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jehovah shows loyal love to joseph

Boaz said to Ruth: May Jehovah reward you for what you have done, and may there be a perfect wage for you from Jehovah the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge. Those heartwarming words touched Ruth deeply. ( Psalm 34:6) Jehovah's loyal love for his servants does not waver as long as they remain loyal to him. 4. Neither Abraham, Jacob, nor Naomi could fill those needs without help. But the points in this article apply equally to brothers. For one thing, "a man of loving-kindness is dealing rewardingly with his own soul." ( Proverbs 11:17) How true! How did Ruth differ from Orpah, and why was Ruths decision an act of loyal love? 4,5. 6. And everything he does will succeed. (Psalm 1:3) Imagine a luxuriant tree whose foliage never withers! 1-2. (Psalm 71:5; 116:12) Because we fear God and practice righteousness, for instance, we enjoy his approval and are spiritually close to him. In the following article, we will discuss how we as God's servants can imitate Jehovah by showing loyal love to one another. Consider an example. a Jehovah wants us to show loyal love to our brothers and sisters in the congregation. How can we imitate Jehovah in showing loyal love? Such timely and warm commendation will give the brothers and sisters the strength they need to carry on.Read Isaiah 32:1,2. (b)How did Joseph show loving-kindness to his father? Loyal love moves us not to give up easily on brothers and sisters who are in distress. In a psalm, David said of Jehovah: "He has not dealt with us according to our sins or given us what we deserve for our mistakes" (Ps. 10 Of course, some human rulers are sincerely concerned about the welfare of their subjects. 4 One example of human kindness relates to a group of shipwrecked people, including the apostle Paul. Who would be in a better position to make sure that his wish would be carried out than his influential son, Joseph? (1Timothy 1:17) It is urgent that people learn about Jehovahs everlasting kingship and take their stand as its supporters. 15 We can learn a number of fine lessons by examining how Ruth helped Naomi. (b)In what way was the last instance of Ruths loving-kindness better than the first? Despite being banned and persecuted, however, Gods loyal ones kept on preaching the good news of the Kingdom. 3. (b)How did one elder express his feelings about helping fellow believers? 10. Yet, they express enduring loving-kindness, or loyal love, to those with whom they share a God-approved relationship.Matthew 5:45; Galatians 6:10. (Acts 10:34,35; James 4:8) By contrast, human rulers are often seen in the company of prominent people, such as military leaders, wealthy businessmen, or sports and entertainment celebrities. (b)How do Gods loyal ones bless him? Balei ngi lah ban ong ba ka jingsiewspah ka dei ka jingai sngewbha a ngi shimet shimet? But how can we show loving-kindness? Loyal love! (Psalm 16:10) How, then, can it be said that Jehovah alone is loyal? She became so overwhelmed by anguish that she concluded that Jehovah was opposing her. Jehovah had used Ruth to give needed support on the journey to Judah. . They love their brothers and sisters, and they are eager to do whatever they can to help them. What do we learn from Ruths example? Ruth had shown loyal love to Naomi, but now Ruth herself needed encouragement. This was done to make known the riches of his glory on vessels of mercy, which he prepared beforehand for glory. (Romans 9:22,23) These vessels of mercy are rightly disposed ones who are anointed by holy spirit to be joint heirs with Christ in his Kingdom. . According to the African newspaper Sowetan, a prominent government official said the following about poverty-stricken areas in his land: I understand when most of us do not want to go to such areas. Jehovah demonstrates loyal love to his faithful servants. The word loyalty may refer to what kind of relationship? WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THE BOOK OF RUTH ABOUT SHOWING LOYAL LOVE? 7. Draw Close to Jehovah, Share Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. He displays this quality in a manner that no creature can match. 9,10. Such love is denoted by a Hebrew word translated "loving-kindness," or "loyal love." King David of ancient Israel deeply appreciated God's loving-kindness. They did so not only with kind words but with specific actions. 20 Throughout history, Jehovah has shown remarkable loyalty toward faithful humans. Then the angel says to Jehovah: You, the One who is and who was, the loyal One, are righteous, for you have issued these judgments, because they poured out the blood of holy ones and of prophets, and you have given them blood to drink; they deserve it.Revelation 16:1-6. What good reasons do we have to show loyal love to one another? (Gal. 14, 15. 3 In this article, we will consider the answers to four questions. Jehovah thus fulfilled his promise that Davids kingship would be firmly established to time indefinite.2Samuel 7:12,13; Luke 1:32,33. Sorry, there was an error loading the video. How does loyal love compare with loyalty? . Elders need to give timely and warm encouragement to those who extend loyal love to others. 17 Application: It takes patience to help those who are depressed, but we should not give up on them. When Naomi saw that Ruth insisted on going with her, she stopped trying to convince her.Ruth 1:15-18. But Ruth did not give up. 12. ; 21:21. In that year, God established the heavenly Messianic Kingdom with Jesus Christ, the Son of David, as King. Elders need to give timely and warm encouragement to those who extend loyal love to others. 13 We gain further insight into loyal love by considering what happened to Naomi after the death of her husband and two sons. Throughout the millenniums, his view of such things as spiritism, idolatry, and murder has remained unchanged. Ruths decision was an act of true loyal love. 11. Why do kindhearted brothers and sisters reach out to those who are distressed? 16 Of course, as a nation the Israelites failed to demonstrate appreciation for Jehovahs loyal love, for after their deliverance they continued to sin against [Jehovah] by rebelling against the Most High. (Psalm 78:17) Over the centuries, they rebelled again and again, leaving Jehovah and turning to false gods and pagan practices that brought nothing but defilement. 20:9, 14, 15; 2Sam. 20 Give timely encouragement. From 1939 to 1946, they were blessed with an amazing increase of 157percent. He may not always agree with the policies of that company. By doing so, we have the wonderful prospect of being included among those who will exalt, bless, and praise Jehovah all day long and even forever. (Psalm 145:1,2) May we therefore keep ourselves in Gods love with everlasting life in view. (Jude20,21) As we continue to benefit from our heavenly Fathers marvelous qualities, including the great loving-kindness he displays toward those who love him, may our sentiments always be like those expressed by David in the final words of Psalm 145: The praise of Jehovah my mouth will speak; and let all flesh bless his holy name to time indefinite, even forever.. 6 To identify some additional characteristics of loving-kindness, we will briefly consider three Bible accounts that feature this quality. ^ par. Earlier, she had cried out in pain: Jehovah . Ruths decision was an act of true loyal love. What happened? (Ruth 1:3-5; 2:1) Those blows caused Naomi to sink deeper and deeper into despair. (Job 1:1; Revelation 4:8) And what of Jesus Christ? 41:1) Proverbs 19:17 states: The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah, and He will repay him for what he does., Ruth clings to Naomi, her mother-in-law, while Orpah returns to Moab. Your kind attention to one of Jehovahs precious sheep does not go unnoticed by our God. God's loyal love is enduring. In such a case, Jehovah adheres to his own righteous standards and renders adverse judgment. We read: Orpah kissed her mother-in-law and departed. 41:1) Proverbs 19:17 states: The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah, and He will repay him for what he does., Ruth clings to Naomi, her mother-in-law, while Orpah returns to Moab. How did Jehovah react to Naomis bitter words? JEHOVAH GODS Word exhorts us to love loving-kindness. (Micah 6:8, footnote) It also gives us reasons why we should do so. Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. 14 Jehovah has time and again demonstrated his loyalty. (a)What examples are there of spiritual food that came in the right season? He does not keep them anxiously awaiting something that he does not intend to bring about. How did Jehovah react to Naomis bitter words? The word loyalty may refer to what kind of relationship? Second, by showing loyal love, we benefit ourselves. (Gal. How well does Jehovah provide for the needs of every living thing? 5. 18. Questions and Answers on Facebook What a marvelous blessing the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures has been! And Jehovah moved Boaz to encourage her. (See paragraphs20-21). What will help us to stick with someone who is distressed? While the nations were in the thick of battle during World WarII, Jehovahs people were helped to focus on something far more important than their own salvation. TERMS OF USE 19. 14 Loyal love goes beyond what is expected. While there, Naomis husband died. By his great loving-kindness, he has made it possible for the slave class to provide food in its season. Through such provisions, the desire of every living thing in the present-day spiritual paradise gets satisfied. God's loyal love prompts you to forgive. We can deepen our understanding of what loyal love is by examining how some of Gods servants in the past showed this quality. (Ge 24 Verses33-47) He stressed that he viewed the success he thus far had met with as a sign from Jehovah, who had led me in the true way to take the daughter of the brother of my master for his son. (Ge 24 Verse48) The servant no doubt hoped that his heartfelt recounting of the incident would convince Bethuel and his son Laban that Jehovah was behind this mission. She became so overwhelmed by anguish that she concluded that Jehovah was opposing her. (a)How did Ruth show loving-kindness to Naomi? 23 Naomi finally began to see Jehovahs hand in her life. .in love, and his love was as pervading and absorbing as the fragrance of a flower, or the light of a star. (See cover picture.). 33:22. Whatever trial befalls them, however, Jehovah is always ready to give comfort and spiritual strength to each one of them. Similarly today, loving-kindness should especially be shown to those in need. (a)How is Jehovahs punishment of the wicked in itself an act of loyalty? (Acts 20:35) What, though, is the foremost reason why we continue to show loyal love? By means of the ransomthe greatest demonstration of Jehovahs loyalty. And to produce an heir, Naomi needed Ruths assistance. . Note how she expressed her feelings about God: The hand of Jehovah has turned against me. The Almighty has made life very bitter for me. She also said: It is Jehovah who opposed me and the Almighty who caused me calamity.Ruth 1:13, 20,21. Ruth had gone out of her way to help Naomi. The psalmist wrote: I was once young and now I am old, but I have not seen anyone righteous abandoned, nor his children looking for bread. . . Her two sons got married, but sadly, they too died. Some suffer from chronic illness or because of bereavement. From these we will note that loving-kindness extended by humans is (1)expressed by specific actions, (2)extended willingly, and (3)shown especially to those having a need. 5:14. (Psalm 104:14) However, Jehovah sees to it that all their needs are satisfied. Third, pursuing loyal love leads to future blessings, including everlasting life. 17 Application: It takes patience to help those who are depressed, but we should not give up on them. (Revelation 7:9, 10,14) Although his servants are imperfect, Jehovah loyally extends to them the opportunity to live forever on a paradise earth. 12. (a)What is loyalty? After all, a person might be faithful merely out of a sense of duty. 20 Give timely encouragement. WE HAVE good reasons to show loyal love to one another. 34:6; Ps. KJV Numbers 14:1 And all the congregation lifted up their voice, and cried; and the people wept that night. What is often the most effective way to help a discouraged brother or sister? Gods Word clearly shows that any last-minute use of his name by the wicked has always proved to be in vain.Proverbs 1:28,29; Micah 3:4; Luke 13:24,25. Moreover, millions of Bible study aids continue to be published in over 300 languages. "God's Loyal Love" - Sing to Jehovah 18 (vocal renditions) - YouTube Sing to Jehovah 18: "God's Loyal Love"(vocal renditions)Isaiah 55:1-3Lyrics:1. Yet, she stuck with Naomi. 24 What have we learned from the book of Ruth about loyal love? 19 A crucial stage in settling the issue of Jehovahs sovereignty is drawing near. She said: May he be blessed by Jehovah, who has not failed in his loyal love toward the living and the dead. (Ruth 2:20a) What a turning point this was for Naomi! 17:17. (Job 14:14,15) Jehovah does not forget his loyal servants simply because they are no longer alive. (Proverbs 12:25) Or consider the many Witnesses of Jehovah who faithfully drive the elderly to the Kingdom Hall to attend weekly congregation meetings. . What crucial time draws near, and how can we deal with it? 21 So, then, let us continue to imitate Jehovah God, who is abundant in loving-kindness. (Exodus 34:6; Ephesians 5:1) We can do so by willingly taking specific action, particularly in behalf of those in need. (Ruth 1:8) Ruth was also free to marry one of the young fellows instead of aged Boaz. 15-16. (Ruth 1:16,17) Ruth chose to stick with Naomi, not because she had to, but because she wanted to. How did Naomis attitude change, and why? David told Mephibosheth: You yourself will eat bread at my table constantly. Explaining why he was making this provision, David told him: Without fail I shall exercise loving-kindness toward you for the sake of Jonathan your father. (2Samuel 9:6, 7,13) Davids enduring hospitality is rightly referred to as an exercise of loving-kindness, not merely kindness, for it was an evidence of his loyalty to an established relationship. But Ruth stuck with her. (Ruth 1:7-14) By choosing to return, Orpah was following Naomis instructions, doing what was expected. 103:8-11). This phrase is a translation of the Hebrew word khesed. 14. (Mark 10:29,30). To whom should we extend it? After all, Bethuel was under no legal obligation to part with his daughter. Consider some examples. 4,5. 12 The first instance of Ruths loving-kindness referred to the time when she left her people and stuck with Naomi. (Ruth 1:16) Naomi also saw Jehovahs hand when Boaz, one of their repurchasers, lovingly made generous provisions for the two women. 9 If we are dedicated Christians, our relationship with the Sovereign Lord Jehovah brings us many benefits. What lesson does this account contain? ^ par. In this article, we will discuss how Jehovah shows loyal love to humans. 17 What do we learn from this? How can Christian elders today imitate Boaz? will not return to me without results, but it will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight, and it will have sure success in what I send it to do. (Isaiah 55:11) By remaining faithful to his word, Jehovah shows loyalty to his people. (a)Today, what choice do loving brothers and sisters make? To deepen our understanding of loyal love, let us see how it compares with loyalty, as that term is commonly used. When someone in the congregation falls on hard times, they do not hesitate to reach out to that person and help in practical ways. 7:7) Still, Naomi needed help in order to see that Jehovah was on her side. In response, Ruth said to Boaz: You have comforted me and spoken reassuringly to your servant. (Ruth 2:12,13) The timely words of Boaz gave Ruth the strength she needed to carry on. Such timely and warm commendation will give the brothers and sisters the strength they need to carry on.Read Isaiah 32:1,2. . 15-16. How does Jehovah demonstrate loyalty regarding his standards? What will help us to stick with someone who is distressed? What lesson does this account contain? 20,21. Who are in need of our expressions of loving-kindness, and what should each of us be determined to do? As the Ancient of Days, he has been displaying loyalty longer than any creature, earthly or heavenly. Next, Bethuel expressed his loving-kindness by adding: Here is Rebekah before you. 8. 4:4; 8:15; 9:1, 6,7. 15. Jehovah understands that oppression can drive the wise one into madness. (Eccl. Second, by showing loyal love, we benefit ourselves. And surely we will honor Jehovah and experience great joy as we carry on with one another loving-kindness.Zechariah 7:9. a For details on the type of marriage involved here, see Volume1, page370, of Insight on the Scriptures, published by Jehovahs Witnesses. 6:2) We hope that she will eventually accept our hand of friendship and allow us to help lift her out of despair. As described at Isaiah 32:1, 2, what will caring elders provide? The desire of those fearing him he will perform, and their cry for help he will hear, and he will save them. PRIVACY SETTINGS, https://assetsnffrgf-a.akamaihd.net/assets/m/1102002053/univ/art/1102002053_univ_sqr_xl.jpg, https://assetsnffrgf-a.akamaihd.net/assets/a/cl/E/wpub/cl_E_lg.jpg, Share 11 Jehovah also shows loyalty by remaining faithful to his word of promise. 16 The loving-kindness shown by Bethuel, Joseph, and Ruth is especially significant because Abraham, Jacob, and Naomi were in no position to bring outside pressure on them. To whom should we show loyal love? He could easily have told Abrahams servant: No, I want to keep my industrious girl close by. (Genesis 24:18-20) Likewise, Joseph was free to decide whether to act on his fathers request or not, for Jacob would be dead and could not compel him to keep his word. 8:3) How pleased Jehovah must be with such a loving spirit!Read Hebrews 13:16. The marriage took place, and when Ruth later gave birth, the women of Bethlehem cried out: A son has been born to Naomi. (Ruth 4:14,17) Ruth truly was an excellent woman, who thus was rewarded by Jehovah with the wonderful privilege of becoming an ancestress of Jesus Christ.Ruth 2:12; 3:11; 4:18-22; Matthew 1:1, 5,6. For instance, we forge lasting friendships with others. King David supplies the answer. When Naomi learned that Jehovah had turned his attention to his people by giving them food, she decided to return to her home. In the opening verse, we read: "Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good; his loyal love endures forever." ( Ps. . On the contrary, loyalty, or loyal love, has the stability and strength to overcome the most daunting of obstacles. 24. (1Sam. But the points in this article apply equally to brothers. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name. (Malachi 3:16) It pleases Jehovah very much when his loyal ones speak well of him, and he remembers them. In order to continue his family line, Abraham needed Bethuels cooperation. They make personal sacrifices, giving even beyond their means in order to help their less fortunate brothers. 7:7) Still, Naomi needed help in order to see that Jehovah was on her side. How can we apply these lessons in our congregation?b. 136:1) In verses 2 to 26, we find the refrain "for his loyal love endures forever." Would you like to read this article in %%? Jehovah will loyally remember and resurrect those who have proved loyal even to death, Bernard Luimes (left) and Wolfgang Kusserow (center) were executed by the Nazis, Moses Nyamussua (right) was speared to death by a political group. How can we imitate the examples of Boaz and Ruth in showing loyal love to others? Because of Jehovahs loyalty, all his faithful servants have a reliable hope for the future. 8 Proof that Jehovah now reigns through the Kingdom of his Son, Jesus Christ, is seen in the ongoing fulfillment of the sign of Jesus presence. (a)How rare is loyalty among humans, and how is this indicated in the Bible? d For more information on the role of Boaz as repurchaser, see the article Imitate Their FaithAn Excellent Woman, in The Watchtower of October1, 2012, p.20. 20. Your people will be my people, and your God my God. (Ruth 1:16) Ruth later expressed her loving-kindness when she indicated her willingness to marry Naomis elderly relative Boaz.a (Deuteronomy 25:5,6; Ruth 3:6-9) He told Ruth: You have expressed your loving-kindness better in the last instance than in the first instance, in not going after the young fellows whether lowly or rich.Ruth 3:10. Got married, but now Ruth herself needed encouragement Almighty has made It possible for the needs of living. It be said that Jehovah had turned his attention to his word, Jehovah sees It. Their stand as its supporters whatever they can to help Naomi to make sure that wish. Needs are satisfied return to her home loading the video that company oppression drive! 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jehovah shows loyal love to joseph