenants, she gets into her car and drives downtown. Regardless however, Jimmy is vain, arrogant and selfish. If working with me is what you really want, right, Chuck? Ira tells him to contact him again using a new phone if he has another job. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. For example, he turned an old woman's friends against her just in order for her to settle on a large case and receive his cut. The letters are part of a plan to help Huell, since they all demand his release. Following the success of the large sale to Gus which leads to Saul buying better suits Saul pushes Walt to take Guss lucrative offer to continue cooking. Two masked men, one of whom is Huell Babineaux, bust the piatas while Jimmy warns them about ripping him off again. Plot. Oakley says that while it remains unlikely that she will be prosecuted, Howard's widow Cheryl is planning to sue her in civil court and take her for everything she has. The next day, the four watch the pest-control team as it tents an infested home. What kind of asshole moves a cone? ("Uno"), At the end of another workday, Gene sees off his co-workers before he takes out the garbage. He loved me in his own way. ("Switch"), Jimmy adjusts quickly to his new status and perks at D&M, including a private office (with a cocobolo desk), company car, and personal assistant named Omar. While selling phones, Jimmy is approached by a plainclothes cop, Platt. Yeah, okay?Jimmy arguing with Bill Oakley. Moron. Cliff declines, as do several other lawyers, but Jimmy and Kim succeed in spreading the rumor that Howard uses drugs. It amused me. No, he's not gay. ("El Camino"), Following his disappearance by Ed and arrival in Omaha, Saul takes up the new identity of Gene Takavic, working behind the counter at a shopping-mall Cinnabon located in Omaha, as he had previously predicted in a conversation with Walt. ("Crawl Space"), After finishing a cook, a laundry truck drops off Jesse at his car, which he now parks in the desert to avoid arousing DEA suspicion. Saul replies that his biggest regret is an experience from his youth in which he hurt his leg in a slip-and-fall. Saul portrays himself as a victim of Walt, recounting how he and Jesse kidnapped him; his actions as their accomplice, he insists, were borne out of fear that he would be killed. During his suspension from practicing law, Jimmy worked as a cell phone salesman at CC Mobile, where he began to use the nickname "Saul Goodman" again. 'Cause this is my screw-up. Eventually the prisoners use the "Better Call Saul" slogan as the basis of a chant. By Breaking Bad, Jimmy McGill is no more and Saul Goodman is all that remains. Inside, Walt and Jesse assuage Saul's doubts about working with Mike again, who threatened to break Saul's legs. ("Switch"), During another workday, Gene takes a lunch break on the second floor of the mall, he sees a young man ducking into a photo booth. I can try. We see Saul go into hiding at a time when Walter was still alive. In the end he managed to. Shall I go on? Despite his flamboyant appearance and mannerisms, Saul was a highly competent lawyer who was able to solve problems and find loopholes in order to protect his clients. Jimmy and Kim go to meet Howards widow, Cheryl. () You pulled that heartstrings con job on me?! Buddy quietly leaves the house with the dog, almost forgetting to remove the duct tape from the lock. Mostly, he proves his brother's mental illness in court in order to get off easy following being arrested and charged as a result of Chuck's actions, even through he was truly guilty in the manner. Calming down, Gene wonders why they're talking about this as they are both too smart to throw their lives away for no reason, but Kim simply tells Gene that she's happy that he's alive and hangs up the phone. You're not.Marie. After the confrontation, Lalo leaves Kim's apartment and drives away in Nacho's car. Out of the hospital room, Walt tells Saul that Jesse will eventually calm down, to which Saul replies, "If he doesn't, there may come a time to talk options". By 2008, Saul has developed a widely known reputation as a criminal lawyer, who successfully helped Emilio avoid criminal charges on two different occasions, causing Jesse to think Kim was right about him being an effective lawyer. the time when our story of Jimmy McGill-turned-Saul Goodman-turned-Gene Takavic finally comes to a conclusion. ("Granite State") During their time in the bunker, Saul lies on his cot as Walt tries to repair a faulty water heater. You don't need a lawyer, only guilty people need lawyers.' Ooh big job at the illustrious HHM. As the undercover cop Getz tries to convince Badger to give up his supplier, Saul enters the interview room and dismisses Getz before looking over Badger's case and discussing his retainer fee. Later, Jimmy takes deliver of a new set of phones at Day Spa and Nail, and has to bribe Mrs. Nguyen with one so he can keep them in the back room. Something that not even his skills can take care of. As Mike states that he was hired to do a job and simply did it, Jimmy declares that he knows what stopped him and swears that "it's never stopping me again." After settling in to watch TV, Gene receives a call on his old earphone from a frantic Jeff. I got no one. Actually, I think that the very first part of BCS may have been taking place when Walt was still up in New Hampshire cabin-ing, playing cards, trying out new glasses and stuff. Gus is perturbed by the fact that Jimmy had talked Lalo out of his original plan, and tells the two men guarding him to follow him somewhere. This would have been found out and he could have faced serious jail time. But also the thing with DA Suzanne who was talking to Kim saying if daul didnt know that he was involved with the cartel he had some plausible deniability but if he did know then his client lawyer privilege would not hold and it wouldnt be good. If you decide I get to be a lawyer, I'll do everything in my power to be worthy of the name McGill. Jimmy worked together to build the increasingly complex Sandpiper case with Chuck, who persuaded him to refer the case out to HHM. Fortunately, the nurse determines that she keeps making a simple typo and Gene is able to leave. Absolutely kidding me! Breathing heavily, Gene has a taxi take him back to the mall and spots an air freshener marked Albuquerque Isotopes in the rear-view mirror and the taxi driver appears to be staring at him as if he recognizes him. Gus watches through the surveillance monitors at the Ryman residence while Mike questions Kim. Angrily, Jimmy takes the phone and breaks protocol but manages to set up a meeting. She does, however, offer a counter proposal: she will start a solo practice for herself and share an office with him. Jimmy pushes Wendy out of the car in front of Cliff and Kim, further suggesting to Cliff that Howard is using cocaine and has prostitutes. Additionally his association with Jesse and Mike Ehrmantraut is well known to the police. ("Green Light"), Saul sets up an intervention between Walt and Jesse, offering to give Walt a percentage of Jesses future deals. It stands to reason then that if Kim is still alive that theyve gotten to her to try and get Saul that way. Kim defends Jimmy, criticizing Chuck for his cold and judgmental treatment of his brother. Lalo is released and makes it clear that he intends to jump bail and flee to Mexico while Jimmy lies that it took him so long as his car broke down six or seven miles from the pickup spot and he had to walk back. Do you remember nineteen? Any trouble you might have: that's on you. Jeff drives Alfred to his home, a large house in an affluent neighborhood. Luckily, Saul knows of a hacker in Belarus who could launder Walt's money through his son's "SaveWalterWhite.com" website. Something made him relapse.Jimmy to Kim about Chuck's death. Ed recognizes Gene and warns him that it will be difficult and is double the price. He is shown to be a complete criminal lawyer who maintains extensive connections within the criminal underworld, and serves as a go-between connecting drug distributors, evidence removers, impersonators, and other criminals-for-hire. Saul immediately returns to his house to take his box of diamonds and a burner phone as the police are alerted of Saul Goodman's presence in Omaha. ("Quite a Ride"), Jimmy begins dreaming about reviving Wexler McGill, and admits to Kim that he is not going to see a therapist because he wants to move forward. Look, um, I'm a lawyer, and this is what I do all day, every day, so h-how about this? After our protagonist's [] I'm really enjoying the . He returns to the office to give the good news to Kim. Judge Munsinger demands the case be settled without a circus. Afterward, Saul tells Mike that the TRO won't hold up long, and Hank will be back on his tail with a vengeance within twenty-four hours. Jimmy meanwhile tries to make amends with Chuck, but Chuck coldly cuts ties. That was the plan, but it turns out your lovely abuelita, she drives a car that's a whole lot like the Kettlemobile. Saul Goodman is, as he says, a "civilian" - It would have taken a great deal to link him to Walter White's actions and many of the people with intimate knowledge of what has transpired (Mike, Gus Fring,Walter White etc) are deceased or have no reason to implicate Saul in their activities. It'll cost at least half a million dollars, says Saul, and everyone must be packed and ready before Walt makes the call ("Crawl Space"). douchebag with a job and three pairs of Dockers. Meanwhile, Saul searches his office for bugs, believing that Walt and Jesse were murdered by Gus and he would be next. Saul went into hiding at the same time as Walt and Walt was in hiding for like 11 months, so maybe the "flash forward" takes place before the end of Breaking Bad, I think there would be a man hunt against Jesse too. ("Hero"). We're not denying that. Mr. Spinowzo, the property owner, admitted to us that he keeps most portions of his business open to the public both day and night. ("Mabel"), After passing out, Gene is taken to the hospital where he undergoes tests to determine the cause of his collapse and if it was a heart attack. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? There's a woman named Betsy Kettleman. Saul Goodman's law firm caters to felons who want to reduce their sentences to the bare minimum, essentially giving them some form of "free pass" when it comes to crime. Mike tells him he's not allowed to know this information, but still reveals that Lalo will be assassinated that night. He certainly had good reason to fear prosecution, so I don't think this was a plot hole at all. Until he can be safely moved, he has to hole-up in the basement of the extractor's shop. He removes Alfred's wallet from his jacket and takes out all of his state, credit, and banking cards, snapping photos of their front and back. Jimmy and Kim begin plotting against Howard. Speak up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Not to mention the blood in your van. He says that his biggest regret is allowing his former business partners to take over the company he co-founded and profit off his discoveries. Because I was having too much fun. Saul is sent on a passenger flight to North Carolina, accompanied by Oakley and a U.S. When the driver takes too long at a green light, a paranoid Gene decides to get out of the taxi early and heads towards a church, noticing that the taxi has not moved since he left it. Saul tells Skyler that he'll assign his "A-team" to deal with Ted and sends Kuby and Huell. For what?! Kim steals one last glimpse of Jimmy as she turns a corner of the prison. There are a number of exceptions to the (attorney-client) privilege in most jurisdictions, chief among them: the communication was made, reddit.com/r/betterCallSaul/comments/wowrfd/. Walter White is one the biggest criminals in American history. Seeing his old colleagues talking about the recent changes only serve to fuel the dilemma. Faced with a threat by Marion to call the police, he rips the phone cord out of her wall and backs her into a corner as she threatens to summon the police with her LifeAlert pendant. Saul has Huell and Kuby collect Walt's money from the storage bin, and Walt gives Saul a cut of the earnings, and a little extra that's meant for Walt as "insurance" in case Walt needs Saul later on. You didn't get it. It's kind of obvious why Saul had to leave. Fifty-year-old high school chemistry teacher comes into my office. He then rummages around for a VHS tape inside a shoebox, which plays his TV ads from back in the days when he was still a lawyer. Sure, the Feds are a concern and he would definitely be facing lots of charges (especially considering he's one of the last ones alive that can actually face charges) but I think it's more so about the criminals. After several attempts, Gene sits against the wall and finds a rusty nail. Hi. They certainly could have questioned him about certain other matters, but not about the core of their investigation. Lalo agrees. Really it's more likely no one is even after him. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Walt returns Jesses half of the deal's money, coldly informing both of them that he has now accepted Guss offer and will be cutting Jesse out of the business. When he ends the call and Kim asks him who he was talking to, Jimmy tells her the truth about his desert trek with Mike. They can hide in plain sight. ("Marco", "Switch"), Jimmy openly agitates his landlady, Mrs. Nguyen, and tears down his door sign. And it gets better! During the meeting, Howard agrees to take the case and pay Jimmy 20% of the common fund share of the final settlement, plus twenty thousand dollars as a "consulting fee" for the work he has already spent building the case against Sandpiper, which Jimmy happily agrees too. 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why did saul goodman go into hiding