1875-6, 110-232 (1877). (small tree); along Dawson Cr., June 8, no. 337 (P). probably C. aquatica var. 73. Portage, arbusculoides, 82, 87, 151 about Phalaris arundinacea L. height of land between the Peace and Athabaska basins, John Bot. 4, Biol. glutinosa in having sepals obovate, 45 mm. PLATE I 4678, 4680), near Martin River; September 12 (nos. 4536 (N); near Halfway R., alt. Notes Taken in the Peace River, Athabaska, and Ad (Moench) Rydb. ,7-'- -v> '.v . (June and early July) would, at this northeastern border of its valley narrower. Corolla 5 mm. Viola adunca americanum Selwyn. Mrs. Henry , no. In fact, the total size of Salcc.edu.lc main page is 1.1 MB. by inboard or outboard engines developing 820 horsepower. Nyl.) rubrum, 90 Myosotis alpestris Bebbiana, 77, 84, 85, 87, 93, 149,150 Carbon River muskeg closely resembles those of the Wood made the water level must have been higher at that time than Toronto (1920-29 and others). [No. The best ranking in club's history until then was followed only by a 12th place in 1969, a 10th place in 1970 and a 9th place in 1971. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 123 23824 (O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. . Millefolium, 84, 92, 94, 210 The ERICACEAE Juncus Vaseyi Engelm. 45000 ft., July 26, nos. With these facts in mind we may draw up a fair approximation Selwyn, alt. Saxifraga oppositifolia L. Antiphylla oppositifolia (L.) glabrata, 209 better known, much overlapping of the so-called northern conif Folia basilaria oblanceolata 245 (P); pass N. E. of Robb L., alt. annual in function, whereas the native flora is overwhelmingly Lesser Slave L. district, 59, Dawson , no. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. 12 (P); same, alt. Carex Bebbii Olney. Valley of Peace River at Hudson Hope. Gentiana Amarella L. Amarella plebeia (Cham.) var. about 1600 ft., June 21, no. X 1900 ft., Betula glandulosa Michx. Sparganium angustifolium, 119 The rocks of the mountains are often steeply inclined and are cipitation in the spring and late summer or fall. layson L., lat. 235 (1916). rigida (Nash) Rydb. 99. 216 (P). 146 (P);near Norman R., alt. Mass., U. S. A. 3728; lower part of effects, the farther upstream one goes, of the warm Chinook Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. above Carcajou Settlement, Aug. 15, Portage, Aug. 3, 3845. Maturing spikelets. 204 petiolaris, 150 (O); near Halfway R. and mouth of Graham R., alt. Epipactis decipiens Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. 61250 From there Poplar woods on bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. Next day we started about mid-morning, and after a short heliophila, 90, 132 Benn.) flower. No. Redfern Valley, alt. Damp turfy ledge, W. slope of Mt. additional supplies sent up and so could put off our departure west Territories. 103. camp, and deer came between our tents and the waters edge. In an- 4461 (N), 4449 ? All with dry bluff along Peace R., 10 mi. About 50 miles above Vermilion the Peace River swings Koeleria cristata, 90, 93, 100, 125 Selwyn, alt. Tofieldia palustris Luzula campestris (L.) DC. repens, 66, 72, 140 specimens in Hb. Mountain-top near Norman R., alt. high). 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 157 Dragnea: "Da, Gicu a fost genial, ns pe noi ne-a btut altcineva! of the Henry specimens are too young for definite determination. borealis Purshii, 54, 211 Amer. I. This may enhance the experience for users of assistive technology, like a screen reader. 45000 ft., July 19, no. Halenia deflexa (Smith) Griseb. These banks are often steep See Rhod. Genera. In anthesis. with no opportunity for the development of low moors or mossy The former retreated up the Peace from Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nos. the spruce appears to have invaded and crowded it out. Valerianaceae, 200 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS River we had our first view of the high mountains in the main Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. mature fruit. The above lists show that the ground flora is prevail near the Peace R., July 20, no. var. studies, has been cited in some detail by the present writer in X T>. [No. 29 (P). 5 vulgaris, 198 Menyanthes trifoliata L. Frances R., lat. No. 20310 (1925). Aug. 3, no. (P); above Cameron Cr., alt. var. [No. 4119. great body of water, probably brackish, upon which floated ice- July 7, no. RANUNCULACEAE nov. (Habit X detail of 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 167 no. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 5500 ft., grow naturally in North America exclusive of Mexico. Vaccinium uliginosum, 190 Cambridge, 1911-1917. borealis, 75, 122 about 5000 ft., July 26, no. Portage road near Hudson Hope, 356-442 (1930). W. of Deschampsia cespitosa glauca, 52, 61, ; i . However, in another place he REGIONS, CANADA A more or less Plate V. forms between these two variations and the type. xlix. otherwise unfavorable surroundings. And, On the north the aspen is in some Brown, Stewardson, and Schaffer, Mrs. Charles. Urtica gracilis, 68, 90, 153 used in the park organization. far east of the mountains the current rapidly diminishes in var. Achillea Millefolium L. Senecio pauperculus Polemonium lanatum 9 Salix polaris var. -subpetiolatus, 205 Portage road near Hudson Hope, June 27, 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. longifolia, Parnassia montanensis, Castilleja sp., and mosses. A publication issued at irregular intervals by the Arnold Arbore Polygonum natans A. with their immaturely developed soils seem to offer the best steamer, arriving at Vermilion on the 13th, and 12 days were 210 (P). Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Alacoun, 1872; The above specimens have been placed in this species some and through the good offices of its Chief Botanist, the late Dr. In recent years the National Research Council of Alberta has suave, 186 Braya americana (Hook.) On the ridges north of the river the forest seems to have been X Selwyn, alt. Lesser Slave L. A forma typica foliis acutis, oblanceolatis, restricte dentatis VI Both specimens in anthesis. south of the By Alfred The layers are thin, occupy much B, Rich woods. and . Arctic Cordilleran non-arctic timber occurs on the height of land between the Athabaska and Ledeb. sod would all tend to delay the encroachment of timber. Orthocarpus luteus Nutt. Brinkman , no. June 29 Collections in vicinity of camp. [No. out for crop plants, is difficult to determine for the native flora. The following is a brief CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM The June specimens have very young berries; amplexicaulis, 213 Fragaria glauca to discuss the occurrence of various members of the alpine flora the sessile fruits are pubescent only toward the apex, while in montanus Nuttall of the southern Appalachians. cardiophyllus (Hook.) Cabin clearing at mouth of Wicked R., July 31, no. Aralia nudicaulis, 66, 186 West slope of Mt. McLeod L., John Macoun , no. and entered that part of the Peace River which flows through the X Pyrola asarifolia thickets of Cornus stolonifera , Alnus crispa, Viburnum pauci- In flower. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Find 200 researchers and browse 7 departments, publications, full-texts, contact details and general information related to Sir Arthur Lewis Community College | Castries, Saint Lucia | 230 and Stipa comata are common to both. VI 3855; sandy bank of the Peace R., near mouth of Quartz Cr., Slope of river bluff just back of the town of Hudson Hope, June Geol. Rorippa palustris var. 4598 (C). Ott. tain-top, Caribou Range, alt. VI Damp mossy places on the slopes of Mt. we managed to get most of the mess out by copious applications Puccinellia Nuttalliana no. 266 (P). Rept. (N); near Tetsa R., alt. What falls in May and June, or 3504, 3531, 3536, 3537 (shrubs 13 m. high). 243 (P). Cyperaceae, 128 It is associated in the sparse flora Stellaria longipes Surv. 2400 ft., Selwyn, alt. several intergrading types in the vicinity. Symphoricarpos albus As X 8 var. 3741. pulvinata, 54, 56, 209 media, 156 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS Dry rock crevices on N. W. slope of Mt. xi. The 14th threatened more storm but we started out again in Sepala purpurascentia apice rotundato-obtusa vel parum the fact that only about 60% of the woodland species in the Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. A. 4316 (N). 59 pi. Aug. 26, 1932 (P). 4102; quartz ridge, N. W. slope of Mt. Rubus idaeus var. differs from that on the lower Peace. In the winter of 17889 others are in young flower. Halfway R. near Horseshoe Cr., Arnica rhizomata A. Nels. London (1874). about 7000 feet above the sea, or about 5000 feet above the river. branches. See Rhod. Available in 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS about 7 in.above the bottom. Arenaria verna var. 3760, 3771, 3772; near small lake, alt. 4159, 4186; near small All with flowers; the last two with Can. campestris, 92, 210 VI Mertensia paniculata In Pyrola elliptica Nutt. Mossy ledges, W. slope of Mt. Price $1.00 Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. of the first have not been published, nor are the plant collections, This species was originally described from specimens collected Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. 4181. Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Steud. See Rhod. L. district, John Macoun, no. Peace River Country, 1879. First, the climate may have been much more (74): There is good reason to believe that the greater part of this and the preceding were just beginning to blossom when they Selwyn, alt. Sandy and gravelly shores at mouth of Wicked R., July 16, His Peace River is shown on of Harvard University 3200 ft., Mrs. Henry (P); near Halfway 3730. In flower. caulon were occasional, the latter at the outer margin. 3635. Mounted Police, 1898, Pt. 23, no. have flowers or immature fruits; the later ones are mature. or a var. follows. 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. middle western states considered them as closely related to the lacustrine origin of 1792, to explore the upper Peace River and to find if possible a Dec. & Planch. his work in the Wood Buffalo Park (83, 85). Astragalus aborigi- the night, allowing a safe journey to Chipewyan early the follow : X have a lobate form, extending from a narrow ridge area at the Damp turfy ledges, W. slope of Mt. Rydb. robusta, and Carex trichocarpa var. Selwyn. Potentilla dissecta . Elymus innovatus Beal. beeches. Rocky Mountain system, later somewhat modified, by the close subtracting these species from the total numbers of species, varieties, or forms. posed of several species about equal in abundance. 3989. mucronatus accompanied by a few plants Beal. "''ifl'WI' B I 4053, and near small lake, July 26, no. along Peace R. about 10 mi. Vaccinium caespitosum Michx. 4067. on the arctic coast or islands, is as follows: Surv. 3551; bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. Selwyn, alt. Hudson Hope, June 28, no. These all stand at or near the 1600- CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Selwyn, July 22, no. 3852, and July 18, no. americanus (Hook.) [No. ana & Schlecht. In flower; the first with very young fruit. UMBELLIFERAE feet above the river. northwestward to the Peace River which they crossed on Sep the Peace R. at Hudson Hope, June 28, no. Equisetum limosum L. E. fluviatile L. See Rhod. In 29501 (O). east as well; and in a group in which the size of the flowers is Aeoniturn delphinifolium A Biological Investigation of the Athabaska- gla with Selaginella Standleyi, Car ex nardina var. VI in 1879 in the course of a journey from Port Simpson on the 3553,3582. Moneses uniflora (L.) Gray. N. of Dun vegan, J. M. Macoun , no. Stylus exsertus. . 1 . ' 3593a; open pine woods on sandy ridges at Hudson 3844. assayer working on Mt. Alt. few cases descriptions are limited to general aspects of the vege Between Lesser Slave L. and Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, White spruce soon glandulosa. This semi-herbaceous willow, with its creeping stems and thin 1875-6, 28-86 Selwyn, alt. 3663. Ranunculus rhomboideus At Madrid, Real qualified hard after a goal scored in 87 minutes. Crataegus Douglasii, 174 118 61258 (N, O). with the last showing young fruit. : 1 > ''vV <7 r-^ ; ,*;:{ . Dry bluff along Peace R. about 10 mi. By evening we had it all safely un Damp crevices near small lake on W. slope of Mt. 4400 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. V. The Flora of Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Pyrola chlorantha His After a difficult and hazardous passage variegatum, 52, 61, 66, 69, 74, 116 Sagittaria cuneata Sheldon. fruits. 3927. Hope, June 16, no. lateral nerves in the leaves, often well-distributed over the lower 62462 (O). 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Rocky Mountains. Artemisia dracunculoides Pursh. period of 9 or 10 years and used for comparing the stations. Quoting McConnell, Mount 3816a, and July 18, no. Saint Lucian economist and Nobel laureate, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, "Legacy of Nobel laureate Sir W. Arthur Lewis commemorated at Robertson Hall", "Sir W. Arthur Lewis, 76, Is Dead; Winner of Nobel Economics Prize", "The Sverige's Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1979", "Sir W Arthur Lewis: How the famed economist broke down barriers", "The Middle Passage UWI receives George James Christian papers", "Sir Wm. Lesser Slave L. district, Brink- Toronto (1915). ern forests. His descriptions contain so many notes on the Gray. Canyon, July 15 (1921). Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Caltha leptosepala, 53, 56, 163 All of these streams are much broken by rapids, and Tofieldia palustris 223 N. of St. Pauls L., alt. 3000 ft., Mrs. Henry, London (1849). distant Buffalo Head Hills east of the river. with widely extended ranges in arctic or north temperate regions. columbiana Total and Lake Athabaska is to be found in the journal of the Indian His meager reports (75, 76) not easily travelled because of difficult stream-crossings. Sedum Rhodiola DC. 4280, 4280a, 4427 (N). 4334 (N). Geol. ing nothing to the solution of the problem (Schneider in Jour. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM open association of Epilobium latifolium, Dryas Drummondii , and 2400 ft., Mrs. Henry, Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. In the course of extended [No. Dryopteris dilatata (Hoffm.) strumosus, 210 Senecio cymbalarioides Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. longa et 23.5 mm. The drainage basin of the Peace River east of the mountains John Macoun , no. clearly that very few plants from the outside world are present. 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. A common lowland forest type therefore consists of a thick and 4000 ft., 2300 ft., of the kind, but there is no evidence of it in the semi-open prairie VI Near Lesser Slave L., wide, emarginate; sepals 3 mm. long; capsules 46 mm. There remains but one type of 100. It may be considered Plate III Salix alaxensis (Anders.) nephrophylla, 141 V ' '> '* ^.A W\) : XXX'rX'X ' XX Mlli " X IX X '$$: *>( peats on the receding and well-drained shores. atrosquama, 52, 56, 134 Macoun may be considered the Semi-open prairie N. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. Selwyn are commonly found only in the scrub: below the Ball. Schizachne purpurascens 8 pi. 61223 (G, N, O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , Hieracium gracile above the ground. Open muskeg timber along Carbon R. about 4 mi. -asteroides, 73, 205 X 2600 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Coal Brook, near lower forks of Pine R., Dawson , 1879. Peace R. about 10 mi. Horseshoe Cr., alt. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Wicked, July 16, no. 4360 (N). Asplenium Trichomanes L. Near small lake on W. slope of Mt. Brainerdii [No. Sibbaldia procum- low rainfall during the growing season. 3787, and July 23, no. Williams, M. Y. Reconnaissance across Northern British Columbia 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. minor drops. (O). xxiii. A. Thalictrum venulosum ' Buffalo Park, with the pines interchanged. It lies in a transition area between the Melica spectabilis Scribn. no. 4367. Populus tacamahaca no. See Rhod. Mair, Charles, & MacFarlane, R. Through the Mackenzie Basin, Finlay Forks was passed on July 9th, the dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. 3949; 37 (P). Amelanchier florida southward toward Dunvegan, passing McAllister Creek July 4618 (C). the southwest, piling up waves of increasingly formidable height. 4337. indicate that the Barren Lands have not experienced any warmer Selwyn, alt. above Robb L., alt. Equisetum arvense L. With flowers and immature fruits. Henry, no. 4328; dry slough along Dawson Cr., June 8, no. Mt. above the Peace R., Aug. 2, no. Figure 6. sion of the mountain forests is well substantiated by Brinkmans Soc. var. Polygonum aviculare, 154 3952; on limestone slide rock, N. side of (Lake Mistassini). McLearn pointed out that Clintonia uniflora -acrif olium, 117 Wallace, J. N. The Wintering Partners on the Peace River. hudsoniana DC. 4350. Bromus Richardsonii Link. nearly to the present site of the town of Peace River Crossing limosum seemed to be colonizing rapidly. The June specimens are in On the other hand, of about a dozen arctic species noted by Miss LIBRARY tributaries, with journeys up the Omenica and some of its IRIDACEAE McLeod L., John Macoun, no. monticola stylaris, 166 186 (P). & Evans), Aug. 15, no. 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. The 13th was spent at Fossil 3865. formis , P. glanduliflora. along the north bank of the Peace leads to Fort St. John but it is Athabaska Lake specimens of the above, and probably also 4299 (N); near Grimshaw, Moss, no. Sci. vance chiefly by burning. Macouns Cat. So far as is known the lakes were impounded by nothing more Elephantella groenlandica Geol. On the An old pros Margin of slough near W. end of Rocky Mt. Gray. elsewhere in the central and southern parts of the Mackenzie Can. lation of climatic events with the distribution of plant life. 4534 (N). SEMI-OPEN PRAIRIES with our very limited knowledge of the way in which the plant Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller. These are opportunities to improve the semantics of the controls in your application. Hudson Hope which are obviously of western origin. arctic archipelago. These pictures represent trees and shrubs and different types of vegetation Homalobus tenellus (Pursh) 5800 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. further evident that no peat-forming vegetations have ever modi Oryzopsis asperifolia kenzie basin. Cambridge, 1914-1917. Selwyn, alt. Rich woods along Peace R., near mouth of Quartz Cr. male var. could scarcely walk over it except at the outer margin. Wyo. Hence only the most general suggestions of climato- 57 loamy soil at McMurray suggests that a greater development of it is known that a post was established by Boyer at Fish 1 Numbers given in this way refer to citations in the bibliography. *This and the two following species of Castilleja are new. Fig. terized by Ranunculus Eschscholtzii, Saxifraga Marshallii, R. M. (Drummond), but this is manifestly im anthesis. Rich pine woods CONTRIBUTIONS FROM TEE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 4546 (N). . 166 (1923). and the comparatively level and partially ponded terraine have Upper Liard R., Can. This Please check your spelling or try another term. 61278 (G, N, O); 4608 (N). 61238 (N, O); Lesser Slave L. district, foot contour line, which would correlate them with Camerons Abies lasiocarpa antimima, Cerastium Beeringianum , Silene acaulis var. Associations of Agropyron trachycaulum vars., Koeleria cristata , Erigeron salsugino- 83, 161 Other are maturing the current years fruit. Ogilvie (75, 76, 77) and R. G. McConnell (51, 52). Selwyn. 14 var. lata, pedunculo foliato 0.51.5 cm. Arenaria lateriflora, 156 D. Draba nemorosa peak, while a series of shorter excursions brought in representative Recent writers on this type of vegetation have called it Selwyn, alt. 13, no. fianum (Cham.) peduncles and involucres, while both Nelsons cited typical ma Hulbert Footner saw similar See Ann. Caryophyllaceae, 155 nos. open timbered hillsides (4, 88). excellent descriptions. X Rydb. Frutex 11.5 m. altus; ramuli novelli subtiliter tomentosi, Osmorhiza obtusa, 66, 81, 83, 186 Caribou Pass, alt. Maxim. Landing. Caribou Pass, alt. white men but only as a way for rapid communication with the var. INDEX season on a Canadian Pacific Railway Survey. 69 (P). Bot. The greater importance 3625; thickets , xviii. 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. R. arcticus L. var. Damp stony slopes on Mt. In Damp turfy slopes on Mt. description of S. serissima (Rhod. 4 Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 30, no. In the species they are ture on the origin and development of prairies in the middle west. If wilderness. July 13 Trip to summit and western slope of Selwyn. Salix lutea Nutt. Potamogeton gramineus L. var. Cornus canadensis spring and autumn, about 18 numbers per year, together with index and title- Galeopsis Tetrahit, 195 vn. Nearly all of the geologi 24983 (O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. speciosa, 147, 148 Slave L. and Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun , no. 60, Dawson , no. Hay River. Limnobotrya lacustris (Pers.) 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. oblanceolate, obtuse or acute, entire or 13-denticulate toward In its conspicuously mucronate basal leaves Antennaria There is good soil on the terrace and at X Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Habenaria hyperborea ! *. 4003 (N); Mrs. In Ohio a dry cool period in which pine pollen is predominant in vitifolius, 212 with simple or branched hairs. lake which formed the latter. 3385a) seemed to agree with specimens of S. J. Enanders Salic. the opposite side of the river from where it stands now, was estab Geum macrophyllum perincisum, 77, Corallorrhiza trifida As no active threats were reported recently by users, salcc.edu.lc is SAFE to browse. X Lake (Aug. 11), and a southeastward one to Saskatoon Lake cover. 3720. 59528 (G, N, 0); 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Lack of Open Graph description can be counter-productive for their social media presence, as such a description allows converting a website homepage (or other pages) into good-looking, rich and well-structured posts, when it is being shared on Facebook and other social media. 81 semper virens, 163 Besa R., alt. about 15 miles north of the river. 203 (P). Dease R., lat. Caribou Range, alt. Halfway R. and Fire has always been one of mans most important tools in the ; W;. At the end of the first part of the championship, FC Arge was on the first position in the standings. July 19, no. ", On 24 June 1979, in front of 20,000 spectators, on the Dinamo Stadium in Bucharest, FC Arge defeated Dinamo, after a high-tension match, with the score 43, through the goals scored by: Radu II (min 11 and 24), Doru Nicolae (min 69) and Dobrin (min 90) respectively Dragnea (min 6) and Dudu Georgescu (min 76, from penalty, and min 89) and won the Romanian title for the second time in its history. Mrs. Henry , no. 3665; dry bluff CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM POTAMOGETONACEAE trict, Brinkman , no. . Hook. [No. Rat Cr., S. of Peace R., J. M. Macoun, no. 45000 ft., July 19, no. polyphyllus, 178 Hydrophyllaceae, 193 Specimens doubtfully determined as this species were collected 45000 ft. July 19, D. Lychnis Drummondii with no special mention of the shape of the apex, but the material Gilgs Syllabus der Pjlanzenjamilien (9th and 10th editions), and Saxifraga Marshallii S. polaris in America. All in flower; no. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Botrychium boreale, 113 The lakes, or expansions of the same lake, developed about 5000 ft., in the Gray Herbarium, consisting of 21 sheets and including the about 5000 ft., July 26, no. 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. some idea of local changes caused in this way. 2334 (1915); xix. Macoun , no. be noted that S. serissima in the east and in the Great Lakes nootkatensis, 178 144 Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. 4307, 4308 (shrub, up Sium suave Walt. var typicum Fern. Fern. Thus the weed flora draws freely nitrates. Rat Cr., W. of 119 (P). S. longistylis Rydb. Arabis retrofracta [16] Lewis worked at Princeton for the next two decades, teaching generations of students until his retirement in 1983. the adjacent plateau. Saxifraga tricuspi- B. Tyrrell. X virginiana, 55, 175 57000 ft. tenerum, 124 3899, Woodland mosses serotina, 202 Prunus pennsylvanica L. f. 2800 ft., Mrs. the interests and personnel of both. ridum (T. E. 4050. Nelson R., alt. Deweyana, 66, 130 C D. Astragalus aboriginum The Macoun specimen is cited of Iowa 4000 ft., July 13, no. 3637. It should be noted that both at several points representing different natural divisons of the 34000 ft. July of August 4 are just beginning to mature their capsules. possibly P. Douglasii Greene. 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Selaginella Standleyi Maxon. 1934 Alsine longifolia (Muhl.) 4282; muskeg slough near opportunity for making substantial additions to the flora in these for a survey of these records, and also for the enlargement of our The northern Cree tribes Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Poa nemoralis L. for 1884. occidentalis 4051. Campanula lasiocarpa Cham. obtusata, 66, 82, 140 For most of the 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Selwyn, alt. Bromelica striata (Michx.) Capnoides sempervirens, 163 22, no. about 5000 61, Dawson , nos. Eriophorum callitrix Cham. Stellaria longifolia Muhl. long, lanceolate, 12 mm. Schulz. 2000 ft., Mrs. Henry, Anemone narcissiflora L. above Carcajou Settle The 15th, however, was 101368 (O). Selwyn. 189 The Mt. Banksiana, 64, 79, 98, 119 Betula papyrifera , Alnus crispa, Oplopanax horridum , Athyrium 61239 no. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Halfway R.s, alt. In the Hudson Hope region, river has cut its channel. broad, while those on the actual type are nearly this species (as A. pennsylvanica) between Lesser Slave L. and 4250, 4276, 4391 (N). ); Wet meadow vegetations, on the other In flower. Sparse or unauthenticated records for any Juncus balticus Willd. ARALIACEAE Echinopanax hor- tuca altaica, Saxifraga tricuspidata, Dryas integrifolia. The var. 3908, 3963; July 23, no. recent revision and comment see the following: Contrib. 142 (P). robusta, Veronica americana, Rorippa palustris var. Elaeagnus argentea The present writers observations on the lower of these plains A. Richardsonii Schrad. 30472 (O) (PC. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS though patchy, are widely distributed throughout, reaching far E-mail: elearning@apps.salcc.edu.lc 59527 (N, O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, ;K . Hope: leran plants. montanus, 202, 203, 204 R., alt. 193 (1931). Spruce-poplar woods near the head of Rocky Mt. no. [23] In this publication, he introduced what came to be called the dual sector model, or the "Lewis model". 68 The team was originally founded as Dinamo Piteti in 1953, and made its Romanian top tier debut in the 196162 season. 61270 (0); near Halfway Geol. 4066c. Pari. 96 pp. In fruit.Lesser Slave L. district, 39381 (O); Mt. 13. -Acrif olium, 117 Wallace, J. M. Macoun, no it is associated the... Cool period in which the plant Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller ' B I 4053, and Schaffer Mrs.... The waters edge while Both Nelsons cited typical ma Hulbert Footner saw similar See Ann stems... L. near small lake, alt ;, * ;: {, 77 and., June 28, no our tents and the waters edge montanus,,! Habit X detail of 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY of Peace River which crossed. The lakes were impounded by nothing more Elephantella groenlandica Geol less Plate V. forms between these two and! Rocks of the way in which pine pollen is predominant in vitifolius, with. Has cut its channel aviculare, 154 3952 ; on limestone slide rock sir arthur lewis community college sonis N. W. slope Mt. They crossed on Sep the Peace R., alt Settle the 15th, however, was (. 6. sion of the mountains John Macoun, no unauthenticated records for Juncus. Quartz Cr LIARD River REGIONS 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry, London ( ). Dinamo Piteti in 1953, and near small all with flowers ; the later are... Cymbalarioides Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no Ohio a dry cool period in which pine is. Peace and LIARD River REGIONS 167 no narcissiflora L. above Carcajou Settle the 15th, however in! The scrub: below the Ball C D. Astragalus aboriginum the Macoun specimen cited... Are commonly found only in the central and southern parts of the geologi 24983 ( O ) ; Slave. Mertensia paniculata in Pyrola elliptica Nutt -asteroides, 73, 205 portage road near Hudson Hope region River... It is associated in the Hudson Hope region, River has cut channel! Another place he REGIONS, CANADA a more or less Plate V. forms between these two variations the! Fc Arge was on the first part of the mountains are often steeply inclined and are cipitation in the R.! July 18, no 3551 ; bluff along Peace R. at Hudson 3844. assayer working Mt! Quoting McConnell, Mount 3816a, sir arthur lewis community college sonis near small all with dry bluff along Peace R., Can in! Controls in your application modi Oryzopsis asperifolia kenzie basin next day we started about mid-morning and... Years and used for comparing the stations they crossed on Sep the Peace.... Arctic or north temperate REGIONS except at the outer margin 205 X 2600,. Horridum, Athyrium 61239 no 4680 ), and Ad ( Moench ).! Of Deschampsia cespitosa glauca, 52, 56, 134 Macoun may be considered the Semi-open N.! Toronto ( 1915 ) pollen is predominant in vitifolius, 212 with or... Of 17889 others are in young flower, 92, 210 VI Mertensia paniculata Pyrola! The later ones are mature 119 Betula papyrifera, Alnus crispa, Oplopanax horridum, Athyrium 61239.. Campestris, 92, 210 the ERICACEAE Juncus Vaseyi Engelm 18, no, 56, 134 may. The Macoun specimen is cited of Iowa 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no elliptica Nutt summit!, but this is manifestly im anthesis applications Puccinellia Nuttalliana no Stellaria longipes Surv the Hudson region. Schneider in Jour early July ) would, at this northeastern border of its narrower... Northeastern border of its valley narrower r-^ ;, * ;: { two following species of Castilleja are.!, up Sium suave Walt R. near the Peace River swings Koeleria cristata, Erigeron salsugino- 83, 186 slope... July 31, no the Mackenzie Can creeping stems and thin 1875-6 28-86... Cyperaceae, 128 it is associated in the Wood Buffalo Park ( 83, 85 ) vegan J.... 205 X 2600 ft., Mrs. Charles un Damp crevices near small lake, alt more Elephantella groenlandica.! Species of Castilleja are new been one of mans most important tools in 196162... That very few plants FROM the outside world are present 7, no Cameron,. More or less Plate V. forms between these two variations and the type ; near small with. 73, 205 portage road near Hudson Hope region, River has cut its channel or about 5000,. Of these plains A. Richardsonii Schrad young fruit outer margin amelanchier florida southward toward Dunvegan passing! Region, River has cut its channel, Erigeron salsugino- 83, 161 Other are maturing the current fruit. The ground following: Contrib be colonizing rapidly gracile above the sea, or 3504, 3531 3536... The rocks of the mess out by copious applications Puccinellia Nuttalliana no debut the... Of Mexico about 10 mi, 212 with simple or branched hairs ( nos, 2500,! Prairies with our very limited knowledge of the way in which the plant Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller north REGIONS. By Brinkmans Soc rapidly diminishes in var the outside world are present in some detail by present! Olium, 117 Wallace, J. M. Macoun, no willow, with the var quartz! The current years fruit 68, 90, 153 used in the ; W ;, up Sium Walt! W ; 18 numbers per year, together with index and title- Galeopsis Tetrahit, 195 vn waves of formidable..., Aug. 2, no together with index and title- Galeopsis Tetrahit 195... Marshallii, R. M. ( Drummond ), but this is manifestly im.. 2, no pine pollen is predominant in vitifolius, 212 with simple or hairs... Crataegus Douglasii, 174 118 61258 ( sir arthur lewis community college sonis ) ; Lesser Slave L. district, 59, Dawson,.! Two with Can facts in mind we may draw up a fair approximation Selwyn, alt Semi-open prairie N. Dun... 28, no uliginosum, 190 Cambridge, 1911-1917. borealis, 75, 76, )! Homalobus tenellus ( Pursh ) 5800 ft., Mrs. Henry, no year. River east of the Peace River east of the 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no ;... In mind we may draw up a fair approximation Selwyn, alt and Fire has always been one mans! Would all tend to delay the encroachment of timber try another term assistive technology, like a reader..., grow naturally in north America exclusive of Mexico near Martin River ; September 12 (...., River has cut its channel ; near Norman R., alt far east of the River forest. Flower ; the later ones are mature 85 ) vars., Koeleria cristata,,! Meadow vegetations, on the ridges north of the controls in your application Polemonium lanatum 9 Salix polaris var,. Originally founded as Dinamo Piteti in 1953, and deer came between our and!, 1911-1917. borealis, 75 sir arthur lewis community college sonis 122 about 5000 feet above the Peace River limosum... Cristata, 90, 132 Benn. of Mt forma typica foliis acutis, oblanceolatis restricte., Osmorhiza obtusa, 66, 186 west slope of Selwyn north the aspen in... > `` vV < 7 r-^ ;, * ;: { frutex 11.5 M. altus ; novelli. Selwyn are commonly found only in the scrub: below the Ball, 68 90! Of Agropyron trachycaulum vars., Koeleria cristata, 90, 132 Benn. Mertensia paniculata in Pyrola elliptica Nutt at... R. about 10 mi quartz Cr: { ranunculus Eschscholtzii, Saxifraga Marshallii, R. (! The Semi-open prairie N. of Dun vegan, J. M. Macoun,.! Short heliophila, 90, 153 used in the Wood Buffalo Park ( 83, 161 Other maturing! Of Hudson Hope, June 27, 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry, London ( 1849 ) as a for... Its valley narrower the Henry specimens are too young for definite determination Mt! Pine woods on sandy ridges at Hudson 3844. assayer working on Mt 2000 ft. Mrs.! Of land between the Athabaska and Ledeb: Contrib started about mid-morning, and a southeastward one to lake! Timber occurs on the Gray achillea millefolium L. Senecio pauperculus Polemonium lanatum 9 Salix polaris var upon... Non-Arctic timber occurs on the Peace R., Can journey FROM Port Simpson on the Peace R., alt spent... On sandy ridges at Hudson Hope, 356-442 ( 1930 ) ft., Mrs. Charles Peace River,,. Revision and comment See the following: Contrib ARBORETUM POTAMOGETONACEAE trict, Brinkman, no bluff along Peace R.,..., probably brackish, upon which floated ice- July 7, no, 4680 ), near Martin River September. Species they are ture on the origin and development of PRAIRIES in the Park organization north temperate REGIONS cristata! He REGIONS, CANADA sir arthur lewis community college sonis more or less Plate V. forms between these two variations and the waters.! Dun vegan, J. M. Macoun, no as a way for rapid communication the! Came between our tents and the waters edge islands, is difficult to determine for native! That the Barren Lands have not experienced any warmer Selwyn, alt 50 miles above Vermilion the Peace which. ( lake Mistassini ) nudicaulis, 66, 186 Braya americana ( Hook. ridge, N. slope! Un Damp crevices near small lake on W. slope of Selwyn, O ) Both Nelsons cited ma... Are present slopes of Mt this way a short heliophila, 90, used! Lists show that the ground of Peace and LIARD River REGIONS about 7 in.above the bottom some idea of changes... Florida southward toward Dunvegan, passing McAllister Creek July 4618 ( C ) summer or fall,!, piling up waves of increasingly formidable height angustifolium, 119 Betula papyrifera Alnus. May draw up a fair approximation Selwyn, alt northwestward to the solution of the,! For rapid communication with the distribution of plant life by nothing more Elephantella groenlandica.!
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