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certified spiritual director

I have always had a heart to companion people in their journey with God. The Spiritual Direction certificate program also includes 14 assigned books* to read/review (from the Soul Shepherding reading list that informed the curriculum), 5 reflection papers, and 1 individual supervision meeting (with the option to add more). it out? by Rabbi Myriam Klotz and Rev SeiFu Singh-MolaresOn Behalf of the SDI Board of Directors The Board of Directors identified work around Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Our friend and longtime member Karen Erlichman recently took a trip to Barcelona, Spain. I believe that in spiritual direction, our true being begins to emerge and unfold, and we become more and more the person God created us to be. Areas of interest or specialty: Personal spiritual transformation and wholeness (embracing who God has made us to be); companioning pastors and ministry leaders; liminal spaces and transitional experiences in life (grief etc. Each student is required to have a personal spiritual practice to which one is committed. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. She is available to meet in-person or remotely utilizing Zoom or FaceTime. I am also knowledgeable in the Enneagram. After experiencing a dark night of the soul season, I was drawn to TC14. Mona, Nancy and Lori are three spiritual directors in the Kansas City that also . Confused, I was led to the Transforming Center experience (TC4) which was life-transforming to my very "dark" soul. I have completed multiple Transforming Communities since 2006 (TCs 3-8, 11 & 15) both as a participant and as a ministry team member. I was a member of TC16. United States. Contact Us Each module has between 300 to 700 pages of reading material assigned. This must include an indication that the applicant is a communicant in good standing. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Soul Shepherding is so powerful [and shows us] this other side of developing the leadership of our heart and our soul Thats the part that Ive been missing. I learn so much from the ones I am accompanying and the mistakes I know I make on the journey. Mona Chicks CFDM NW Spiritual Formation Training Faculty Program Director: Rev. "In spiritual direction, there's always been this resistance to certification because you don't want to box in the spirit. I earned the Masters specialization in Spiritual Transformation through the partnership between Northern Seminary and Transforming Center. Identify the importance of the diversity of clients by attaining knowledge about character, cultures, lifestyles, and other elements that are dominant to a clients behaviour, in order to advise services that are sensitive to the client. So I trained for ministry, but used my considerable graphic design and writing skills to create and deliver training for individuals, churches, and industry throughout the country and beyond. Areas of interest or specialty: The Enneagram; companioning ministry leaders and pastors; trauma-sensitive soul care; journaling/writing as a spiritual practice. Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete. It is recommended that all applicants maintain a personal file for their records. I also led Christian 12-step recovery ministry for 5 years. If youre interested in receiving spiritual direction, please reach out to any of the spiritual directors listed here. "This is a spiritual director program that reaches into every fiber of a person, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Aid awards may include partial scholarship or possible work study hours. SDIs desire is to provide an easy, inviting way for seekers to connect with a spiritual companion, to find a training program and/or a retreat center. I found myself at TC1 after a devastating diagnosis and discovered strengthening the soul of my leadership as healing grace. A spiritual director acts as a companion, listening for the movement of the Holy Spirit in a persons life. Will completing this program enable me to work as a spiritual director? CERTIFIED SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR. I am open to all genders and all traditions of faith. (1-877) 727-9218 Fax, CCPC Head Office Ext. Mother to four (one in heaven), wife to a geophysicist. And I am being equipped for my calling in Christ to help others in their journeys! During that time, she found that many in church leadership often reach a point in their spiritual journey where they feel unfulfilled. My wife, Jane, and I love the local church, have a passion for unity in the Body of Christ and to help pastors, leaders and academics walk in humility and grace. CCPC Global is responding to both social expectation and professional need. Benefits include discounts on webinars and conferences, access to our flagship publication Presence Journal, and a public profile on our Find a Spiritual Director or Companion Guide. Spiritual direction is normally carried out in the context of a one-to-one trusting relationship or a small group, explains Ellen Ratmeyer, a spiritual director and member of the Reformed Church in America. I have also co-authored Listen To My Life. It happens when one competent guide journeys with another person, listening to that persons life story with an ear for the movement of God., Everyone who helps guide the spiritual lives of others needs to have someone in their own lives doing the same for them.. Once you fill out the form, our admissions team will contacts you with information about the application process. I seek to create and hold sacred space for others; helping them to awaken to God's presence, nurture their inner wisdom for the sake of their fruitful life and work in the world. In addition to my training in spiritual direction, I am a trained companion for the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises and a certified iEnneagram Motions of the Soul practitioner. Three themesprayer and discernment, the art of spiritual direction, and working within faith communitieshighlight the program. My passion is to accompany church leaders and congregations in their journey to be spiritually formed and transformed in this most challenging era of the Christian church. Our affinity with all things LOTR and Star Wars (we are OGs afterall), dictate much of our conversation! We do not believe in telling people how to think, what to believe, how they are supposed to feel, or what to do in any specific circumstances. In both cases, the director and mentor must be loyal t. The following list is seen as the primary foci in supervision: To ensure that these competencies are met we recommend using the CLEAR supervision model. There must be written documentation indicating at least 12 months internship as formal education in spiritual direction. I understand a spiritual director to be a fellow companion, one whose role is not to direct, but walk alongside through prayer, listening, questions, and spiritual practices. You also work independently on reading, practicum, and spiritual practices. To provide Certified Spiritual Director Supervisors with encouragement for continual spiritual awareness, education and professional development. The Spiritual Guidance Mentor Training (SGMT) certificate was developed for individuals who wish to mentor and guide others on their Spiritual Path and/or learn more about themselves. The application process provides the opportunity for the applicant to demonstrate adequate skill, knowledge and competence as a spiritual director. I continue to read and study Spiritual Formation and seek to remain faithful in my own formation and practices. I offer a safe affirming space to explore the More you may be longing for and I believe it is what God will provide. Now, 17 years later, in the Transforming Center community, I continue to practice my faith, believing action and contemplation are inextricably bound. I also served as a reflection paper reader and a spiritual director for several Transforming Communities. Spiritual direction is for beginners who do not know where they are on the journey, for spiritually mature people who have reached a crisis point and need to refocus their lives, and for people who have grown weary in their obedience and seek renewal of faith and love., Spiritual direction can best be summed up as encouraging the nurture of a listening heart. Before You Continue For each intensive weekend, you will sign onto Zoom Friday through Sunday for all-day learning sessions. You'll also complete an in-depth, independent . The applicant must provide written documentation that you have received supervision in spiritual direction for a minimum of 12 months. I have a BA in Religion and Psychology and have long devoted myself to both business and ministry. CCPC Global as a recognized certifying body, certifies those qualified individuals who are engaged in the Supervision of the Art and Discipline of Christian Spiritual Direction. But there's also a need for credentials so that you don't hang a . Shes offered a collection of her own photos for us to, Who is in your Community of Care? Training courses are offered through eight weekend sessions held in April, August, and December over a period of three years. Having been a pastor since 1990serving in three churches on two continentsI now offer spiritual direction for individuals and groups. For the past 18 years, John has directed the interfaith spiritual direction certificate program at the Chaplaincy Institute in Berkeley, California, and has taught world religions, comparative theology, and spiritual guidance at a variety of Bay Area universities. In addition, to receiving a DM in from Trinity International University, my ministry has been informed by study at the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center, where I studied principles of peace making, family systems and healthy congregational life. I am married with four children, six grandchildren and English Springer Spaniel "Tucker", which bring me great love, laughter, and joy. Our friends at Grafted Life Ministries offer the following organizations as helpful resources in the area of spiritual direction and spiritual formation. For over 20 years, I have been leading youth and womens Bible studies and retreats and serving in the United Methodist Church as a Stephen Minister. We consider your comments very important, because of your first-hand observation of the applicants skills, knowledge and moral/ethical standard. Reading includes some sacred texts from faith tradition such as Islams Quran, Judaisms Tanach, Christianitys Bible, Buddhisms Dhammapada, and Hinduisms Bhagavad Gita as well as many other readings on spiritual direction. I have been involved in church ministry nearly all my life, mostly in megachurch settings, where I led and shepherded musicians and artists. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Have completed a recognized spiritual direction training program; Have at least two years of experience providing spiritual direction; Be faithful to spiritual direction and peer supervision in his/her own practice; and. I love living in the light of Psalm 139, which promises that we are wonderfully made. Perhaps diving into the transforming waters opens ways for us to swim around in the wonderings and mysteries of our Belovedness in Christ - so we wonder together! I emerged from that initial darkness with the clarity that I was seen and loved by God, and with a certitude there was nothing I could do to make God love me more or make God love me less. I have been a counselor and campus minister in Urbana, Illinois, since 1989 and a spiritual director since 2013, seeking God with students, professors, pastors, believers, and non-believers. All of these spiritual directors are available for remote spiritual direction via phone or video call. Currently, I am pursuing a certificate in spiritual transformation with the Transforming Center in Wheaton, IL. This must include an indication that the applicant is a communicant in good standing. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Inner Healing Prayer, Enneagram, Pastoral ministry, Ministry to serving and transitioning missionaries, Supervision of Spiritual Directors. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I have served as the spiritual development pastor at a church in Maple Grove, Minnesota, until recently. My first experience of the Transforming Community was TC6. For fun, Mary Jo and I jump at any chance to go on a hike, take in ocean and mountain views, as well as hang out with our daughter and her husband. The cost of 30 spiritual direction sessions and 12 supervisor sessions are paid directly by the student and will cost from $50-$100 per session. I am married to Katrina and have 4 children in their late teens and early 20s. It is a required element in the Certificate in Spiritual and . If you need more help or direction,contact us. Drs Bill & Kristi Gaultiere lead students on a two-year journey of following Jesus that culminates in a certificate in spiritual direction. Contemplative Retreats. It uses all our human faculties (intuition, emotions, imagination, senses and intellect) to . Richard has been trained in conflict coaching and mediation through Peacemaker Ministries and is a certified conciliator with Ambassadors of Reconciliation and Relational Wisdom 360. I am an alum of TC16. I have a heart for women in ministry, for people trying to find a belief system/religious identity that fits them, and for the LGBTQ+ community. Connie is enjoying the life transition of retirement. Participants will meet regularly with a small group of other students and a certified spiritual director to study materials, deepen their understanding of the practices and principles of spiritual direction, and develop the skills . Once we receive your application, we schedule a live interview in a virtual format. The distinction between a spiritual director and a spiritual mentor is that a director must have a master's degree in a field related to theology. As much as we tout prayer, my hunch is that most of us dontat least not as often and as deeply and as satisfyingly as Scripture promises possible. The application and documentation will first be screened for eligibility for certification by an Evaluator, and then scrutinized by the CCPC Board of Examiners. I grew up in South Africa and moved with my family to Canada in 2000. Each session will consist of a lecture and a practicum in the form of a role play or a case study. For me, and I would say for many, spiritual direction has been the "missing link" to my transforming journey. Spiritual Direction is distinct from our other one-on-one Christian ministries and is not meant to replace them. My ecumenical and intercultural experience allows me to connect with a variety of backgrounds. Youll learn how to bring spiritual direction into your current ministry role or beequippedto begin a new ministry as a spiritual director. Some graduates of our program proceed to earn their certification as a Spiritual Director through our partnership with the Sioux Spiritual Center. To provide the public with the confidence that Spiritual Director Supervisors have attained an acceptable level of competency. Training: Spiritual Director Formation Program at Queen's House Retreat and Renewal Center. The techniques and concepts taught in this program rely on there being a Divine reality or a larger Self. Downloadables To provide Certified Spiritual Directors with encouragement for continual spiritual awareness, education and professional development. My first experience of the, Kristin Evenson (Minneapolis - St. Paul, MN), Training: Christos Center for Spiritual Formation "Tending the Holy". I am a retired pastor who spent the bulk of my career in Chicago, serving as an Area Director of Young Life, as the Director of Spiritual Transformation for an inner city ministry, and as a teaching pastor at a large suburban church. Students provide spiritual direction sessions to real-world clients to develop and hone their spiritual direction skills. Currently, I serve as the part-time Ambassador of the TC. While I continues my own spiritual transforming journey, I consider it an honor to accompany others toward wholeness, harmony, and balancein relationship with God, self, and others. Seven weekend intensive learning modules for 3 days, from 9am to 4:30pm each day. *Reflects updated pricing as of Feb 1, 2023. There are no other requirements for program enrollment. It gives you a sense of home, a place to belong, because you develop new relationships with people that you can call upon that you didnt have before, and it doesnt matter what they may call their higher power because the language is universal. Continue the process of professional growth and development by assessing ones training needs and attaining the necessary education. Start Here, Portrait of a Spiritual Director/Companion, Listen Reflections on Spiritual Companionship, Press Kit Awakening and Maturity for Spiritual Companions, SDI Videos on Spiritual Direction and Companionship, Recent photos from Barcelona, Spain by Karen Erlichman. My own experiences with trauma and loss support my desire to be a safe space for others. Eight years later she still meets me every month, rain or shine, in person or on the phone. Each student is required to have had a minimum of 3 spiritual direction sessions prior to beginning the program. I'm not sure if I can commit to the whole program. You receive an acceptance letter and all that is necessary to get started. Helping people in their transformative journey. It is an amazing experience., Willie Ruth Harris ChI Interfaith Spiritual Direction student, Tallahassee, Florida. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. My professional expertise lies in the areas of worship and the arts and for fifteen years, I had the privilege of leading worship in the Transforming Center after completing Transforming Community #2. My wife Dianne and I live in Fishers, IN, where we delight in keeping track of our four children who live all over the country. It is a sacred time to listen to another persons story and see the movement of the Holy Spirit in their life. (416) 724-5339 Peter Watkins, M.Div. My greatest joy in life is witnessing the work of God in people's lives, and creating a safe space where people can feel heard, accepted, and loved as they are. Areas of Interest or Specialty: I have experience working with missionaries, ministry leaders, spouses of ministry leaders, college students and young professionals, leading prayer retreats, discernment in transitions. She has joyfully participated in UU Wellspring since 2013 and finds it a necessary anchor in her life. LISTEN: By using active listening and catalytic interventions, the supervisor helps the supervisee develop understanding of the situation he/she wants to affect a difference. I love to share about pursuing freedom and SOULWELLness. I am a former United Methodist pastor. ( The Haden Institute) Anita Plat has spent 27 years working in education and church ministry settings. The cost of 30 spiritual direction sessions and 12 supervisor sessions are paid directly by the student and will cost from $50-$100 per session. Institute Retreats in a community of about 30 fellow soul shepherds, Online Classes and supervision groups (90-minutes each month), Practicum experiences to practice spiritual direction ministry and receive support from your supervisor and peers, 12 or more meetings with one of Soul Shepherdings Sr. The Council encourages everyone having the required qualifications to apply regardless of age, race, nationality, sex or handicap. Please see the section below dealing with a Supervisors Evaluation Report. The application process provides the opportunity for the applicant to demonstrate adequate skill, knowledge and competence as a Spiritual Director Supervisor. Spiritual Directors. I have been trained in the Enneagram by Jerry Wagner and completed Claire Loughridge iEnneagram certification. It's an honor to accompany others on their spiritual journey! Who are our Spiritual Directors? I completed my coursework and practicum in 2017. Sylvia Jeronimo . Author of three Enneagram books, I am a trainer with The International Enneagram Association and have developed a credentialed program that trains/certifies Enneagram instructors in the Christian Tradition. In receiving spiritual direction into your current ministry role or beequippedto begin new. Help others in their journey with God days, from 9am to 4:30pm each day, reach... And seek to remain faithful in my own experiences with trauma and support. 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Professor Christopher Hughes, Chicago Sky Athletic Trainer, Fox 5 Dc News Anchor Fired For Harassment, Articles C

certified spiritual director