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what happened to the housekeeper in argo

While wed backstopped the cover story to the hilt, the people we really wanted to convince were those six American diplomats. "I'm not conceding anything," Taylor told the AP. Alex Murdaugh Charged With Swindling Sons of Dead Housekeeper Mr. Murdaugh, the scion of a legal dynasty in South Carolina, is accused of pocketing about $2.8 million in settlement money that was. He said CIA agent Tony Mendez, played by Affleck in the film, was only in Iran for a day and a half. What is ninety-nine per cent of two hundred? Ken Taylor, the Canadian ambassador to Iran who concealed a group of Americans at his home during the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis, died Thursday. Many of the incidents used to build tension at the bazaar and at the airport did not take place. The discussion should include criticisms of the film as historical fiction if the audience takes it to be the definitive story of the hostage crisis because it focuses on the rescue of six diplomats taking the focus away from more important issues such as the reason for Iranian hostility to the U.S. and the plight of the 52 hostages held at the embassy. Your gov at work, kids. Fans have taken to Twitter to share their thoughts on the new take on the classic housekeeper. 2023 Oscar nomination predictions: Who will take the top spots? "I would hope he would. And a few days later, Sam got into a screaming fight with the housekeeper, who was also Thai. I think a lot of Middle Eastern roles are often associated with the publics narrow view of Middle Easterners. This is the side of Iran that Americans need to see, particularly in a film depicting a CIA intervention in Iran. On Nov. 4, 1979, outraged that the despised Shah had been admitted to the United States for medical care after fleeing the country, thousands of Iranians stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. The Canadian ambassador, Ken Taylor, hid them in his home until they were smuggled out of the country 79 days after the takeover of the embassy by Iranian militants. But for me, Argo is also a peek into a nightmarish alternate universe of how things might have been. All opinions are acceptable. TWM recommends this film only for the purpose of showing students some of the risks of getting history through movies that are based on real events, even if the facts presented in the film are themselves reasonably accurate. He was 81. Brutal. The Associated Press contributed to this report. There is no one correct response. "He's a good director. Taylor said it was Sheardown who took the first call from the American diplomats who had evaded capture when Iranian militants seized the U.S. Embassy in November 1979, and agreed right away to. Write an opinion essay about which group you determine to have been most responsible for the success of the exfiltration plan. In the end, it wasnt a dramatic rescue, but the no-less-incredible maneuvers of international diplomacy that led to my release, as well as that of my companions. Links to the Internet When Tony Mendez arrived on Jan. 26, 1980, we were ready to leave. The Daily Beast obtained a letter written to SLED, in which Hampton County . It was manned by Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Percy Jackson, and Annabeth Chase. after. They had just gotten their visas to come to America when the hostage crisis happened. The addition of an LGBTQ core character to an ensemble comedy in 1985 - right in the midst of the AIDS epidemic - would have been . Certainly, the U.S. experience with Iran since the Second World War is an example of one risk, i.e., that the country is turned into an implacable foe and that thereafter, the intervening country has little ability to influence its actions. Sitting in the Samuel Goldwyn Theater, lost in the excitement of the movie, I didnt miss him any more than someone not familiar with the true story. The play opened in Los Angeles before moving on to Broadway, where it ran from March until July 2011. But Sahar does not get to Canada. What has happened to rate of alcohol-related fatal traffic crashes among drivers ages 16-20 over the laste 20 years? They said it was treated as routine on both ends both by the people who gave them the orders and by the Iranians and Iraqis who signed for the weapons on the other end. Iranian staff at the embassy, who deduced the guests identities as The kitchen was exposed to the front sidewalk. Elizabeth Taylor's "lucky charm" Oscar dress found in suitcase in London, "Argo," "Zero Dark Thirty" win at Writers Guild Awards. In 1992, after Mrs Norris was petrified by Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk, Filch was furious; however, his cat was . And oh, those wacky Arab countries!). Portrayed by. Full-time housekeeper salaries range from $25,000 to $60,000. All those left on the other side of events can do is react to the mess thats left behind. How long have these six Canadians been here? they ask her. In New York, Vand put herself on tape forArgoand got a callback for a movie widely pegged as an almost certain nominee for next years best picture Oscar. She is an amalgamation(fictional representation) of several Categories. At the end of the viewing I went to, the audience burst into a loud round of applause. Menu. Etc. Cleric says Srought Due to Hejab Violations, Wife Decapitator Given Just 7-1/2 Years in Prison, Quintuplets Dad Lauded by Regime for More Kids, Syria tells Iran not to attack Israel from Syria, Iran said to be disliked in Iraq even by now disdainful Shiites, Iran sees Syria as anti-Israel Shiite bastion, Tehrans relations with Taliban seen as adequate, Regime ups pensions by 38% after protests, Physician says medical license revoked because he didnt charge the poor, Amnesty says fourth of all women executed in Iran are hanged for killing husbands, Irans talks with Saudis seem to reach an impasse, In Biggest Privatization, Govt Sells Govt Plant to yet Another Govt Agency, Oji Says not Enough Gas to Keep Everyone Warm this Winter, FATF Stops Iran from Building Housing in Syria, Founder of IB Tauris publisher dies at 80 years, Sweden convicts Iranians as spies for Russians, Chess unhappy with support for Iran protests, 21st Century Iranian scientist outdoes alchemists; makes gold with microbes. Could I have survived three months under the stressful conditions depicted in the film? This is third in a series of six stories examining the oil spill in 1976 of tanker Argo Merchant resulting in the creation of the Office of Response and Restoration.. Dec. 14, 2016 -- When the Argo Merchant ran aground on Nantucket Shoals off Massachusetts early on Dec. 15, 1976, and spilled nearly 8 million gallons of heavy fuel oil, it became the worst marine oil spill the United States had . As we all heard Vice President Joe Biden articulate last week in the debates, the facts matter.. Sahar doesnt take long to figure out that the six guests of the ambassadorwho never leave the houseare not ordinary guests. The discussion should also include a mention of the failure of the film to fully acknowledge the role of Ambassador Taylor and the Canadian government in protecting and freeing the hostages. Required fields are marked *. Written by HomeAdvisor. Sahar doesn't take long to figure out that the six guests of the ambassadorwho never leave the houseare not ordinary guests. Bridges to Reading The. TORONTO -- Ken Taylor, Canada's ambassador to Iran who sheltered Americans at his residence during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis has died. The four "Golden Girls" were originally supposed to be accompanied by a live-in gay housekeeper named Coco who would have been be in charge of the cooking, the cleaning, and his share of the sassy comebacks. The voice-over at the beginning of the film, which outlines the nature of the U.S./Iran conflict, serves to provide background information for the story. Available from Amazon.com. The original postscript of the movie said that Taylor received 112 citations and awards for his work in freeing the hostages and suggested Taylor didn't deserve them because the movie ends with the CIA deciding to let Canada have the credit for helping the Americans escape. Jodi Bishop knows success. With careful scaffolding, the film can also be a platform from which students can explore lessons about the risks of causing regime change in other countries and U.S./Iranian relations since WWII. Students will evaluate a work of historical fiction and gain an understanding of the history of the difficult relationship between the U.S. and Iran over the last 60 years. The "Canadian Caper" was the joint covert rescue by the Canadian government and the CIA of six American diplomats who had evaded capture during the seizure of the United States embassy in Tehran, Iran, on November 4, 1979, after the Iranian Revolution, when Islamist students took most of the American embassy personnel hostage, demanding the return of the US-backed Shah for trial. Period," Taylor said. My wife Cora as well as Joe and Kathy Stafford, two other embassy employees, followed his lead. Furthermore, our presence was becoming an impediment to a possible negotiated hostage releasebecause if somehow there had been a breakthrough in the negotiations, the United States would have had to acknowledge our existence and ask us to be released, too. She was angry enough now, he said, that she might turn us in to the local revolutionary committee, or komiteh. But those two seemed like throwaways, and Tony did not try too hard to sell us on them. Sam and the housekeeper got into a screaming fight and she'd stormed off. He deserves it. During the 410 days that I was held hostage in Iran, the most common escape scenario I played in my head involved the door of my cell bursting open in the dead of night to reveal a group of heavily armed men who, with my now-husband Shane Bauer and friend Josh Fattal in tow, would lead us to a helicopter waiting nearby to fly us to safety. The opening of the film set out explicitly why the Iranian people were so angry, and gave a good 50 year history of the events leading up to the storming of the embassy. Lester's Housekeeper: Michael Parks . It never came to thatand John Sheardown may well be the indispensable reason why. He's shown here in 2012 in Washington, D.C., at the premiere of Argo, a film . In the case of Argo, the audience was not the Iranians but the houseguests [the 6 employees of the embassy] themselves. 1. He also agreed to go along with the CIA's film production cover story to get the Americans out of Iran. That night, lying in bed, it was still Sahar and her shattered life I thought about, though. There's nothing more a Canadian can say after the president says it. 4.2 (10,590 ratings) Try for $0.00. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. He added that he had sent Affleck an email on Saturday, saying he was pleased to hear that "Argo" has received international acclaim even though the debate still continues about the role Canada played. For all the good it does her. Did they go out thinking, Man, America should stop doing stupid things so it doesnt have to create crazy mad movie plots to rescue people? (The filmmakers took some liberties with the facts, Mr . The people in this house are all friends of Iran, she continues, thereby saving their lives. In the email, he said the dispute doesn't reflect on Affleck's skills as a director and wished him luck on Sunday. What is the likely fate of the character Sahar in Argo? Argo (2012) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Join an investigation into a cruel and heartless leader crawl through filth and mud to escape biological warfare team up with time-traveling soldiers faced with potentially life-altering instructions. Benefits of the Movie Among the new additions are memories of the Oct. 4 opening screening of "Argo" at the Sam Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, Calif. They believed in it, which gave them the confidence to carry it off. Heroine of 'Argo' is Iranian housekeeper Sahar is the housemaid in the home of the Canadian ambassador and his wife. Parenting Points They will never know she saved them. Of course, if any Iranian officials had actually checked, their story would have seemed legitimate. Taylor was the ambassador, I was embarrassed to realize. The prime minister, Joe Clark, had personally approved the offer of sanctuary, Taylor told us, and he said it was to the finish. I think Jimmy Carter has it about right, it was 90 percent Canada, 10 percent the CIA.". Portrait of the Architect in Ruins, which she created, directed and starred in for the Los Angeles Theatre Center in 2008, fashioned itself as an avant-garde theatrical interpretation of J.D. As the climax approaches, a suspicious revolutionary intelligence officer drives up to the ambassadors house and questions Sahar through the gate, very politely. There was no call by a Revolutionary Guard to Hollywood (although an office had been set up and the call would have been answered) and there was no chase of the plane by gun toting revolutionaries on the tarmac. I changed a line at the end because the caption at the end was disgraceful. He was conceived in the basement of a home in Poland where his parents and 10 other Jews hid out during World War II. She worried her boss would fire her for allowing strangers into the house. CIA creates SF movie ruse to smuggle people out of Iran? What happened to the maid at the Canadian embassy in Argo? Sahar about broke my heart. Don't ask me to clean your five-bedroom house and then say you need it done in two hours. There was a reason the Iranian revolution happened. But the 78-year-old Taylor added that given what's happened in the last few months, "I'm not necessarily anticipating anything.". Nina / Serksi the Gallactic Witch: Tom Lenk . Photo by Claire Folger/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. People are more forgiving when youre 26 than when youre 36, so now is the time to jump off that cliff. Argos stunning cinematography and incredibly realistic acting impressed and entertained me. In light of my many conversations as well as a change to an end card that Ken requested I am surprised that Ken continues to take issue with the film," Affleck said in the statement. 3. She represented those who saw the potentially damaging See also Assignments, Projects, and Activities for Use With any Film that is a Work of Fiction. She called that aspect of her role particularly meaningfulinterspersed with archival footage and illustrations, these moments detail a rising enmity between the US and Iran. One countrys freedom fighter is anothers terrorist. And in fact, its often our own actions that determine who takes up arms and who doesnt. Ive talked before about how the Iran/Iraq war was some of the inspiration for the conflict in Gods War, and it was that story of my relatives nonchalant gunrunning that made me realize that wars could be perpetuated almost indefiniately by outsiders, and that this was actually a very common occurence. The film is serving to remind the country of a . Disgraced South Carolina legal scion Alex Murdaugh plotted with another lawyer to steal $4 million from the children of his longtime housekeeper, who mysteriously died at the attorney's home in. Oh, whitewashing. Have students prepare and deliver, individually or in groups, five-minute class presentations on relevant topics. My friends are tired of that. (Be kind; Be compassionate and show you care; Express gratitude; Forgive others; Help people in need), (Do your share to make your school and community better; Cooperate; Stay informed; vote; Be a good neighbor; Obey laws and rules; Respect authority; Protect the environment), 1. The dialogue was punchy and witty, and again, the sheer craziness of this plan was so crazy that I could almost buy that it worked (I know, I know! Its only going to get scarier.. John and his wife, who sheltered four of the six Americans, are not represented in the movie. On the other hand, actress Sheila Vand, who plays an Iranian housekeeper in the film, told CBS Radio News that her role in "Argo" helps chip away at stereotypes for Middle Eastern characters. The Staffords went to the Taylor residence. After our introductions, I asked John whether his ambassador knew about us. Our living arrangements were comfortable. But knowing that this is what sold the cover story to the houseguests in the first place. In the meantime, the Iranian governments brutal repression of its people continues unabated, with hundreds upon hundreds of political prisoners illegally detained. For me, this young womans character represents the courage shown by ordinary people when they simply do the right thing, despite the consequences. 2013-09-08 02:15:26. Given the fact that the audience will take away from this film a vivid impression of the 1979-1981 Iran hostage crisis, do you think that, on the whole, this film improves the viewers understanding of the important historical events as they actually occurred? The Canadians played a major role in the rescue, issuing six fake passports for the diplomats (this required a secret act of the Canadian Parliament), creating Canadian identities for the American diplomats, and smuggling into Iran via diplomatic pouch materials to make the escape possible, such as the false passports, other false identification, disguise kits provided by the CIA, and movie paraphernalia to support the Argo cover story. Sept. 24, 2012 -- In his new autobiography, Arnold Schwarzenegger lays out exactly how he was blindsided by ex-wife Maria Shriver when she waited until he left office . Moral-Ethical Emphasis, Assignments and Projects The role of Sahar is played by Sheila Vand, a young Iranian-American actress. "I saw the movie Argo recently and I was taken aback by its distortion of what happened because almost everything that was heroic, or courageous or innovative was done by Canada and not the United States," Carter said. situation to their well-being and safety, yet continued to respond Any time is a tricky time to make a film about the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis, but at this particular moment, the stakes are as high as ever. Working with Hollywood producer Lester Siegel ( Alan Arkin) and makeup artist/director John Chambers ( John Goodman ), Mendez devises a plan to get the employees out of the country by having them pose as a production crew scouting locations for an unproduced science-fiction script called Argo. By Mike Miller. There's nothing much right from Day 1 I could do about the movie. On the other hand, actress Sheila Vand, who plays an Iranian housekeeper in the film, told CBS Radio News that her role in "Argo" helps chip away at stereotypes for Middle Eastern characters. I consider him a hero. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sam told us she did not understand the hostage situation, and he had decided that explaining it to her would make things worse. Meeting with President Carter. During the next week we changed locations five times. The Canadians were brave. 3. Who was the primary audience for the Argo cover used in this exfiltration? up together. We never made it there, because a demonstration blocked the way. There are also other examples of U.S. sponsored regime change that did not lead to lasting hostility, e.g., Chile in 1973. 2013 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. But this new house that Sam suggested was a guarantee of capture. What are the two applications of bifilar suspension? Gain access to and watch the Special Features information that has been released with the film. Without his enthusiastic welcome we might have tried to survive on our own a few more days. Gee, I wonder. And though I lamented this loose thread, I realized it was a purposeful one. Your email address will not be published. I understand, though, why he couldnt be there. Taylor became a hero in Canada and the United States afterward. Spoilers: The hostages get away! The British and New Zealand diplomats in Iran were also helpful. Is the commanders estimate of the situation is a clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the military end state? [Students who want to go further can read the book written by Tony Mendez, the CIA spymaster who planned and carried out the operation, Argo How the CIA and Hollywood Pulled Off the Most Audacious Rescue in History.]. My name, email, and website in this browser for the success of operation..., we were ready to leave our introductions, I was embarrassed to realize I went to, people. Local revolutionary committee, or komiteh turn us in to the mess thats behind... 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what happened to the housekeeper in argo