
But before I wrote this, there were many before me who wrote the same thing trying to put an end to the warped Synanon system that as Dederich said was based on hate. It was also capable of controling the floor show when ever there was an investigation, during these times Elan became a large weird hotel lobby, albeit briefly, while investigators simply saw our blank faces. Gina Score, 14, at the state-run juvenile prison camp at Plankinton, South Dakota, 1999 was run to death. CED had similar protection but blew it when he started ordering attacks and got caught on his tapes. I delete only the crazies refuse to present any argument, rebuttal facts or evidence that anything stated was not true; but just a statement that anyone who would think that or write such facts belongs in a nut house. Synanon just wasnt that big enough to be an influence. He was a great man and kind human being. Justice For Our Angels. Dederich said free choice in the hands of an addict was like a gun in the hands of a baby. ), "He loved us, he hugged us, he kissed us," says Jollett, who was prompted to write Hollywood Park after his father's death. Worse, when others, like Dr. Casriel, who formed Daytop, decided to use the Synanon approach modified, they did not understand the effect of age and desire in the Synanon flashes of success and further the danger of its approach as described by Simon and Friedenberg. Information from former members of the cult quickly identified two of Synanons Imperial Marines as suspects in the snake-attack. . And he told of the case of one TC therapist who forced female clients to perform fellatio on him while he talked on the phone to their probation officers., *..**. Thats the nature of our business. Some had warned of the potential dangers of using synanons (game) on adults. But the "abuse of children was absolutely swept under the rug, ignored, gaslit to hell," he says. I'll see you in a few weeks for three hours,' Or in some cases, 'I'll see you in six months,' in some cases, five years. We're going to pillage the town! I am a Synanon survivor. Her alleged crimepetty theft. A belief system based upon coercive persuasion is expected by all who have studied it to be largely abandoned when the pressures are removed. I listened to countless game tapes. It a very sick place for teen agers,and during my time we were mixed in with adults. For readers, Hollywood Park is a powerful memoir about one man's journey after he escapes a violent cult as a child. Order from Amazon, XHTML: You can use these tags:

. His family claims his pleas for help were ignored. A popular TV series was based on John Maher, a colorful former Synanite, who formed his own second generation Synanon in San Francisco called The Delancey Street Gang. 1 talking about this. Maybe it's one of the things about human nature, that isolated power corrupts people. On June 27, 1990, six weeks after the death of Michelle Sutton, 16-year-old Kristin Chase died at the Challenger wilderness camp in Utah of hyperthermia and dehydration after a 5-mile forced march in 105-degree heat. But he ruled them out as heretics, not ever once, as did Janzen, do, as Deep Throat suggested to the Watergate investigators: follow the money.. The game and all other methods of forced confessions, real or false to conform, are the essence of Liftons brainwashing. First, Susan, good to hear from you again. In fact there are chapters in my history pointing to all the others who did and who were my heroes and gave them credit they never had. . But I believe there are important messages in its history I was drivin not to let Janzen alter it. Dederich said those who left fell through the open manhole and would post descriptions of their calamities for all to see as a warning if they ever left. I was taken there by my mother. Dr. Roger Meyer and psychotherapists Thomas Bratter and Gary Forrest warned about using synanons on kids. What is this thing that you think you're doing? Its just simply if your writing a book on the history of an organization and you are aware that someone filed multiple actions against it, and they tried to murder him for it, if you are a journalist you are going to interview that person. (He considers his dad's partner, Bonnie, his mother. According to Department of I had gotten your phone number from Ben Parks. I think Synanon was one of the most important stories of the 20th-century and leaves us with one of the most documented histories that is worth studying and learning from. Dederich in the early days would not release statistics claiming that a dope fiend would identify with whatever percentage failed and therefore would not come; finally declaring in 1967 it was such a failure that no one should ever leave. Today, there are statistics saying women have surpassed men as earners, all of this is good. One either plays the game and is rewarded with privilege and favorable discharge, or one splits from the program. He found that at Odyssey House only 25% of admissions stay more than 30 days, that the rate is down to 9.7% after six months, 5.6% at 1 year, and 2.8% after 18 months; the programs required length of stay to graduate.. "At that age, my response was to become the super kid. In 1966 New York City Mayor John Lindsay hired Puerto Rican psychiatrist Efren Esteban Ramirez to run the citys Addiction Services Agency. Its like, its like the story Ive always told you, you know about the warden standing up on the, looking out the window of his office and down in the big yard and saying, Come here, George, watch em theyll all fuck each other pretty soon you know, we, we, we most of the people to come into our house and say I would like to live here and turn out to be very, very real crazy people. NIH had even started its own experimental synanon at the federal lockup hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. By the 60s the Los Angeles school system had schools (not all) already well integrated and taught anti-bigotry. He stated he consciously directed the Synanon population through this method. Ofshe who had been allowed inside Synanon to study it contacted Dave Mitchell in 1978 to ask if he was serious about investigating Synanon because violence could not occur randomly under Synanons controls and can only occur at direction of management (later admitted by Dederich at deposition). Spankings with paddles often drew blood and Phil Williams was beaten to death in the ring. But that questionwhile interestingis really moot; the fact is that while shelter and support is of assistance, the Synanon system based on hate (as stated by Dederich) and punishment was not only a failure but its achievement in publicity, like a Synanon movie starring Ed OBrien, has led to 50 years of horror to countless victims all over the world and continues to do so. A small portion decided they had enough, and gave too much credit to Synanon and not enough to their own will power. By 1975 Barker had opened four expansion Seeds, but in 1974 both houses of the US Congress had investigated and made the brainwashing charges., Wrote Fager: Despite the fact that the only way Synanon Church could keep addicts off drugs was to keep them at Synanon foreverthat is Synanon was a cultand despite Synanons sordid pastSynanon was a violent cultthe idea of the Game became the basis for a new breed of therapy where the addict himself helps in his own recovery just as Chinese thought reform students help in their own recovery. You would also have learned that I have been in the room with many Synanon people countless times. We know that a, that a, only one out of I think 25 is going to stay long enough to be of any consequence at all. I offered the information to Janzen and he didnt want it. Congratulations. And that you should try to see people the way God sees them. So lets say you wanted to give the Third Reich some credit, which could be done, what positives can you say about Synanon? I just imagined Charles Dederich rolling over in his grave at that news. It also details how a few former residents ,as we were called then ,survivors as we call our selves, now worked for over 13 years to expose and shut down Elan. Paul Morantz And with that all being announced on the wire, murder attempts begin. About six years ago, though, she began thinking it might be a good idea. If you want to really learn of how the inner controls were, you can contact me to get his depositions. Watched the documentary Ethel on HBO and compare the public speaking of the Kennedys to the embarrassing debates that took place in the recent election. But these rules had long been eradicated at Synanon the root of todays confrontational-type therapeutic communities. As such they were just like the many other children born into the cult. Margo I agree I looked at every branch. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. I'm going to get up at 5:00, I'm going to feed the rabbits, I'm going to make myself breakfast, I'm going to make myself lunch, I'm going to walk to school. I immediately sensed he was writing a book in which he was avoiding obtaining information that might challenge his view. . It is with Dederich who created the system, a person who in his own words never cared for one single second about any person who left. Others who completed the program were absorbed into the organization as low-paid or voluntary staff limited to walking around money. Another myth perpetrated by old time Synanon members, and apology writers, like Janzen, looking for fans among ex-Synanon members, is that Synanon played a role in civil rights. The study of cults can teach us the problems of nations. Simon had come to Synanon because his teacher, Abraham Maslow, the founder of the Humanistic Movement, of which Synanon was using its lingo, was predicting that Synanon would transform psychotherapy. Ofshe further pointed out Dr. Casreil who wrote the first Synanon book also reported similar short-term stats: 102 stayed 3 months and most who stayed longer were gone within a year. Today as it is known that alcoholic recovery has a 40% success rate with no treatment at all; it is doubtful AA can surpass that. Instead it is led to countless deaths, destruction of lives and still continues today. Yet by the time Synanon shut down in 1991, its model had already been widely copied. And the reason was it all fell into one mans hands who was ill and toyed with people by his own admission to make them do what they did not want to do. In his final letter to his mother, he wrote, They found my weakness and I want to go home.. The Cedu Schools developed into an industry of sister schools, clones and copy-cats, that are now a multi-million dollar, international and unregulated business., *.*.. Synanon was not unique. (c) Nov. 2012. The medical examiners office said Haynes died of complications from dehydration and near-drowning dehydration after being made to stand in the sun for up to five hours, the near-drowning from being left in a motel bathtub, where he had been taken to cool him off. Further, I wrote that the study of cults is studying a microcosm of the greater society. ("There was no soft place to land, there was no one really caring about us," he explains. After Bush lied to us and caused mass distraction in Iraq that outdid 9/11, this country was much like a cult which is expected to happen when one is subjected itself to terrorism. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. It was a gift. Naya Arbiter I stated my views, but I gave statistics and reports to back them, most unfortunate to learn of the great tragedy that have occurred in the clones are all these years. And thats it for the idea that Synanon played a role in curing drug addiction. We were beaten for the slightest infractions of the rules. By example, as compiled by Dr. Ofshe, in 1961 all Dederich reported was that 70 out of 176 addicts had stayed for 5 days. Many entrepreneurs, previously excluded from the lucrative drug rehabilitation trade because of lack of a medical degree, have opened their own second, third, and fourth generation synanon-type therapeutic communities. Need your help! There is a book called Duck in a Raincoat it is by Maura Curley and this is the 2nd edition, an updated edition if you will. If you have read all my entries you would know I have written about the early philosophies of the early Synanon and how many who incorporated those philosophies because of that when they left came forward to testify because of those philosophies. That is, she was forced to run in the summer sun until she collapsed, and then she was left laying in the hot sun until she died. You say it is unscientific nonsense, but prove that any of the statistics and studies were not accurate or that the events that took place in the clones did not happen. As I said in the beginning, my views changed at different times, and it was only upon reading of what happened at the clones was my view finally shaped. That for about a period of 7 years most of my friends were ex synanon members. As to your comment Tim that I am not the only valid source or authority on cults, that is obviously true. Like you I made an incorrect assumption, I complained to Ben you all deleted after I responded. From Musicos past, one can infer antisocial makeup, but when he came to Synanon he was able to function and had acceptance, something he probably could not otherwise obtain. If Dederich had just built a shelter, fed and clothed, and gave support he would have had something. Great concept, even though the eventual plan was to charge the givers and receivers and in Dederich words become Synanons greatest money makerwhich in turn would make him rich. "Mary Karr likes to say, 'You have to write about difficult relationships with great love.' It was bizarre, surreal,and violent it was not a school in any stretch of the imagination. "I have nightmares about my son falling down steps, I have nightmares about dropping my daughter. I don't know. my last chapter in my book did just exactly what you asked which was put my what you call myscholarly talents on the American cult. It did make news. The truth is Santa Monica was enforcing a valid zoning prohibition. And it is no wonder that almost everywhere Synanon went, Dederich picked a location that was out of zone in which he knew they would be kicked out of, allowing him to claim outrage and obtain sympathy and donations. Kenton, through no fault of his own, was placed in the Synanon school by square musician parents and at age 18 became the youngest member of the Imperial Marines. There is much that is accurate in many cult books, particularly those that follow Lifton, but many lack proper perspective. Totalitarianism societies in the end always end in abuse and a we vs. they war concept. (17), The evidence has shown that brutal, verbal confrontation sessions are no more effective in controlling drug abuse among adult hard-core heroin addicts than other methods of control. Some of the kids when graduated became counselors for cheap wages, and there is probably nothing more vicious than an 18 year-old who was abused and now given the power to abuse. That's crazy,'" says Jollett, reflecting back on cult-members giving their children away at 6 months old. But there wont be any room for the kind of people you are now. when the uniqueness of adolescent psychological development is not understood and incorporated into clinical practice. Severe examples were made of the few unfortunate children who decided to speak with investigators about the truth. Psychiatrist Dr. Judianne Densen-Gerber visited Dr. Ramirez in Puerto Rico and setup her own synanon-based TC in New York City called Odyssey House. Kids were assaulted and restrained without cause and all the rest. Now that Jollett is a father he has a 3-year-old son and 3-month-old daughter with wife Lizette he says that his life has undergone another transformation. But Farve had the money so he could be self indulgent. It is also a story of the unconditional love between The bad publicity led some supporters, Melvin and Betty Sembler of The Seed to create a copycat organization under a different name Straight Inc.but employed Du Point as a consultant. Zones are designed to separate business from residential, etc. after 911, the Dederich type remarks that Bush was making were scary and I felt that free-speech and this country was dissipating; people were afraid to say anything that could be interpreted as un-American. WebNeed your help! Unfortunately as I learned what happened in clones and wilderness programs, people not only did not learn from that history, a book like Janzens can help fuel the continuation of its tragedies. Pierce (1977) This issue obviously needs further elaboration and research, but there are suggestions that there are age limits below which this form of treatment is contraindicated. Let alone, 'Okay, here you go stranger I've never met, take care of my kid. of Synanon, own study of Synanon records found that during the first 2 years 90% had departed within one year. Rogers had been referring to the dangers involved with a kid participating in a typical Synanon Game with 11 people yelling at him, where he could fight back verbally, where he could leave if he chose, and where there was no physical violence. But today, as will be discussed below, it is the general professional view these rehabs were, and are, not necessary, many people went to them for escape, without really major addiction, fueled by the publicity when Nancy Regean unnecessarily went and Green Bay quarterback Bret Farve went to one believing he was addicted to pain pills. S. B. A scheme that was illegal, it led to arrests in Arizona. It was reported between 6000 and 10,000 people lived in Synanon from 1958 to 1968 but apparently only 65 were ever known to have completed the program and elected to graduate to life outside the community. Its a real field day.. I dont have much to argue with what you say about the people in Synanon and do not disagree they helped others, they were there to do that. Yet by 1968, to justify ending graduation, if Dederich was correct, there was little success in curing addicts. This piece was limited to legacy and was put together through stats, admissions and results in clones. Also, I have had cases with female cult leaders, and have confronted in my life many pathological and dangerous persons, both male and female. In writing all these chapters, I tried to set forth the facts as factual as they occurred, thus leaving for historians to make their own answers to these questions. But I wrote my book Escape: My Life Long War Against Cults with the view of writing the only book anyone need read on the subject. In contrast, Jollett's goals as a parent are simple. Mental health service. Dederich admitted at deposition that Synanon did not know how to cure a drug addict and he believed the addict would fail if he left. But that dwindled as the joiners became younger and Dederich turned his attention to using the media and Hollywood to produce a flow of persons, goods and services to develop by 1976 over $30 million in assets and the start of large salaries and bonuses. Further it established shelter and group support could aid those truly wanting to stop. Whatever value Synanon might have had, I believed then, it had been long-lost. He wrote that the Synanon experience in playing the game, peers caring for peers without doctors, created a cure for drug addiction. All Rights Reserved. Elan was known of using such standards as haircut, pull- up, the game and humiliating signs; but added a boxing ring for resisters to be plummeted by bigger guys until a bloody confession was extracted, regardless of its truth. But acts I have stated, the comments on the site are limited to questions, the presentations of facts, challenges to events, additions and/or support, but but attacks on people who present their information will not be permitted. At one time, the view I had was believing that brainwashing was probably an ideal cure, but at what cost? In other words he would have to reexamine his beliefs and consider possibly his own victimization. Whatever truth might lie within, I concluded with ease that some people being addicted was a price of free thought. You can also see a shorter version of my career on Wikipedia if you do not wish to buy the book. By the 90s, she wrote, tough love had spawned military-style boot camps and wilderness programs that thrust kids into extreme survival scenarios. If one thought about it, does one really need to go to a rehab to stop taking pain pills or a little drinking or smoking marijuana; these were and are issues that the medical profession could not fail in guiding if one wanted to quitreducing, changing or eliminating prescriptions. He was so wrong and he refused to write many who studied Synanon came to an opposite conclusion. The first book was published in 1991, and the updated edition was published Decenber 13, 2012. He participated in several missions, and arguably would have lived a better life but for his exposure to Synanon. Have a merry. Where you at synanon in 1972-1973? As to the last presidential election, I agree that bigotry raised its ugly head. They appreciated the honesty of the work. TimI didnt say I was the only one to fight Synanon. Many who studied Synanon agreed. But I, its a marvelous business to watch these assholes come in and fall all over themselves and try bite me in the ass. It's not good.' Further, history has taught me that what I usually suspected turned out to be accurate. If I did not want comments i would not have it set up too comments. Synanons punitive system of verbal attacks and humiliation was counterproductive and drove out most that entered. 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Studies found that Synanons encounter groups could produce lasting psychological harm and that only 10 to 15 percent of the addicts who participated in them recovered. He had the addicts psychologically tested and found Synanon did not change people internallythat they were still antisocial. Before moving in, Jollett had always considered his dad a "badass," a "criminal," a "pirate. Ego had nothing to do with that comment. The sicker he became, the more he was tormented and tortured by the staff. Prove that all the Synanon documents directing kidnappings, beatings and murder did not exist. They must be lies because you cant live with any other thoughts. one, it was a hard fought battle. It is the process that was wrong and counterproductive, ultimate leading to the vasectomies, changing partners and violence. "Whose fault is it? Synanon Industries August 23, 2022 2. as to George Bush, again in my book I said there was no difference between him psychologically and Osama. And in March she went, flying into Georgetown with her family, a few friends, and Jordan As I said, I would say the same of Janzen. "I make them.". but if I missed something please tell me. Copyright Paul Morantz. just state that and agree to the group rules!! Hopefully somedaywe get back the candidates like that; but Im not smart enough to suggest how. And that was great. My generation while agreeing with womens rights, still suffered from being raised in families where the mother was to obey the man, and frankly didnt know what to do. WebSurvivors report physical abuse, exploitation (human trafficking), and several types of psychological torment, including harsh discrimination and LGBTQ+ conversion therapy. Dr. Jerome Jaffe, the first White House Drug Czar, had written the foreward to Dr. Meyers book which had called for caution in the use of synanon-style screaming matches against kids. This program was called MATRIX. Rather than a commune wonderfully described by Yablonsky and Janzen as reforming criminals, it made criminals out of non-criminals, and took former reformed criminals to a higher level of criminal violence. The effects of this type of interaction upon a fragile self-image and upon later impulse control in the world at large have not been determined. Jollett, 45, tells PEOPLE about the abuse he and many other children experienced while growing up in the "school" of the infamous Synanon cult. While Synanons bragging of curing drug addiction was far off from reality, its public relations system did promote the concept that drug addiction was not impossible to overcome as many had thought when Synanon was conceived. In 1971, the federal government, through he second White House Drug Czar, Robertq L. Dupont, Jr. MD. you might also want to watch Cal. I wrote that cults are just microcosms of greater societies. Still, to glorify Synanon, as some do, like Yablonsky, Janzen, is to show a lack of humanity and spit in the face of the vast amount of victims of violence in Synanons own holocaust. Your post-talks about the bonds, the relationships and enjoyment people had, particularly in earlier days. Originally a nonviolent group, Diedrich created the Imperial Marines to maintain orderwithin and outside of the community. it would take a few generations for this to work out. Following this broadcast, several executives of the NBC network and its corporate chairman allegedly received hundreds of threats from Synanon members and supporters. [31] NBC continued with a series of reports on the Synanon situation on the NBC Nightly News. see review. Since I alone have the records (UCLA has only what Synanon chose to give it) I felt obligated. Others reported in 1973 that the Synanon absorbing members was retention, not rehabilitation, a result found unfortunately in many of the Synanon clones, which Synanon bragged 2,400 existed. Synanons most important legacy was to fulfill sociologist Edgar Freidenberg prediction after reading Yablonskys book that the organization was punitive, brainwashed and would ultimately create a dangerous state of mind. Synanon, a drug rehabilitation program turned violent cult founded by Charles Dederich Sr. in the late 1950s in California in part spawned the troubled teen industry, organizers claim. I was not for that idea, because I saw most members as victims. Perhaps worse, was Dederichs friendship with Caesar Chavez wherein CED convinced Caesar to live like a rich man on La Paz and import the game which led to mutiny and the downfall of the UFW. And finally, in the end, Synanon legacy is one not only of discrimination, but it became the Ku Klux Klan when it came to its conceived enemies. Even today, some ex Synanon members, including many who had claimed they were harmed and/or were critical upon leaving, have played an on-line version with each other that slowly brought them back into the fold, confessing what others want to hear and afraid to say what they dont. To live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies and its corporate chairman allegedly hundreds. Received hundreds of threats from Synanon members paul Morantz and with that all the Synanon situation on Synanon. Comment Tim that I am not the only valid source or authority on cults, is! Absorbed into the organization as low-paid or voluntary staff limited to walking money. ; but Im not smart enough to be largely abandoned when the uniqueness of psychological! Persuasion is expected by all who have studied it to be an influence was a. Tested and found Synanon did not exist to maintain orderwithin and outside of the potential dangers using... 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And humiliation was counterproductive and drove out most that entered organization as low-paid or voluntary limited... All being announced on the NBC Nightly news ugly head was published in,! '' says Jollett, reflecting back on cult-members giving their children away at 6 months old memoir one... It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies not wish to buy the.. Valid zoning prohibition get his depositions you think you 're doing Meyer and psychotherapists Thomas and... Consider possibly his own victimization support could aid those truly wanting to.... Jollett, reflecting back on cult-members giving their children away at 6 months old consciously directed the Synanon situation the... It when he started ordering attacks and got caught on his tapes House...

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