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distance from capernaum to gerasenes

Here he feeds the 5,000 (Mt 14:14; Mk 6:33; Lk 9:11; Jn 6:5) [6] The disciples return across the Sea of Galilee (Mt 14:22; Mk 6:45), Jesus walking on the water to join them (Mt 14:25; Mk 6:48; Jn 6:19). The name Samak, which means fish both in Aramaic (the vernacular of Jesus time) and in Arabic, reflects the fact that these fish were as important to the ancients as to people today. Capernaum (in the original Hebrew. The agreement of these two favors the strict interpretation. This is doubtless to be identified with the village of Bethsaida in Lower Gaulonitis which the Tetrarch Philip raised to the rank of a city, and called Julias, in honor of Julia, the daughter of Augustus. Toward the end of the eighth century, the monastery compound was again abandoned. Around 150 years later Origen comes along, and, knowing that Matthews attempted fix isnt watertight, relocates the event to Gergasa based on what is probably an ancient tradition. Identification and Description:Umm Cheis answers the description given of Gadara by ancient writers. The ridge sinks gradually to the East, and falls steeply on the other three sides, so that the position was one of great strength. There is a cliff lying beside this lake from which they point out the swine were cast down by the demons.15. Did he just take a stab at a location that seemed possible based on what hed heard somewhere? , The manuscripts are confused as to the place name, but this is no reason to accuse Mark himself of lack of knowledge of Palestinian geography. R. Alan Cole, Mark: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. The house of Andrew and Peter seems to have been not far from the synagogue in Capernaum (Matthew 8:14 Mark 1:29, etc.). It was used to drive certain mills, and also to refresh the neighboring land. Well probably never find out what the real deal is, but, as usual with these things, thats only a problem if we subscribe to the patently false doctrine of inerrancy.17. Further, if the Gospel of Mark embodies the recollections of Peter, it would be difficult to find a more reliable authority for topographical details connected with the sea on which his fisher life was spent. Jesus gives Kingdom illustrations. To one descending from Mt. See FISHING. Performance & security by Cloudflare. From Mount Tabor to Capernaum: Step 27: From Caperaum to Nain: Step 28: From Nain to the second Galilean preaching tour: Step 29: From the second Galilean preaching tour to the country of Gerasenes: Step 30: From he country of Gerasenes to Capernaum: Step 31: From Capernaum to Jerusalem: Step 32: From Jerusalem to Nazareth: Step 33 The factors that led to this site selection were undoubtedly: (1) its location on the eastern shore of the lake; (2) its proximity to an urban center (variously named Gergessa, Gadara and Gerasa); and (3) its topographical setting, in particular the steep hill where the swine herd had presumably been grazing. (iii) Mark says that the boat started to go unto the other side to Bethsaida, while John, gives the direction "over the sea unto Capernaum" (Mark 6:17). As this is too far from the sea for a fishing village, Schumacher (The Jaulan, 246) suggests that el-`Araj, "a large, completely destroyed site close to the lake," connected in ancient times with et-Tell "by the beautiful roads still visible," may have been the fishing village, and et-Tell the princely residence. The place is not mentioned till later times. The site chosen is located exactly opposite Capernaum, from which Jesus sailed on the day of the miracle. The city of Decapolis whose territory stood between the country of the Gerasenes and the Sea of Galilee was Gadara, modern Um-Qais in Jordan. On the Sea of Galilee there are frequent storms. JOHN. Possibly, however, the name may represent the Hebrew ganne sarim, "princely gardens." In the rooms north of the prayer hall, we found an oil-press, including the crushing, pressing and collecting components. One things for sure: Gergasa, if it can be equated with Kursi, is the most geographically plausible16 reading. I just think that in this case theres a better explanation. Galilee is one of the USA city. , Johannes P. Louw and Eugene Albert Nida, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Based on Semantic Domains (New York: United Bible Societies, 1996), 716. Want of precision on topographical points, therefore, need not surprise us. Thomas P. Halton, trans. Both Gerasa and Gadara were cities to the east of the Sea of Galilee and the River Jordan. Frost is not quite unknown; but no one now alive remembers it to have done more than lay the most delicate fringe of ice around some of the stones on the shore. Matthew, using Mark as a source for his own gospel, appears to have been aware of this geographic difficulty. The Name:The first syllable of the name Gennesaret is evidently the Hebrew gan, "garden"; while the second may be a proper name. Luke 9:10 The apostles, when they had returned, told him what things they had done. We have now conducted five seasons of excavations at the site, during 19701973 and in 1980. Country of the Gadarenes:This city is not named in Scripture, but the territory belonging to it is spoken of as chora ton Gadarenon, "country of the Gadarenes" (Matthew 8:28). Helmut Koester, Hermeneiaa Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg, 2001), 23. About 2 miles farther West are the hot springs of eT-Tabgha. (b) To go to the other side-eis to peran (Mark 6:45)-does not of necessity imply passing from the East to the West coast of the lake, since Josephus uses the verb diaperaioo of a passage from Tiberias to Tarichea (Vita, 59). No trace of the name Bethsaida has been found in the district; but any one of the sites named would meet the requirements.To this neighborhood Jesus retired by boat with His disciples to rest awhile. On the basis of the textual evidence alone, we cannot determine which of these variants is . That monastery was destroyed by Sassanid Persian armies in 614 CE, partially rebuilt, and finally levelled by the 749 Galilee earthquake. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. If freedom and security be enjoyed in reasonable measure, the region will again display its long-hidden treasures of fertility and beauty.W. Superior buildings are rising outside the ancient walls. In some places, the wall actually touches the boulder. But Gergesa, from which comes the name the Gergesenes, is an ancient city in the vicinity of the lake which is now called Tiberias. , Flavius Josephus and Steve Mason, Flavius Josephus: Life of Josephus (Boston; Leiden: Brill, 2003), 47. Occasionally, however, tempests break over the lake, in which a boat could hardly live. Gergesa, also Gergasa ( in Byzantine greek) or the Country of the Gergesenes, is a place on the eastern ( Golan Heights) side of the Sea of Galilee located at some distance to the ancient Decapolis cities of Gadara and Gerasa. (BJ, I, iv, 8). Its just one of those things. The discovery was made by that archaeological genius, that master of archaeological discovery in our time: the bulldozer! The "green grass" of Mark 6:39, and the "much grass" of John 6:10, point to some place in the plain of el-BaTeichah, on the rich soil of which the grass is green and plentiful compared with the scanty herbage on the higher slopes. This condition is fulfilled only by the district immediately South of Wady Semak, North of Qal `at el-Chucn. This seems to be the fountain called "Capharnaum" by Josephus (BJ, III, x, 8). The Sea of Galilee is Israel's largest freshwater lake. A party in the city surrendered it to Vespasian, who placed a garrison there (BJ, IV, vii, 3). He therefore took it upon himself to change the geographical details to make them more realistic. Colorful mosaics, covering about 8,600 square feet, originally paved the entire church. The natives use it for all purposes, esteeming it light and pleasant. It lights up the landscape as the eye does the human face; and it is often spoken of as "the eye of Galilee." These things, together with the frequent, and sometimes terribly destructive, earthquakes, sufficiently attest the volcanic character of the region. From the late fifth to the early seventh centuries, all four sides of the compound had entrances. If Gamala, far down the eastern shore of the sea, were in Galilee, a fortiori Bethsaida, a town which lay on the very edge of the Jordan, may be described as in Galilee.But Josephus makes it plain that Gamala, while added to his jurisdiction, was not in Galilee, but in Gaulonitis (BJ, II, xx, 6). Lets be clear: I know zero greek. In one village he heals a man with leprosy and sends him to the priest to offer a sacrifice in accordance with the Jewish . Sites such as Capernaum, the center of Jesus mission before he left for Jerusalem; Bethsaida, the birthplace of the apostles Andrew, Peter and Philip; Magdala, the home of Mary Magdalene; Tabga, where the miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fishes occurred; and the Sea of Galilee itselfall are places that to the Christian recall events connected with Jesus life, the miracles he performed and the sacred words he uttered. Mark and Luke locate the event in the country of the Gerasenes; Matthew in the country of the Gadarenes thats the geographical problem were going to look at in this post. Giu 11, 2022 | how to calculate calories per serving in a recipe. When he sees Jesus, the demoniac begs Jesus not to torment him. Gergasa, it has been suggested12, is a transliteration of Kursi, located half way up the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. . This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. 80, The Fathers of the Church (Catholic University of America Press, 1989), 226. The air cleared, and the wide welter of foam-crested waves attested the fury of the blast. For if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon which were done in you, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. 2, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1989), 158. (iii) The East coast of the sea was definitely attached to Galilee in A.D. 84, and Ptolemy (circa 140) places Julius in Galilee. de-kap'-o-lis (Dekapolis): The name given to the region occupied by a league of "ten cities" (Matthew 4:25 Mark 5:20; Mark 7:31), which Eusebius defines (in Onomastica) as "lying in the Peraea, round Hippos, Pella and Gadara."Such combinations of Greek cities arose as Rome assumed dominion in the East, to promote their common interests in trade and commerce, and for mutual . There the Jordan, issuing from the sea, almost surrounds the mound on which are the ruins of Kerak, the Tarichea of Josephus Crossing the floor of the valley, past Semakh, which is now a station on the Haifa-Damascus railway, we find a similar strip of plain along the eastern shore. If you know the geography of the Sea of Galilee at all, its almost entirely surrounded by hills, some of them pretty steep. Consequently, the church was converted to domestic uses, including the sheltering of animals; the residential quarters were resettled by a poor group of nomadic people; and the small chapel of the miracle was entirely abandoned. It is therefore significant that only the Fourth Gospel speaks of "Bethsaida of Galilee. "(iv) There could hardly have been two Bethsaidas so close together.But:(i) It is not said that Jesus came hither that he might leave the territory of Antipas for that of Philip; and in view of Mark 6:30, and Luke 9:10, the inference from Matthew 14:13 that he did so, is not warranted. Byzantine Christian monks venerated a site situated a few kilometres north of Hippos on the lake shore, as the location of the miracle. From this point the plain of Gennesaret (el-Ghuweir) sweeps round to el-Mejdel, a distance of about 4 miles. It was taken by Antiochus the Great when in 218 B.C. Distance between North District and Capernaum (9,93 km.) , Tags: Ewing. He deals with a remaining issue by locating the herd some distance away rather than on the hillside next to the lake. In about ten minutes the wind fell as suddenly as it had risen. The road then crosses a second promontory, and proceeds along the base of the mountain to Tiberias. The emperor would not listen to the accusations of the inhabitants against Herod for oppressive conduct (Ant., XV, x, 2). By protecting the boulder with a massive tower and building a chapel behind and above it, the early Christian fathers both commemorated and sanctified a site that Christian pilgrims could relate to the life of Jesus. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles per hour) between Tiberias to Capernaum, It takes 0.01 hours to arrive. 10, Library of the Historical Jesus Studies (London; New Delhi; New York; Sydney: Bloomsbury, 2013), 168. (St. Matt. , Barclay Moon Newman and Philip C. Stine, A Handbook on the Gospel of Matthew, UBS Handbook Series (New York: United Bible Societies, 1992), 248. It was given by Augustus to Herod the Great in 30 B.C. Why would Matthew do that? The distance line on map shows distance from Tiberias to Capernaum between two cities. The lower part simply encloses a huge boulder, over 22 feet high. Ronald E. Heine, Vol. The Name:This is the name 5 times given in the New Testament (Matthew 4:18; Matthew 15:29 Mark 1:16; Mark 7:31 John 6:1) to the sheet of water which is elsewhere called "the sea of Tiberias" (John 21:1; compare John 6:1); "the lake of Gennesaret" (Luke 5:1); "the sea" (John 6:16, etc. 27, Anchor Yale Bible (New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2008), 342. Rooms known as pastophoria, which played an important part in the ritual and the liturgy, flank the apse. Two paved streets with double colonnades cut through the city at right angles, four massive pedestals still marking the point of intersection. gad'-a-ra (Gadara): 1. Based on the archaeological evidence, the history of the site may be summarized as follows: The monastery compound with the large church, as well as the tower and the chapel of the miracle, were built in the late fifth or early sixth century. Four of the apostles, and these the chief, had been brought up as fishermen on the Sea of Galilee. Distance between Jerusalem and Capernaum (126,65 km.) Therefore it was no contrary wind that carried them toward Capernaum and the "land of Gennesaret." The town of Kursi (if thats what its name was) and its harbor must have played an important role in the economic life and the religious functioning of the monastery. The surface is 680 ft. below the level of the Mediterranean. At this time the residential area was clustered around the church, and most of the former residential quarters were left unrepaired and unsettled. One of the great Roman roads ran eastward to Der`ah; and an aqueduct has been traced to the pool of el Khab, about 20 miles to the North of Der`ah. The ruins include those of two theaters, a basilica, a temple, and many important buildings, telling of a once great and splendid city. South of el-Mejdel the mountains advance to the shore, and the path is cut in the face of the slope, bringing us to the hot spring, `Ain el-Fuliyeh, where is a little valley, with gardens and orange grove. Storms:The position of the lake makes it liable to sudden storms, the cool air from the uplands rushing down the gorges with great violence and tossing the waters in tumultuous billows. The Gerasa of Mark 5:1 was probably Kursi/Gergesa. During the second half of the sixth century, the diaconicon was remodeled to house a baptistery. A friend recently asked about the geographical problem of Mark 5 so I thought Id write up some thoughts on the topic. The distance line on map shows distance from Jerusalem to Capernaum between two cities. Both Gerasa and Gadara were cities to the east of the Sea of Galilee and the River Jordan. See CAPERNAUM. Country of the Gadarenes: This city is not named in Scripture, but the territory belonging to it is spoken of as chora ton Gadarenon, "country of the Gadarenes" (Matthew 8:28).In the parallel passages (Mark 5:1 Luke 8:26, 37) we read: chora ton Gerasenon "country of the Gerasenes."There is no good reason, however, to question the accuracy of the text in either case. On the sands along the shore from el-Mejdel to `Ain et-Tineh these shells are so numerous as to cause a white glister in the sunlight.The main formation of the surrounding district is limestone. Its geography is very steep, it is close to the shore of the lake, and it is kinda across the lake from Capernaum. David Noel Freedman, The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 673. Then Josephus explicitly says that Bethsaida was in Lower Gaulonitis (BJ, II, ix, 1). It gradually narrows toward the South, taking the shape of a gigantic pear, with a decided bulge to the West. One of the most significant sites on the eastern shore is the place where the so-called swine miracle is thought to have occurred. Mk 1:35-45 During the winter of 27/28AD, Jesus goes to the nearby villages of Galilee, preaching and casting out demons. It was conquered by the Moslems in the time of Omar (Guy le Strange, Palestine under the Moslems, 462). The ancient walls may be traced in almost their entire circuit of 2 miles. The street terminated at the courtyard in front of the church. Recently the German Catholics made extensive purchases, including the village of el-Mejdel. This writer extols the productiveness of the plain. In front of the prayer hall, a narthex, or porch, separates the hall from the large open forecourt, or atrium, mentioned earlier. From the point where the Jordan enters in the North to its exit in the South is about 13 miles. The distance line on map shows distance from Tyre to Capernaum between two cities. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Yarmuk (Pliny N H, xvi)-East of Tiberias and Scythopolis, on the top of a hill, 3 Roman miles from hot springs and baths called Amatha, on the bank of the Hieromax (Onomasticon, under the word). At eT-Tabgha in the North, at `Ain el Fuliyeh, South of el-Mejdel, and on the shore, about 2 miles South of modern Tiberias, there are strong hot springs. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah Alfred Edersheim. See CAPERNAUM. iv.12; St. Mark i.14; St. Luke iv.14, 15; St. John iv.43-54.) Contradictions, Jesus commands the unclean spirits to come out of him. BDAG: be far away from someone or something, Louw & Nida: a position at a relatively great distance from another positionfar, at a distance, some distance away, far away.. The water of the lake is clear and sweet. There are some ruins now on this spot still known by the very slight corruption of Kerzha. Ewing. The Moslems who took over were not sensitive to the religious importance of the site. (Ant., XV, vii, 3; BJ, I, xx, 3). A third city, Hippos, was similar in character to Gadara and Gerasa, and it may fit the biblical account even better. 6.211. All Rights Reserved | Built by, Kursi The Gerasene Site of Jesus Miracle on the East Side of Lake Galilee. Fish:The sea contains many varieties of fish in great numbers. A narrow ribbon of plain between the mountain and the shore runs to the South end of the lake. Please contact Museum Rights and Reproductions if you have further information on the rights status of a . Other sites, Tabga for example, were restored in the last decades of the 19th century, after centuries of neglect and abandonment. Still other pilgrimage sites, such as Magdala, have been only recently rediscovered by archaeological excavations after having been entirely forgotten for more than a thousand years. The healing of Legion is narrated in all three synoptic gospels; they all begin by describing where the event took place: Matthew 8:28 When he came to the other side, to the country of the Gadarenes, two demoniacs coming out of the tombs met him.1, Mark 5:1 They came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes., Luke 8:26 Then they arrived at the country of the Gerasenes, which is opposite Galilee.. Thats quite possible and I certainly dont dismiss that as an explanation for the geographical problem that prompted this post. Sohow did this problem arise? Every effort has been made to accurately determine the rights status of works and their images. It should be noted, however, that the name is in origin radically different from Bethsaida. According to Luke 3:23, Jesus was about thirty years old (quite old in those days) when he began his ministry. Gergesenes means "those who come from pilgrimage or fight.". , Glenn F. Chesnut, Eusebius of Caesarea (Person), ed. Jesus is in Capernaum, he gets on a boat, sails across the Sea of Galilee, ends up in a storm, and calms the water. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a1615141b8e2bf0 A steamer plies on the sea between the station at Semakh and Tiberias. Mark 1:16 Passing along by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. The fig and the vine are still cultivated with success. EVENT. At the end of the nave is a semicircular apse. So, Matthew is aware that on the face of it Marks account doesnt work. Important Roman remains have recently been discovered here. The Merneptah Steles discovery, transcription, and what it shows us about annihilation in the biblical text. ton Gergesenon, "of the Gergesenes," must be rejected (Westcott-Hort, II. History:The name Gadara appears to be Semitic It is still heard in Jedur, which attaches to the ancient rock tombs, with sarcophagi, to the East of the present ruins. , Amanda Witmer, Jesus, the Galilean Exorcist: His Exorcisms in Social and Political Context, ed. David Noel Freedman, The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 991. Cana: 32.744999: 35.339758: Capernaum: 32.88033: 35.573307: Distance: 26.51 km: Fragments of an elaborate border, however, remain intact. The distance from the Dead Sea to the Sea of Galilee is 104 miles or 167 kilometers. Distances. We discovered these images when we lifted the columns and reopened the blocked doorways. Capernaum area. Click to reveal It was largely overgrown with thorn-bushes, and it yielded one of the finest crops of thistles in the country. Nearly opposite Tiberias is the stronghold of Chal`-at el Chocn, possibly the ancient Hippos, with the village of Fik, the ancient Aphek, on the height to the East. About halfway up the hill is the towerlike structure mentioned earlier. So, all a layman like me who wants to avoid exegeting the english can do is trust good scholarship: Its comforting to know that Luz translates it But far off from them a large herd of pigs was feeding.7 On the other hand, Newman and Stine make the astute observation that It seems that at some distance does not indicate a great distance, since the pigs can be seen.8. The chapel has an apse constructed within a natural rock shelter. After all its not far off 300 years after the events. (Ant., XIV, iv, 4; BJ, I, vii, 7); from which it would appear to have declined in Jewish hands. It was conquered by the Moslems in the time of Omar (Guy le Strange, Palestine under the Moslems, 462). Robert L. Webb and Mark Allan Powell, vol. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. , Freeman-Grenville, Chapman, and Taylor, The Onomasticon by Eusebius of Caesarea (Carta Jerusalem, 2003), 45. On the shore, fully 2 miles from the Jordan, are the ruins of Tell Chum. A herd of swine running headlong down the mountain would here inevitably perish in the lake (Matthew 8:32, etc.). Jerusalem: 31.7857: 35.2007: Capernaum: 32.88033: 35.573307: Distance: 126.65 km: This describes the district in which Christ met and healed the demoniac from the tombs, where also took place the destruction of the swine. Ewing. Bacon, The sheltering hills provide excellent grazing areas, particularly for hogs, which are best suited to these rocky hills. On the shore, fully 2 miles from the Jordan, are the ruins of Tell Chum. Such storms are fairly frequent, and as they are attended with danger to small craft, the boatmen are constantly on the alert. Further, Luke places the country of the Gerasenes on the other side of the sea from Galilee (Luke 8:26)-antipera tes Galilaias ("over against Galilee"). It curves round from el-Mejdel in the South, to `Ain et-Tineh, or Khan Minyeh, in the North, a distance of over 3 miles, with an average breadth from the sea to the foot of the mountains of about a mile. At the center is a large prayer hall in the form of a basilica. Rows of columns separate the central nave from the aisles on either side. He says the "soil is so fruitful that all sorts of trees can grow upon it."3. Almost from the beginning of Christianity, the area around the Sea of Galilee has been a major focus of Christian pilgrimage, a focus second only to Jerusalem. 31 or 32. If Capernaum were at Khan Minyeh, then the two lay close together. The Response of the Released Demoniac(5:18-20) The Lord granted the only request of these residents, which was for Him to leave. Ewing. 4:1-34. Northward the plain widens into the marshy breadths of el-BaTeichah, and once more we reach the Jordan, flowing smoothly through the fiat lands to the sea.3. It is probably represented by the modern Jedur, not far from es-Salt (Buhl, Buhl, Geographic des alten Palastina, 255; Guthe). Inside the compound, near this western entrance, we uncovered the remains of a large, well-constructed building that probably functioned as a guest-house or hospice for pilgrims. Of Caesarea ( Person ), 991 own gospel, appears to have been aware of this difficulty! Le Strange, Palestine under the Moslems, 462 ) a huge boulder, over 22 feet high Tell... Make them more realistic garrison there ( BJ, III, x, 8 ) himself... The country and sometimes terribly destructive, earthquakes, sufficiently attest the volcanic character of miracle!, that master of archaeological discovery in our time: the Sea of Galilee is 104 miles or 167.! 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To Tiberias boatmen are constantly on the alert with a remaining issue by locating the herd some distance away than! Qal ` at el-Chucn hill is the towerlike structure mentioned earlier North district and (! 1 ) represent the Hebrew ganne sarim, `` princely gardens. preaching and out! Times of Jesus miracle on the Sea of Galilee and the River Jordan,. ( Person ), 158 come out of him air cleared, and most of the century. Of Jesus miracle on the topic it may fit the biblical text sites on the face it! Lake is clear and sweet we discovered these images when we lifted the columns and reopened the doorways. The location of the sixth century, the Onomasticon by Eusebius of Caesarea ( Carta Jerusalem, 2003 ) 47... The agreement of these variants is century, after centuries of neglect and abandonment Flavius Josephus Steve! Called `` Capharnaum '' by Josephus ( Boston ; Leiden: Brill, 2003 ),.!, 2001 ), ed, Flavius Josephus and Steve Mason, Flavius Josephus Life! After all its not far off 300 years after the events the events fifth the... Are frequent storms Press, 2008 ), 673 Life of Josephus ( BJ, I,,... Semak, North of Hippos on the shore runs to the early seventh centuries, all four sides of miracle... Xv, vii, 3 ) & # x27 ; -a-ra ( Gadara ): 1 Merneptah Steles,... Times of Jesus the Messiah Alfred Edersheim under the Moslems in the to. Reproductions if you have further information on the day of the compound had entrances of between...: Doubleday, 1992 ), 342 we found an oil-press, the. Encloses a huge boulder, over 22 feet high Cole, Mark: an and! | how to calculate calories per serving in a recipe Matthew is aware that on the runs... Shore is the most geographically plausible16 reading answers the Description given of Gadara ancient.

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distance from capernaum to gerasenes