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my wife doesn't care when i'm sick

sprained my ankle 2 months ago) she acts like nothing is wrong and doesn't ever ask how I am feeling or thinks I am being "dramatic" or faking. I even passed out in front of my kids on the floor, and they had to yell at him to help me. After 25 years of nursing, and seeing many faithful spouses by the sides of sick people, it is clear my husband is not one of them! Otherwise she knows that I will go down and get whatever I want. Your spouse or partner carries on as if nothing is happening while your inner world has changed mentally and physically. He is generous to others but asks me when I can pay him back. Effective at making you get better because it was boring as shit. is already like this, it will only get worse. My wife wants to be left alone all I want is take care of her just be there for her to help her I don't understand when I'm sick I love for her to take care of me maybe just hold my hand any one can help me, After 22 years of marriage , I've learned this the hard way and am done once our oldest has graduated high school. I really do want out of the marriage but don't have the guts at my age. My husband works hard and takes good care of me and our big family. Are you sick often? That's my two bits and I'm sticking too it. (he can't) He pinches pennies, in trying to fix something that he's usually broken himself, but then it ends up costing us double or triple in do-overs. I am learning to put myself first so I will show him where the meds are and head off to work. Angry loud voice- "Where do youwant to go!?" I've told our kids that THEY will be in charge of me if I ever get cancer or something like that. If you DON'T have any kids yourselfplease run extra far. Overall I think she has issues that a therapist would help with, but that will definitely end up in a fight. SO has said they're sorry this happened, and it's probably worse for me - so they know they don't know how I feel. Don't let the ADHD make you feel any worse you need the peace and quiet to recover gently. I was too kind, wanting to help TOO much, and didn't set boundaries. He is talented but can't hold a job with benefits so I work despite having health issues. Its good to have a healthy balance. I am not my illness; I am a warrior. A male. The Empathy/Systemising Quotient deals with the degree of emotional engagement vs systemising - an analytical deconstruction of inputs and outputs. I recovered and warned him that the next time he is sick he will have to take care of himself bc he is selfish and a jerk. Haha I'm quite relieved to know even a couple who've been together for long have had to get through situations like this. Especially since most the time its as simple as "you didn't ask me a question in your text to make me contact you back" I lost track of time" I was busy" so I will not take anything personal even though I am very empathetic and mushy, I don't want to beg anymore for something that won't happen for whatever reason. I'm curious to see a female's perspective on this, especially someone who has been married to see if this holds true. There is no reason under the son a man or woman should be second to anyone when it comes to survival in health, shelter or love period. They will always be more important than you. For example, my husband pulled the kids card every holidayas a way to justify seeing his family far more than mineuntil I put a stop to it. every day it rings at 6pm for dinner) or specific (one hour from now to come back up stairs). I ended up driving myself to the hospital after a bout of painful colitis- three days of complete pain and suffering, did not even miss a day of work. WebYES, YOU CAN! You may want to reflect on your needs when you are sick as an adult. I drove myself to the urgent care centre, with the automatic transmission this time, and got it all wrapped up after the X-rays confirmed the break. I could have written pages and pages in response. That's when his ADD seemed to switch back to some normalcy and he got me to the emergency room. I bet if I got cancer he'd go "Great! My mom used to go hands on care for me when I get sick growing up. Life goes on, until Im better. Getting mad or saying nasty things when someone is sick or injured suggests the same disorders. Submitted by 1Melody1 on Tue, 11/24/2020 - 10:11, Posted less than a week ago, Melissa's most recent blog article discusses empathy and ADHD. When you're feeling a little better just tell her how it makes you feel when she ignores you when you don't feel well or are injured. If you insist on waiting it out-then just be ready to take care of yourself. And I take. I didn't get medical help until nearly 12 hours later. I take and I take, and then I take some more. When my husband started his first affair, I WAS a good woman. When a spouse is seriously ill, Bocchiere Hinting at your desires will most likely push her further away. Submitted by tiredmomma1 on Fri, 04/07/2017 - 12:12. Submitted by notgonnalosemyself (not verified) on Fri, 04/14/2017 - 08:18. So it's easier when you can say, "ok 20% sucks if I let it but 80% is fabulous". I agree with Truth..his kids come first. Maybe I'm just expecting a bit too much. In the letter I explained that he needed to get help and I was running to save myself. I shouldn't have to and I take very good care of myself after 27 years and a complete role reversal. They'll let me be to recuperate, since they know it's nasty. She offered to take a day off to take care of me but I was already feeling better so I just said no. If theres one thing you must understand, its this: You and your spouse probably can withstand more than you would expect. This morning I woke up with a fever and shakes, miserably curled up under the covers. It is a difficult way to have to be for someone whose nature isbenevolent and caring but it seems thesequalities are manipulated by the ADD spouse making the non spousefeel worthless. How does someone even DO that? His mother died from Alzhiemer's, but was bi-polar and whatever else. Iv been with my partner only 2 years yet everytime hes sick he bails out to go with his mates or even when I'm not sick, that or either on his game all day. The former provides you both with a structure that can work (does for many couples.) There's lots of reasons he may have decided to not come over, and 99% of them aren't the selfish stuff you're thinking of. Iris is also an Invisible Illness Warrior. My husband is friendly and nice until I am sick. SO did get angry at the slow healing process, and said this had better by done with by their birthday! This has been a transformation in more ways than one. If I ever get anybig illness, he will not take care of mehe doesn't rise to the occasion for the short lived acute ones. And your wife mightve been My parents would basically tell me to STFU and get my ass to school, so we had very different experiences and understandings of how to react in that situation. And, of course, there is their sense that others (including you) are out to get them. Obviously. When my wife gets sick I take over and watch our daughters, 4 and 1, so she can sleep. I am a loving, patient, kind person who wants a partner to weather the storms of life with. I wasn't even allowed to adjust my own pillows. Once shes mad, the first step to resolving it is by me apologizing. I know my friends ahave been instrumental in plugging that gap for me. My husband had the worst tantrum in front of a third person. There's a few things that are scaring him, and he is right to be concerned. Do you think being obnoxious made him FOND of me? To us I should say. So Your book sits on my husband's night stand. I invite him to things I know he will say no to just to be nice but then I go and enjoy myself. I am a Marvel hero, as you have said. But still had to call SO to bring me a pair of shorts because the doctor was afraid my pants wouldn't be able to come off around the knee-high wrappings; SO was impatient on the phone, frustrated and impatient at the clinic, and upset about having their evening ruined after a long day. Thanks. Well, yes, I have an Autoimmune condition that causes it. This marriage has changed me, first for the worst and now finally for the better. I have learned to compartmentalize my life and he is 20% of it now. There are so many things he's broken or worked on, which have just become junk and broken down in the yard, garage and inside the house. My husband responded to me that if I went on medical leave I would have to stop seeing my doctor because he wouldn't pay for it anymore. I am married for 10 years late in life now 60 ..and moved to Spain after 18 months I took the real flu I was in bed for 6 weeks with only sips of w But one person doing all the nice things, loving things is very hard and eventually we all get tired of begging. Fortunately, we were able to figure things out and this wasn't a problem for long. It sucks but thats what it is. Instead of cowering and bursting into tears, I told him to back off, get away from me, and that If I had to crawl down the hill on my hands and knees to get to the ceremony, I would. No one else using anything, no one using electricity, or water, or foodnothing. I often hear that if a person wants to be with you, they will. (Sadly, he was not compliant enough with the whole thing and it didn't work). (Although I didn't make him do the dishes). Other times? Kids pick up on stuff they're not ****ed. The women (and a few men) who are married to someone with untreated or under treated ADHD all suffer from the something similar..A lack of love. He played video games.A LOT, and watched a lot of movies, and cook his food in deep fryers which has made the house smell like an old dirty grease pit, with the cupboards, shelves, and countertops, floors, all caked with grease. And that was just with a scratchy throat. First, BE a person with whom he would be dying to connect. My husband thinks it's hilarious to ask when I'll be sexually available again but balks when I ask him for some ice to settle my stomach. If you ever became terminal, he would run for the hills. (not a good sign). a top book that therapists suggest all couples should read, Tell me about it..My husband lacks sympathy for me and the kids, His entertainment comes before anything else, They take as much as they can for as long as we allow it, Yes Dear Dede sadly we do know of that you speak:), https://www.adhdmarriage.com/content/empathy-and-adhd. Very hard to comprehend and maybe that means we are ok.It is illogical and very sad to live with like that from both sides. I know the empathy is in there, but it's overridden by the rest of their experience and the onslaught of perception they constantly have to sort through. Because, recently he told me, he was "never IN LOVE with me", which changes this whole scenario for me TOTALLY. After my surgeries, I couldn't do ANYTHING. out of the basement and towards you) and that ADHD symptoms are poorly managed. Thankfully, our two children were happy to help me. I don't understand why many on this forum think ADHD is the cause of cruelty and worse. I handle everything around the house, she doesn't need to be thinking about dishes or cleaning while She even acts like I am somehow putting her out by not being 100%. Talk about unprofessional. After a month of separation, I was so happy that I started packing to go back. But you dont care. I told him I am sick but he tells me to get rest and took off to entertain himself. I did not realize asking someone if they needed anything or just giving a comforting hug was petting. When he arrived, he did not hug me, ask how I was, or show ANY CARE. If anything, I am stronger in your eyes. You don't want to marry a man with kids, trust me. Nothing builds or sticks over the years. But I believe I am blessed with many friends. Yes mothers do this for children, because children need help with these tasks, but you are not a child. to stand on my own and realize that until he gets help, this will not change and so it was time to live and grow and be "the mistress of my domain and my life". If one or both of you dont have time to talk about things, you can schedule a time that works better. I would like to see him live with this and all the pain and cognitive dysfunction it causes. Run!!! Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! For many years, Larry Bocchiere cared for his wife, Deborah, who struggled with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Wise1. He went to the session and was diagnosed with PTSD and ADHD. Award-winning bookBuy paperbackBuy KindleBuy audiobookFree chaptersMore info, I just got back from a trip and most likely caught a cold from someone on the plane ride home. So once I told him in February of this year that I was going to sleep in the guest room that is now my Girl Castle, he was not happy. Submitted by adhd32 on Mon, 04/17/2017 - 13:56. Any other time, is when he's lecturing me about his "thoughts" of what he is or isn't going to DO about something, but never any talk or inter-personal connections on things. Iris is somewhat of a unicorn a zebra unicorn even! You go through all of this, the burden of having a partner with a chronic illness who is always sick, the worry when I dont text back for a while and you know Im Yes it was my plan all along to get sick in order to make you sick and miserable! Im the sick one, the one who is lucky to stay out of the hospital for more than three months at a time. Sign #11: Doesnt talk about the future. If they get ill first, and then I get ill? I count my lucky stars his empathy score wasn't way off neurotypical, but even so, it is affected, and I do notice he's MUCH better about me being ill when he's just had what I've caught, because he doesn't have to imagine how I feel, he knows from personal experience. Even says just because I am sick, he is not going to pet me. (Statements I've heard dozens of times, and heard again this week). It was miserable. I handle everything around the house, she doesn't need to be thinking about dishes or cleaning while she's going through the flu or whatever. If there IS, it's usually in a complaint or verbal assault on someone or something, that irritated him, again, "at the moment". Calmly confess and take responsibility for the times in your marriage when you have been dishonest. My cough doesnt produce anything other than an exsmokers clean up. He came home from work at 9pm and I said I was throwing up and had terrible stomach cramps etc. All I had to do was pay for the meal prep, and pick up the meals. He is so sick and depressed. I was ready to leave and here I was, with another kind of affected person in my life. I hope you left him. yuck. I'm glad that's 'not in your nature'except that it is. First of all, you have to stop with the drama of begging him to come take care of you! I could be Gisele and it wouldn't change the fact that my H approaches the relationship dishonestly. It wasnt until recently that I found an outlet for all of this junk in my head. I recorded it and ran to my room in tears and he knew I was crying since the 3rd person, a teenager, begged him to get help and to console me. 2023 ZIFF DAVIS CANADA, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. And my lack of ability to insist on my needs put me in a ditch with a broken neck on my moms 60 birthday. That is my story for anyone that can benefit from it. We have to deal with the fallout of the consequences, which they don't ever want you to tell them about. Lol. Talking to a friend may be helpful, but you might also consider discussing your feelings with a mental health professional. He has not been diagnosed with ADHD (yet), but he may very well have it as well. We already talked last night and we good now. I hope you left him. All big red flags. You are not important. You are not important. If that had been me standing there coming to see me after all of that? And my mother ( the other one with ADHD who I got it from? WebNow I'm going to get sick! Yet if he were to become terminal , he would expect you to be right by his side. An the cycle continues. So yes, I was sick and I gave myself the day and decided to go to work where I am around normal people that dote on me. I truly don't think he SEES the damage that all of this caused me AND him, mainly because he still doesn't think his ADHD has that much affect on our daily lives. You can find even more stories on our Home page. I don't trust him now, and I have good reason not to. That's great! I wish you the best. (Soup after you just threw up is too soon). WebIs it normal for a husband to not take care of his wife when she falls sick? He is kind to the elderly detailing their cars and mine goes to the car wash. Then he could fix all this stuff on his own, on his own timing, but it didn't happen. I asked him why he never, ever revealed that to me..no answer. Here is my story: Hollow is a perfect word for a marriage with neglect and little attention. We havent heard from you in a while, and Im hoping you are ok. 5 signs of an unsupportive husband during pregnancy. Submitted by notgonnalosemyself (not verified) on Thu, 04/13/2017 - 16:22. Its pretty normalized at the point. He would scream at me if I touched him that I was killing him. Don't worry your anxiety to high and relax. No words. Press J to jump to the feed. My husband is such a baby when hes sick is a huge cliche in marriage in the media. WebA major medical diagnosis can lead to doctor-recommended changes in your spouses diet, physical activity level, medication routine and need for rest. It's "his" problem, and it's mostly a "focus" problem he thinks. Also, "he does not have time to deal with the insurance company or taking me to get a rental car the next day, so I will have to find my own ride to the car rental company". :) Don't get it twisted, I wait on him hand and foot when he is sick and right away he said he felt a tickle in his throat. but I am trying to get past the resentment so now it simply feels like a friendship and some days like room mates but my goal is to remain pleasant and loving, as I would treat a friend. But he is not a cuddler anymore, the disconnect began with him coming to bed when HE wanted, snoring me out onto the couch and I was the one suffering with stress induced body pain and lethargy. I don't think this is necessarily an ADHD thing. Join hosts Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn for this series of six short videos (roughly 3-4 minutes each) called Thriving in Love & Money. Theyll offer helpful tips, informed by years of research and based on their new book, to help you and your spouse explore the underlying issues that lead to financial conflict and consider healthy ways to At one point my manager demanded I go see a medical doctor, which I already had, and because I was past two weeks of antibiotics and still sick, I was refused treatment. We also had an outdoor wedding to attend two weeks after I broke my foot . I felt like I was dying, inside and out. How would he manage without me, his Bandaid? Or pulled a muscle in my back. Was she sick recently and you didn't pay attention? Yes, I licked the back of every airplane seat to make sure I picked up some kind of virus! I hope your foot heals soon and that you're getting approriate sympathy and empathy elsewhere. And then I might be better about checking in with you and your needs for a while, but then something happens and its back to me. Lets look at the options: 1. He can't take me to hospital or buy me drugs with his money even when am crying in pain! Ask for forgiveness. We all WANT to be loved a certain way but I have just chalked it up to sometimes he can but most times he can't/won't. My husband was in complete denial and continued on with his multiple activities, trying to ignore his son suffering. If you need help, I will cook dinner". A few weeks ago, he reiterated (I think he's said this once before) why nothing worked: while he professed to wanting a relationship with me, he actually is unable to form personal connections. WHYDID YOU ASK ME TO MARRY YOU, and tell me you loved me and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together? He threatened to sue me and the doctor because the kid had to go temporarily on multiple antibiotics to help knock down the infections. 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my wife doesn't care when i'm sick