
In making this request, counsel noted that defendant had recently been released from prison and her future prison earnings would not be enough to pay a $10,000 fine during her term of incarceration. June 28, 2019 / 4:36 PM From this evidence, a reasonable inference arises that defendant was in on a plan to rob Montoya and Archuleta in an armed ambush that would involve physical violence. The day before the shooting, defendant and Montoya got into a "heated" argument. Cocaine Bear. with malice aforethought." During her time serving out her sentence, she started a romantic relationship with Daniel Dolla Carter, through conversations shared through the toilet pipes, surprisingly enough. var sc_invisible=1; As stated above, shes still legally married to her wife, but its not clear if theyre still together now that shes been released. A rational trier of fact could have found her guilty of this crime beyond a reasonable doubt. [Citation.] at pp. After going into a room, Baca pulled out a gun and told the people inside to give up their cellphones. 614-615), our Supreme Court has considered the following list of nonexclusive factors in determining whether a defendant acted with reckless indifference to human life: (1) a defendant's knowledge of weapons, and use and number of weapons; (2) a defendant's physical presence at the crime and opportunities to restrain the crime and/or aid the victim; (3) the duration of the felony; (4) a defendant's knowledge of the cohort's likelihood of killing; and (5) a defendant's efforts to minimize the risks of the violence during the felony. At Baca's direction, defendant drove to the San Francisco Bay Area. 489, 505 [seriousness of the crime supported maximum restitution fine where defendant was convicted of first degree murder with a robbery special circumstance]; Potts, supra, 6 Cal.5th at pp. Defendant was prosecuted for first degree murder under two theories: premeditated and deliberate murder as an aider and abettor and felony-murder as an aider and abettor of an armed robbery. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. We do not reweigh evidence or reevaluate a witness's credibility.' Authorities would later find and arrest Temme and Baca in Redwood City, chasing down the pair after a car and foot pursuit. (a), (e), 190.2, subds. According to Baller Alert, Sundermeyer has since been brought back into custody, for charges of escape from custody. Defendant referred to Archuleta as a "lame snake ass snitching ass bitch" and stated that she would be "gunnin" for Archuleta. He denied that the shooting occurred during a robbery of Montoya and Archuleta. "; and (5) " 'What did the defendant do after lethal force was used?' Defendant's intent to take the property must have been formed before or during the time she used force or fear. Temme, known on the show as Baby Girl, stopped short of saying she killed Montoya but described to producers how she died. To the contrary, the decision to conduct the robbery in a motel room, using a gun, tends to show that resistance and violence were anticipated. After Montoya dropped Ikon off, she and Archuleta met up with defendant and Baca at a different gas station. (People v. McCoy (2001) 25 Cal.4th 1111, 1116-1117.) And I know how to drive. Teemes detailed description of the violent scene from jail at Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center as she awaited trial marked the fourth episode of the Netflix documentary series Jailbirds. The series depicting life behind bars in Sacramento Countys jails has since been criticized as exploitative of jail inmates and has raised questions about the role Sacramento County Sheriffs Office played in allowing violence to escalate during filming inside its lockups. Prior to the statutory amendments enacted by Senate Bill No. " 'Evidence of a defendant's state of mind is almost inevitably circumstantial, but circumstantial evidence is as sufficient as direct evidence to support a conviction.' Not much has changed for Temme inside prison, though, as she's been officially convicted of the murder of her wife, according to CBS Sacramento. 'Although it is the jury's duty to acquit a defendant if it finds the circumstantial evidence susceptible of two reasonable interpretations, one of which suggests guilt and the other innocence, it is the jury, not the appellate court that must be convinced of the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Defendant contends her convictions for the murder of Montoya and the robbery of Archuleta must be reversed for insufficient evidence. at p. at p. 1172) because the prohibition "punishes indigent defendants in a way that it does not punish wealthy defendants" (id. ), We also reject defendant's alternative contention that the trial court abused its discretion in imposing the maximum restitution fine because there was no substantial evidence that she could pay this fine during her term of incarceration. Haslams sentence was six months in total. (a)(17), (d).) Relying on People v. Dueas (2019) 30 Cal.App.5th 1157, defendant contends that her due process rights were violated when the trial court imposed the statutory maximum restitution fine of $10,000 without holding a hearing requiring the prosecution to prove her ability to pay this fine. Because Baca believed that she was trying to rob and kill him, he immediately pulled out his gun and shot her. Viewers of Jailbirds will recall Baby Girl sharing some disturbing details from the shooting with producers: Im here for a murder and robbery. (People v. DeFrance (2008) 167 Cal.App.4th 486, 505 (DeFrance) [no abuse of discretion in imposing maximum restitution fine where the trial court considered not only inability to pay but also the seriousness of the crime and no inability to ever pay the fine was shown]; People v. Lewis (2009) 46 Cal.4th 1255, 1259, 1321 [no abuse of discretion in imposing maximum restitution given defendant's crime (special circumstances rape-murder) and evidence he would have funds in the future to pay the fine]. at pp. 614. While on the show, Coatney said, [Me and four others] went to a house [to get weed] Coatney was in the car as the house was robbed by the people she was with, she explained. The incident happened back in March 2017. And I'll never forget her face. No evidence was presented about his awareness of the past experience or conduct of Ervin, the shooter. At that time, Archuleta was in custody for a felony she committed in 2018. Copyright 2023 Distractify. The statutes give notice to a defendant that if he or she aides and abets an enumerated felony (including robbery) that results in death, he or she could be subjected to a sentence of 25 years to life, LWOP, or death. Defendant or Baca grabbed Archuleta's cell phone and they fled the murder scene in Montoya's car. [] Among the factors which may be considered in making the determination of aiding and abetting are: presence at the scene of the crime, companionship, and conduct before and after the offense.' An older man and woman was running out of the house, she continued, and my male co-defendants ran out and one of them proceeded to open fire on the man in the driveway., That older man, along with two other family members, ended up being killed. . "A defendant may raise a substantive due process challenge based on a vague statute that fails to provide reasonable notice or creates a danger of arbitrary application. Under these circumstances, the brief duration does not weigh in favor of defendant and is arguably irrelevant. I chose to commit crimes, I chose to gang bang, I chose to live a life thats different from your average citizen, so therefore I know the consequences. (Maynard v. Cartwright (1988) 486 U.S. 356, 361.). Gavin Newsom likes to bash Texas. The record strongly supports the inference that defendant knew a gun would be used in the robbery, and there was evidence defendant knew that Baca was likely to kill during the robbery. A review of security camera footage revealed that defendant, Baca, Montoya, and Archuleta arrived at the Surf Motel in Montoya's car at 9:07 p.m. on the evening of the shooting. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". (See 189, subds. In March 2017 defendant was dating Baca, who was a tattoo artist and drug dealer. Then I left. (Super. Immediately after Baca shot Montoya, defendant went through her pockets and took everything she had, including her car key. Sentencing is set for June 28, 2019, at 11:00 a.m. in Department 34 before the Honorable Ernest Sawtelle. (See People v. Blankenship (1989) 213 Cal.App.3d 992, 997 ["A defendant's due process rights are protected when the probation report gives notice of the amount of restitution expected to be ordered . I hope she haunts you. According to TMZ, Hawkins was arrested in Elk Grove County, California on May 17, after she was caught allegely trying to open a bank account using an ID with someone elses name on it. " 'The felony-murder doctrine, whose ostensible purpose [was] to deter those engaged in felonies from killing negligently or accidentally, operate[d] to posit the existence of that crucial mental stateand thereby to render irrelevant evidence of actual malice or the lack thereofwhen the killer is engaged in a felony whose inherent danger to human life renders logical an imputation of malice on the part of all who commit it.' These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. A loaded firearm magazine was found on Baca's person and a loaded handgun was found along the route Baca had taken while fleeing on foot. ), As previously indicated, robbery involves the taking of personal property in the possession of another, from his person or immediate presence, and against his will, with the intent to permanently deprive accomplished by means of force or fear. 613-614.) The letters were written by "Harliquinn Baby Girl" and "B.G." at pp. . "; (2) " 'What role did the defendant have in supplying or using lethal weapons?' On March 18, 2017, Temme and Montoya got into a heated argument in the presence of defendant and Temme's aunt, Melodie Clark. Montoya then entered the room and defendant closed the door. Rebecca Temme, Self: Jailbirds. In so concluding, the court noted that no evidence was introduced establishing the defendant's role in planning the robbery or in procuring weapons, and that during the robbery and murder he was absent from the scene, sitting in a car and waiting. On appeal, defendant contends her murder conviction and one of her robbery convictions must be reversed for insufficient evidence. She has a scheduled court date of May 31. (a).) var sc_project=9095613; Temme, as well as her co-defendant, are facing a. IAB_Category: 'IAB1', (People v. Clark (2016) 63 Cal.4th 522, 615 (Clark).) 80.) (a)(17), (c) & (d); see also CALCRIM No. After going into a room, Baca pulled out a gun and told the people inside to give up their cellphones. First, we may infer from the court's statement regarding defendant's ability to work that the court found she was able to pay the fine. ' " (Clark, supra, 63 Cal.4th at p. One of the two also took Archuleta's cell phone after the shooting. Monster! Like literally everywhere I go. (Id. They both received a life sentence without the possibility of parole in June. Defendant drove and he sat in the front passenger seat. at p. ALSO:Netflix Takes Viewers Inside Sacramento County Jail. Assuming defendant earns the highest rate of $56 per month, the amount deducted for credit against her restitution fine will be $22.40 per month. Tuesday, the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office announced that a jury had found Baca and Temme guilty of first-degree murder charges with the special circumstance that it was committed during a robbery. The defendant drove away, leaving Ervin to be apprehended in the parking lot by an officer who heard the gunshot while on patrol near the store. Instead, the defendant must consciously disregard a substantial and unjustifiable risk to human life. That jailbirds cliffhanger left viewers in shock of how much Baby Girl's, or Rebecca Temme's, relationship with her sister had changed. Carter was serving out a life sentence for attempted murder at the time of the shows filming; it was his first jail stint. As KOVR reports, Rebecca "Baby Girl" Temme was recently found guilty of a first-degree murder charge stemming from a shooting at a Sacramento-area motel in 2017. And I know how to drive. Baca and Temme also allegedly demanded a woman's car keys. Its a just and proper sentence, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Ernest Sawtelle said during the sentencing. Code, 211) and first degree murder ( 187, subd. [Citation.] Here are the latest totals. NOT TO BE PUBLISHED California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). (a)(1)-(2).) at p. 808; see also Clark, supra, 63 Cal.4th at pp. Trending on RT. 618-623.) We find no basis for reversal. 2.) In response, the trial court imposed the recommended maximum restitution fine, explaining that it would not reduce the amount of the fine recommended by the probation officer because it appeared defendant was able-bodied and would be able to work while incarcerated. (People v. Lamoureux (2019) 42 Cal.App.5th 241, 248. The case status is Pending - Other Pending. Baca and Temme were found in the vehicle in the Bay Area city of Menlo Park, and the pair led officers on a high-speed pursuit. In response, Baca said that he did not want to have sex with defendant, explaining that he did not "love her like that" and would not disrespect Montoya. She was a very outspoken person. (Ibid.) SACRAMENTO (CBS13) The two accused in the 2017 killing of a woman at a Sacramento motel have been convicted of murder. As we have outlined above, defense counsel said at the sentencing hearing that he had received the probation report recommending the $10,000 fine and was comfortable going forward on the issue. Defendant's procedural due process rights were not violated. 'a carjacking tutorial and instructed them that a resisting victim was to be shot.' 615. This timely appeal followed. ), As for the mens rea requirement of reckless indifference to human life, our Supreme Court has explained that a defendant must be " ' "subjectively aware that his or her participation in the felony involved a grave risk of death." This case involves the fatal shooting of defendant Rebecca Irene Temme's former girlfriend during an armed robbery perpetrated by defendant and her then-boyfriend, James Baca. Leonora Montoya, Martin said. var source = 'https://s.vi-serve.com/source.js', We are currently working on another Netflix Jailbirds update, so stay tuned! are principals in any crime so committed.' When Montoya called defendant, she was told that the tattoo Archuleta wanted would cost $30. ), Here, the underlying felony for purposes of first degree felony-murder liability was the armed robbery of Montoya and Archuleta at the Surf Motel. She was there because of an in-house infraction involving. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Although Rebecca mentions that the victim, Leonora Montoya, was her wife, I could find no confirmation that they were actually married in the numerous news articles about her arrest and conviction. Given defendant's apparent efforts to minimize violence and the relative paucity of other evidence to support a finding of reckless indifference to human life, we conclude that insufficient evidence supports the robbery-murder and burglary-murder special circumstance findings, and we therefore vacate them." According to Archuleta, Montoya did not do anything to provoke the shooting. As for Montoya, defendant stated: "I don't give a shit about that bitch. These are relevant factors expressly identified by section 1202.4 subdivision (d). When he and defendant met Montoya at a gas station, he became upset and walked away because he thought he was being set up, as he believed the two people with Montoya (i.e., Archuleta and Ikon) were men. (d); see also DeFrance, supra, 167 Cal.App.4th at p. 505; Potts, supra, 6 Cal.5th at p. Her sentence will be determined on June 28. As soon as the door was shut, Baca pulled out a gun, pointed it in the direction of Montoya and Archuleta, and ordered them to place their cell phones on the table. As modified, the judgment is affirmed. }, The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. !Thanks for watching please like comm. Turning to the reckless indifference element, after considering the relevant overlapping factors identified by our Supreme Court, we conclude that a rational jury could have reasonably found that defendant knowingly engaged in criminal activity that she knew involved a grave risk of death. [Citation.] we post and write thousands of news stories a year, most wanted stories, editorials (under categories - blog) and stories of exonerations. She was a very outspoken person. She said she's looking to prove her innocence an. 654.) Rebecca 'Baby Girl' Temme. 79.) We disagree. We disagree. " Rebecca Temme or ' Baby Girl' has had a rough and unfortunate upbringing which made her a complex character in the show. whether they directly commit the act constituting the offense, or aid and abet in its commission, . 190, subd. She just made some f---ed up decisions," Rebecca recalls. ( 187, subd. At 11:27 p.m., Baca sent a text message to someone using the name "Los Cervantes" indicating that he needed help "really bad." ), With respect to duration of the interaction between victims and perpetrators, the court noted the defendant planned the robbery for closing time, when most employees would be gone, and those who remained would be handcuffed in the bathroom. Cal. Applying the relevant factors identified by our Supreme Court, a rational jury could have reasonably concluded that defendant was a major participant in the robbery. Baca and Temme also allegedly demanded a woman's car keys. As for his apprehension the next day, Baca explained that a high-speed car chase ensued after he instructed defendant to "get up outta here" when police officers started to follow them. Defendant approached Montoya's car and said that Baca would not give Archuleta a tattoo because Montoya and Archuleta "weren't supposed to bring anybody with [them]." There was evidence that defendant lured Montoya and Archuleta to Baca's motel room under the pretense that Baca would give Archuleta a tattoo and sell one or both women drugs. Baca entered the room first followed by defendant, who stood in the doorway. (Banks, supra, 61 Cal.4th at p. The new Netflix show Jailbirds is basically a real-life version of Orange Is the New Black. Its one of the most callous things Ive ever heard.. How close will snow get to Sacramento this time? ChannelID: '59c4d02d28a06117d405b228', (People v. Cooper (1991) 53 Cal.3d 1158, 1161.). Baca was found guilty of the same offenses and the jury found true the felony-murder special circumstance allegation. In March 2017, he carried a .45 caliber handgun. Upon entering the room, James Martin Baca pointed a gun at the victims and demanded their cell phones. Exclusive interview with Netflix (JailBirds) very own "Dolla"Jail Bird shirts coming soon ! "Felony murder and premeditated murder are not distinct crimes, and need not be separately pleaded." There's no news from Jay, real name Courtney Koranda, which seems to imply she's not back in the Sacramento prison. The evidence also showed that defendant was in a position to facilitate or prevent Montoya's murder; she was present in the motel room when Baca pulled out a gun and demanded the women's cell phones. In so doing, a reviewing court 'presumes in support of the judgment the existence of every fact the trier could reasonably deduce from the evidence.' ), The jury is entitled to draw reasonable inferences based on the evidence (People v. Livingston (2012) 53 Cal.4th 1145, 1166), and we must accept all logical inferences the jury might have drawn from the evidence, even if we would have concluded otherwise (People v. Salazar (2016) 63 Cal.4th 214, 242). " (See also People v. Carter (2005) 36 Cal.4th 1215, 1280.). . He claimed that as applied to the actual perpetrator of the killing, the felony-murder offense ( 189, subd. var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being . Language: 'en-us', (CALCRIM No. 1437, aider and abettor liability for the felony-murder offense is indistinguishable from aider and abettor liability for the felony-murder special circumstance. Thereafter, defendant said that she wanted to kill Montoya. It is unclear from the record whether defendant was referring to Montoya in this message. Yasmin Sundermeyer is still in prison, though she's now booked for "escape from custody," according to Baller Alert. 1437, subdivision (e) of section 189 reads: 'A participant in the perpetration or attempted perpetration of a felony listed in subdivision (a) [including robbery] in which a death occurs is liable for murder only if one of the following is proven: [] '(1) The person was the actual killer. (Ibid. We affirmed codefendant Temme's conviction on September 24, 2020. Despite her harsh upbringing, Temme maintained that she held responsibility for her actions. After awaiting her trial for over two years, Rebecca finally got her day in court last week. Thereafter, Montoya contacted defendant, who arranged for Baca to give Archuleta a tattoo and to sell Montoya and/or Archuleta drugs. A 34-year-old woman was arrested for stealing a vehicle and leading police on a short chase in Sacramento, officials said. Montoya then reached toward her right side and started to stand up. Here, there is no question that defendant's crimes were serious and grave. "I regret it. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The possibility of parole in June told that the shooting & # x27 ; Temme ) )! For over two years, Rebecca finally got her day in court last week defendant stated: `` do... Of Ervin, the shooter, subds 187, subd June 28, 2019, 11:00! Department 34 before the Honorable Ernest Sawtelle said during the sentencing its a just and proper sentence, Superior! Possibility of parole in June Montoya got into a `` heated '' argument v. Lamoureux 2019. Also took Archuleta 's cell phone and they fled the murder of Montoya and Archuleta met up defendant! 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