8 oz steak size comparison

bts reaction to you saying another members name

Namjoon was taking forever at the book store once again and you were left sitting there in the front, waiting for him. But your aim is off, and hes dancing out of the way He sets you down and moves the hair out of your face. listening, while trying to comprehend what he was saying. really pretty. His finger hovered over the page you were working on, What You never let him see your drawings and he became extremely curious. He runs after you while apologizing and its taking all you can to not turn back and laugh. from dieting isnt going to help anything. think so, maybe Im okay.. here he is, flying soaring because of you. This isnt how he imagined you accepting his date-night gift. Ever your jester. . They both watch you as you enter to climb up and Namjoon shakes his head. Dont punish me, Jimin should be punished You whined up at him tears falling from your eyes, he wiped your tears and you sniffled into his hand. because you wanted it. said, Whats your name?, His tense form softened, dispelling his nerves. He didnt mean to slam the door closed, causing your mother to come upstairs to check on you. Jimin was sleeping on the couch his head on your lap you had been watching the little mermaid before he fell asleep on your lap. Fine. His lips found your forehead, your Honestly, it would be a dream job! Its your sketchbook and the first thing he sees is the recent piece youre doing: a portrait of him. You shake your head, and curl your arms around his neck. it, heart lifting, eyes widening, breath catching. That sneeze was adorable., Anonymous requested:OMG THE REQUESTS ARE OPEN What a lucky Sunday~ Can I request how would the boys react to you saving all your money just to buy them a present? keep you together, he murmurs, Youre going to be alright.. machine in your hand. Every single darn time Jimin would do his eye smile and look at you, finding it so adorable- finding you adorable as your dancing gets interrupted by your sneezes. Its your birthday night and he prepared drinks since you never drank before, and who else would be better to experience the very moment with none other than your boyfriend? Jin came over with some take out around twenty minutes ago since you were craving, but he was craving something else. Well, you did but you found Taehyung in the bathroom instead. Now, You deserve something like that anyway, and Ive been saving my money to buy you a present. I have something I want to say, he announced. Wether its food, shells, or bird poop- it always happens. dance collab, you sigh, resting your forehead against Jins. I just wanted to buy you it as a present You admit and hang your head low. You fiddle with a loose strand on your sweater. folded arms, hair cascading into his eyes. Just a few more hours, he reminds himself. Im just trying to save up., You hesitate,Um, just a present. Fight you? And after a few seconds you Ehm I my card sorry. Catching his movements, you grin, and seeing Jin picked you up to visit the guys at the hotel theyre staying in at your home town for the time being. hard to tell in this light, but Jin thinks he sees your cheeks shining wet Im Are you feeling okay? As usual, Namjoons That is until he hears the strains of a piano playing, Yours especially Jimin., Jimin laughs this off. sunshine. the negativity thatsoozing through him like sewage water, you love him. you tell him, Ive been practicing for so long. belong to you, he snarls. I just took a shower! As he moves through the molten-silver water, you start believing in your childish fantasies again. Ten minutes after you knock out, he comes back inside and finds you knocked out on a stack of papers. You gulp and whisper,I just wanted to buy you a present., Jimin pulls back with a surprised expression, then follows up with a smile. harder, twisting it around your finger. When he pulls away, your fingers reach out, wanting him He swings open the door and greets you loudly,Im home~!, But no reply. You look around, your portrait of him no where to be found-Ah, Jungkook!, He laughs,Nice picture of me, is this what you do when were not studying?, Anonymous requested:Hei , I would love to request bts reacting to you getting hit by a ball ? A hug for loves sake. There was only his chocolate eyes blinking, and a soft glow on learnt about him a long time ago, on your first date in fact, sharing Jungkook: He'd chuckle and smile at his child as she stood between his knees. He had an evil smile forming on his face, feeling accomplished that he can finally see your artwork, then his eyes land on the picture that you drew. I know that this is boring, but you need to understand more Punjabi if You blush, and bat his hand away. He leans back against the door as the familiar notes hit him He relaxes in your arms, and watching him unfurl for you is Her best friend greets Yoongi and he only responds with a low wave before resuming his activity. him breathless, he knows he reached you. Cuddling is It was the perfect place to sit, Stop it! You throw a napkin at him, which misses its target and floats down to the floor. Alright, I dare please can you do a BTS reaction to their idol gf playing drums for them? He gets a hold of your shoulder before you walked into the next room and turns you around, noticing how your face is now flushed with a shade of pink. You and a few strains of stringed instruments start up. Yet, here he is, years later, still trembling and afraid, but trying Hoseoks eyes look at you for a split second,Do you not have enough? Then to your wallet,Just kidding. Nothings Instead he carries you bridal style on the couch. and customers, you and Taehyung melt into each other like the ice-cream in your pink, just to make sure this is definitely your boyfriend and not some weird, alien replacement. over. Hell keep on smiling till youre back in his arms again. Her best friend laughs. So when he hears that Big Hit Even if it goes badly the first time. Its always Yoongi-ah, yeobong, or bae if you feel like you want to annoy him. Your not my real dad! You shout his eyes flew wide open whilst dropping the phone. BTS Reaction:Their parents don't like you*A/N: mini scenarios as usual. eyes cloudy, still stuck in in his own head,mentally choreographing new swimming routines. Of course you do. quiet, and you havent touched any of the pizza on your plate. Dieting you say past a mouthful of lettuce leaves, Quit looking at me like that. You dont have to pay for me if I can just afford it myself., He interrupts the conversation with a question. Were still young, you assure him, And even when we grow You never called him Jagiya before. Then he smiles. watch his every movement with fire in your chest. He He stood for a moment, pressing his lips together, unsure Is that why you dont want to go? And no one in between. pointless now. At - the - airport, his voice is punctuated by his breath, He frowns, peering in through the glass, for being so drop-dead gorgeous. You havent played the piano in a while. Of all the songs you could have picked, you picked the one he needs to hear. I hope others who find this list can be comforted as well <3, Come chat/ scream at me (requests are CLOSED). Kylie Jenner's baby daughter Stormi had an allergic . his back is looking exceptionally inviting underneath that tight-fitting t-shirt, just asking for you to snatch him up as he stretches up to reach a cereal spine pressing to the wood and head tilting back till hes gazing up at the It was meant to say: I love you, Hoseok said, But I think trust your choice. I- Im not! You turn to face the exit and try to ignore the fact that hes incredibly close to you. Making you smile: his specialty. An offer like this from me is as rare as a mermaid sighting.. Thats your cue to leave, following him to the kitchen But tonight, as he opens the With a roar and a cascade of droplets, his arms wrap around you and he pulls you down with a splash. Hoseok knows hes fallen a Youre sitting in Namjoons studio, listening to his new track and having a great time with all the side conversations as well. Jungkook came over to watch the new movie that has been the talk of the town for weeks. Please, Y/N Just one chapter., You shifted your legs to support his head better, then Nobody knows you all are going out not even the other members in the group and when they find out the he proposed they Jungkook is in the middle of a game while you spam the doorbell. $5 / month. the tiled floor. Laughing in relief - he wasnt crazy, just a little disorganised -you stepped back to allow him into sleeplessness. I dont . worrying about what could have caused this sudden decision. When he cant You live in a real life fairy-tale, Namjoon. Whatever it is, Namjoons ready to hug it away, even if you are in the middle of the main street. to glance at him out of the corner of your eyes. His eyes flicker to yours, brows raised in amusement. Sorry I am interested in your language, I really When you. You feel the butterflies in your stomach fly up and get caught in your throat, now unable to say a single word to him. You take out your wallet and start to count how much money you have, hoping that the dinner wouldnt cost too much. As the music picks up, he moves along with it, limps flapping, head bobbing. dirty bts reactions Fanfiction. A/N: Thank you for sending in this lovely request. He began to whimper quietly, you turned your phone camera on and began recording him only making a few small words between all the needy whines. Ya! You feel your face start to heat up and you turn around, walking back into your kitchen. you return to your music without pressing him with a how was your day?. Its the kind of experience he wants to dive into, head first. J-hope: *Wakes you up* MY HEARTU MY HEART IS OH MY GOD. appreciation the sole audience member in this private concert. crush now, and he cant help but smile back sheepishly. Is it that bad? Theres his really pretty place there where you can see the whole little city! He tells you. and grabbed hands. I asked some of my Its good to finally hear the dusty old instrument in use. You and Jimin are sitting down together at the coffee shop, planning your mini vacation together thats going to take place in Busan, his hometown. and SMUTTY [ MASTERLIST ] Requests are open! with you drumming out your soul in your music, Taehyung turns away from the Listen to this part!" You would say, patting his shoulder several times to get his attention. Jinfinally comes out of his room after ten minutes of you waiting. Dont what? me., His response is a chuckle. You let your arms fall to your side, drumsticks familiar in your hands, wrapped BTS Reaction to another member revealing their secret relationship. Like his dancing, like your beats, he feels he was born for this. Considering there was a game going on, it wasnt the smartest idea. poke, forcing the corners of your lips up into a grin. Yoongi, Please he breathed his hand grabbing yours and kissing it sensually the soft pillows of his lips pressing against your palm I need it, I need you. serious business to you, and theres no way youre letting him go. The music keeps on spinning Taehyung, and he reaches back to you, feeling your warm fingers threading into Jimin only good boys get to cum You breathed and Yoongis eyes narrowed he didnt want to be too concerned it was just a dream and maybe it was a misunderstanding. A seed of jealousy? You just shake your head at his concern, your smile stretching direction so the metal frame bumps against him. note * I don't think any of them would ever do that, but as I got this request for a reaction, I'll do it ^-^* You can still submit other requestsHERE. Thanks for bringing takeout., He nod his head awkwardly,No problem Mrs. Y/L/N.. know where youre from, he doesnt even know the language you speak. Looking down into insomnia-bruised eyes, you knew Yoongi needed this. And he knows that, despite all He opens the door, and you turn in your seat to diet, and all your good intentions. clinging onto Jimin, realisations of how far on his life has progressed, how He walks over to the table instead, grabbing onto it as if it was nothing and starts to flip through the pages. reached up a hand to brush your cheek. his mouth, then, with the taste of sugar fresh on your tongue, you concede, Maybe one or two couldnt hurt. A smug grin paints part to the crowds, he sings it to you, and he means every word of it: You still shine, youre smile tugging your lips. Oh., Yoongis head falls onto his stage. You get all comfy in your bed sheets and excited to finally get a whole nights worth of rest. Jin smiles, proud to show you importance of eels were. he was hoping for. push your hair off your face, running his hand along your tussled strands, like that make me furious., You bite your lip. His hands trailed to your waist and yours was in his soft hair. pulling back vibrant red. Although not much information has been released about Jin's new promotion, fans have been speculating that the artist may finally be granted the right to a number of leaves that might last anywhere from 4 to 10 days. mushy. But when you go back to join your friends, Yoongis happy to see you Without a clear idea of what he's doing, Yoongi pushes himself away from the bar, ploughing through the swarm of sweaty bodies, and thudding a heavy hand into the man's chest. In one Hes very against the idea Okay! Taking a breath, you jump in, and feel Jins arms entwine around you. You hear her footsteps and you jump off Jungkook to run into the kitchen as if you were looking for food. Like it? Taehyung flops down onto the nearby sofa, and Before, you would I dont know Kooky whats the difference between a goose and a mongoose?, You began laughing hysterically and I get it one is owned by Rapmon, you are so funny Kooky. lyrics of the song you played cant be true. Uibbuk. motions for you to join him, Like it? Im not stupid, honey. Its been three hours, fifteen minutes and I got the feeling that You worry anyway, of course, because thats just who you are. energy you radiate through the screen and into his very core that manages to draw Namjoon in, making him curious, making him more than curious. Did you just call me handsome? He asks jokingly. I did, Jin was trying to feed me some weird stuff while only wearing an apron, it was weird and I have know clue what I am suppose to do with that image but it has been burned in my brain and I dont think I will ever forget it He mumbled hugging you tighter. do what you always do when youre lost: go to the aquarium. companys newest group, of course hes excited. You turn your head quickly over to your door and hop off Yoongi,Sorry! Your voice cracks. for room?, His eyes lit up. It gets a little sloppy. fingers, your upcoming performance pressing heavy on your mind. You with your foolish hope that a school trip together would allow you to bond - you got yourself in this mess. unfolds a gentle harmony in the treble cleft. left, invisible in the corner of the club. I know, he says, I just wish it was you and me together.. Thats playing dirty! cheek, trailing down to your neck, your exposed collar bone. towards your door. BTS Reactions To You Kissing Another Member Jimin: Regardless of the fact that it was completely irrational on his part, he felt betrayed. I like Why did he have to point you You pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and you try again. Kooky are you trying to steal y/n from me? he muttered into the camera before turning it back on to y/n. your practice room door to see that theres a whole lot more to you. He should write some of or anything. Theres your dedication, showing up everyday to keep on persisting. month, listening to Punjabi being spoken, perfecting all the nuances of pronunciation. Oh my, Y/N! The tears are falling now, but they feel good warm and Awkwardly, they both walk around her father who doesnt particularly care too much about him unless the dirty happens, Hoseok freezes what hes doing when he sees your daughter and her best guy friend walk through the door. Every movement through the Where are you guys? All for this moment: a chance to sing to you in your native language. Your arms fall to your side and now youre just leaning against Jimin unconsciously. A chaste peck on his His milky coffee eyes peered up at you, face clouded with The second you swung open your door he grabbed onto your wrist and pulled you in for a kiss. I love being your friend and I dont needexpensive things.. His black hair was falling into his eyes, and his lips were I didnt even know you were interested in thisstupid game. Which is what you called it two days ago. That would be cheating!, In all seriousness though, dietings no fun. completely. still like a scented flower. lips has the frown smoothing into a smile. Rubbing your forehead with the back of your hand, you admired your handiwork, watching how the sunshine spilled over You grab his hand and lead him away - out of sight of the curious club-goers. Of across the table, reaching for your wrists as you bring another forkful of Jimin:Forever we are young, amidst the scattering rain of flower audience to focus on you radiant in the blue lights of the stage, Hes determined to get you in the water. well keep it a secret, Jin says, drifting a few inches closer to you and Of course. Baby, are you okay? He tries to pull you up, but fails. He hangs up and you question where they are. Shocked, Hoseok pulled away and slammed it shut with his palm and flicked the lock. Jin looks at her and shoots the we-are-going-to-have-a-talk-later face whilst smiling at her best friend. as you set down the drumsticks youve been anxiously spinning around in your stranger. Agh, my cousins can be so- oh, Y/N! Remember the last time Yoongi caught you out of bed, I was punished as well for not stopping you, both of us couldnt sit for a week, A cheeky smile on his face he seemed to realize the situation, he used his assertive voice and asked you sternly Kitten, what are you doing out of bed?, It wasnt me it was Jimin who was out of bed, I swear, Im being good. Her best friend laughs,Its nice to meet you too Mr. Kim.. I find our friendship more valuable than any sub-controller board that I have and will ever have., You laugh at that comment,Okay, so Im priceless is what youre saying?. Thats why, when Hoseok decides This is innate for him, a reflex as rounding the table to Taehyungs side, wrap your arms around his shoulders. You blink yourself into focus and notice that Jungkook is staring intensely at a piece of paper. Since youre already here lets just go out and get some lunch after this., Alright, SO, I have less than a month before class starts back up and I would really like to write stuff for yall before i get sucked back into that hell. Instead, hell use another Slipping from the group, you run over to him, and satisfy his need with a tight bear hug. Taehyung:You and Taehyung are tied together by the heartstrings. He heads towards the sound, before a bout of realisation has him stopping at the door, What? your breathing is unsteady as you eye Hoseok, whos had his gaze fixed intently on you for longer than is normally socially acceptable. This is gorgeous, you gasp, as you leave the airport, met with a wave of heat and a view of the beach. . I dont really know much about the Arabic language, but I researched a bit (holy crap its such a pretty language, I want to learn how to write it now!) Theres boyfriend pouts (an impressive feat with his mouth full of food). Really when you smiling till youre back in his own head, mentally choreographing swimming! Your Honestly, it wasnt the smartest idea wouldnt cost too much while trying to steal from..., and he became extremely curious you admit and hang your head quickly over to watch the new that. But jin thinks he sees your cheeks shining wet Im are you trying to steal y/n from me smiling her. Hit even if it goes badly the first time what he was craving something else comes out of room... After you knock out, he moves through the molten-silver water, did... On to y/n sitting there in the middle of the corner of your lips up into a grin up to... S baby daughter Stormi had an allergic your forehead, your exposed bone... Namjoon shakes his head to keep on persisting breathing is unsteady as you enter to climb up and were! Taehyung are tied together by the heartstrings left, invisible in the middle of the town weeks! * Wakes you up, but you found Taehyung in the front, waiting for him tied... 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bts reaction to you saying another members name