
Tim wasnt sure what it was, but he was suddenly very annoyed at Kate. Stretch Film Division. Oh yeah strong Tony is such a delight. the whole thing.. Kate walked over to the scene, but she watched Gibbs as he, once again talked to Tony. Please consider turning it on! Genre: Challenge Response, Fluff, Romance, Slash Partly drawn together because theyd both wound up in law enforcement. Gibbs glared at both of them after Tony left. You can teach them. Tony replied. You both know that that could happenthe situations we find ourselves in. Not that he didnt love being on Gibbs team. I solemnly swear I will never financially profit from my fan works. But, thenafter Tony showed her some of the techniques he had learned in the police academy, she improved 100%. He slid into the booth, being careful of his casted arm, adjusting his sling to take the pressure off his neck once he was comfortably seated. And he reported Tim to Gibbs when McGee played one on him. "Dear Director Morrow," The sound of a slap echoed throughout the room and Tony jerked forward, arms scraping across the tight leather surface of Gibbs' desk. You were just like Dennis, Kate brand new to fieldwork. Some of them have made me cry. Lateagain, I suppose. Tim assumed. Chris is retiring next month. Why didnt he tell us? I ADORE stories where Tony says fuck this noise in one form or another. Look, whatever this is, I dont want to hear it. Tim snapped. But it gets the job done., Gibbs shook his head. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). What the writers did in the TV show was horrendous. And absolutely everybody knew Gibbs's reputation, so maybe, just maybe, it would be okay. Relationship: Penelope Garcia/Tony DiNozzo Was there actually more to the clown than they had figured? Both were quiet or a moment, deciding if they should ask Gibbs. They didnt really have a lot to report. Tim said. Tonys proved, to me anyway, that he deserves it. A hoarse cry is wrenched from Tony as the two fingers stretch him cursorily. Gibbs then turned his attention to Kate. Can be kid Tony, or adult Tony, or just act like father and son.Genre: Angst, Challenge. I do feel a lot better with it. I wrote 4 of the 25 relays and the legal and professional consequences are played out in some of mine as well. You two are so smart, or at least think you are. The only people, it seemed who had not been surprised by Tonys success with his team had been Gibbs and Morrow. All he had to do was look at Tims expression to see what Kate had been saying. Marcus was nodding slowly, obviously thinking through issues. An epilogue has been added.). And it doesnt mean you qualify for every other job. It doesnt matter. I think Agent Todd wants a challenge. He looked at Beverly. Im sorry that they not only didnt get it, but had to be rude while they showed off the fact that they didnt get it. Title: What Fate Brings Kate knew she was a better shot, and she doubted Tonys help would give Agent Dennis an advantage. They heard the conversation drifting over from Tonys team. I just think she was being a witch. He gave Gibbs her PDA. I dont plan on being out here the rest of the day.. It was everything else. But youve done great. Tony glanced over at the small group of agents a few feet away. (I'm not a shipper-TATE- so I don't buy the sexual tension theory.) Sometimes when it rains, it pours. Tim looked around the bullpen and the rest of the office confused. And it helped give the team members a way to release the pressures of the job in a healthy manner. Thank you for sharing. But its too little, too late., Look, I dont ever say this muchever, but you two need to hear it. Kate! I dont need that from the people who are supposed to be subordinate. It should be. Dont think so, Gibbs. Tony replied. (Im not a shipper-TATE- so I dont buy the sexual tension theory.) And he pays the price. He had black hair and blue eyes. 26You Will Go Down With This Ship|fallen|waterfall|trap doorWhumptober No. This work could have adult content. Excellent Beverly, Tony replied after checking the targets. Quit acting like children. Gibbs snapped. I Prom.|passing out|vertigo|collapse. This time Tim and Kate were truly speechless. Marcus watched him closely for several seconds before nodding and beginning to read. 26 You Will Go Down With This Ship. Yeah, utterly impressive to me. Gibbs decided he probably did. Fandom: NCIS That does mean that some members of his team wont at least try. Its.. Tony sighed and cleared his throat. Genre: Drama, Family, Romance I will not get killed because you two cant follow a simple order.. Tony growled and pulled his arm out from Gibbs' grasp. He was not sure DiNozzo's brand of leadership was something he could go along with. You make us sound like children. Kate stated. What if I dont like this new guy? Gibbs asked. Word Count: 2,110 Or maybe they just assumed you didnt really mean your very clear notes at the end of the fic. Enter your email address to subscribe to this site and receive notifications of new posts by email. Youve here! Feeding Frenzy Fanfiction Relay Now Published, Tony DiNozzo/Steve McGarrett/Jethro Gibbs, Artist Showcase: Nightsong21133 for Walk Me Down Your Broken Line by Jilly James, Walk Me Down Your Broken Line 2/2 Jilly James, Walk Me Down Your Broken Line 1/2 Jilly James, Artist Showcase: tpena19 for From the Ashes by SilverDragonfly, Artist Showcase: ringspells for What the Hell is an Imprint? "Read the letter out loud." When Tony hesitated, Gibbs sharpened his voice like a knife on stone. You know they both have been after my job. Tony paused. Youve seen it. He reluctantly signed it and took the request up to the director personally. Im sure youre a good teacher., Gibbs sighed. Did Tony leak when he got excited? Interesting to know the name of Tonys godfather in this universe . Please consider turning it on! Then where is he? Kate asked. You apparently really think you better than others, know better than others. Tonys new team consisted of a former Marine; Beau Martin, Leo Antonelli; a former Las Vegas cop, and Beverly Dennis, a newbie to law enforcement and to NCIS. Some crap variant of my team, my rules had been issued, and, in that moment, Tony decided to say enough. It takes a combination of skills. Obligatory Tony leaves NCIS with a bang-not betaed Chapter 1 Tony sat back and threw his pen onto his desk. In the aftermath of 'Jacket' Bobby and the team sent Athena after Buck. "Dead sailor, Norfolk. Yes, there have been many stories written about the idea of Tony leaving NCIS, even about him effectively burning and salting the land behind him. Whos going to? Kate looked at Gibbs, realizing who was now going to be her teacher. Whitethorn 10 pages 6 months ago Delphi Whitethorn total word count is a little over 100k. And for those watching from the outside, and many were watching, if for no other reason to see and place bets on the exact day and time Tony would crash and burn. They were mystified, that Gibbs had picked him to be on his team. Tony winced when he received the blow to the back of his head. Youve got till we get to the elevators. Gibbs paused. Tim can go to Cyber Crimes, and Ill ship Kate over to the FBI. Tony and his lover and father have something to say about that and it's not nice. It worked last time.. Whumptober No. If someone else wants to write their own VERSION of this idea, I dont give a fuck, but I do NOT give permission for someone else to take what Ive actually written as part of their own story. Or neither of you would still be on my team., He was the best agent Ive ever worked with. Gibbs interjected. Everything is just peachy." Gibbs didn't move from his place. No one can bring him out of the grief stricken haze he is in as far as the NCIS agent is concerned. Being and NCIS agent comes with risks and rewards. I have loved all of them. It was already 9 a.m. Tim couldnt be the only one who noticed the empty desk. All you need to worry about is processing the scene. Now you see what Tonys really like. Project codename: Sentry. "This is from Philllie. All comments are moderatedthe reason for this is under Site Info | Comments & Feedback. Are Jason and I the only ones working today?, I know what you were just doing. Tim replied. Fornells relationship with Gibbs made it impossible to predict the likely outcome. What this commenter obviously missed was the fact that this isnt EAD. Thanks for letting us use it.. Sothats why you transferred? Tim asked. Shes back on the team come Monday.. Fandom: Hawaii Five-0, NCIS But she had expected to come out on top. Tonys Team was back in the field, all their evals successfully completed. We couldnt even find a reprimand. She paused and looked at Tony. Or perhaps they figured the rest of us had said how much we had enjoyed it, so now they needed to be original. In spades! But Vance has shown more than once where his loyalties really laid and that was with Eli David, just as Gibbs has proven more than once that he is willing to toss anyone under the bus to protect Ziva. And you should certainly make sure you fully comprehend before you add insult to your chastisement. Thats not what I meant, Sir, AgentGibbs. Who do you think made you the agents you are today? Series: Profilers for Christmas 2019 Advent Calendar Disrespect Chapter 1, a ncis fanfic | FanFiction Disrespect By: JackiLeigh Tony decides to make life changes based on his coworkers' actions. left kudos on this work. Word Count: 5,820 Kate looked at Gibbs, shocked. NCIS isnt doing anything? he clarified. Im not going to let this slideshe egregiously broke the law. But Im not shy about admitting that Id be fucking delighted if my chain of command had to take one for the team.. Summary: When a serial killer murders three marines on Atlantis, NCIS are called in to investigate. True, she had started the whole thing with Agent Dennis. Its hard to respect somebody who. Kate broke in. Relationship: Thomas Magnum & Gordon Katsumoto friendship, referenced Tony DiNozzo/Steve McGarrett #mothership Look, Tim said, finally just letting go of it all, in his mind. Or Chinese restaurants and complain about the rice? We had fish about almost every night. Whumptober No. Kate and Tim fell silent. are the property of their respective owners. This was SO satisfying. He wasnt finished teaching the two of you. Tonys transfer request, approved by Morrow, was waiting on Gibbs desk the next morning when he came in. They werent in the same frat, and Marcus was a couple years older, but theyd played ball together for two years and had been close friends. Warnings: No beta. Gibbs one night finds Tony's diary and discovers he's hiding many secrets from being gay to who he's in love with. Then Ill answer any questions you have.. The entire time in Israel, hed been working through the issues in the back of his mind, not sure what he was going to do. Title: Saying No Author: Jilly James Fandom: NCIS Characters: Tony DiNozzo, OC Genre: Gen Prompt: Revenge Word Count: 1,000 Summary: After being interrogated by Mossad and being told to take one for the team, Tony decides he's had enough. Youre both very lucky I didnt write you up all those times. My Muses and I are verbose as fuck. Enter your email address to subscribe to this site and receive notifications of new posts by email. He looked around him. Tony said I needed to learn patience.. You started thiswanting to show Agent Dennis up. Gibbs replied, holding out his hand. Im not sure, youll have to ask him. Gibbs stated. Title: Sweet Responsibility In fact, recovery never felt so impossible. Walking into the place, he looked around. She then glared at Tony again. 2. You need to be evaluated and hired, just like the rest of us.. I just want it too well known to get buried without some very powerful people getting a lot of egg on their face.. Thank you for the time you take to craft and your generosity of sharing it with us. If you want to ignore my stated wish not to continue my works, I cant stop you. This is a complete rewrite of a story that I had posted on my old AO3. He and Tony hit it off very well. I still think the two-man thing will work. Gibbs replied. I miss you, too, Gibbs. Tony admitted before he and his team headed off to their crime scene. But he soon realized its place; it helped to ease the tension on tough cases. She saw how well his team liked him. I allowed the disrespect to continue, so you two assumed it was okay, that you had permission. Gibbs stated. Marcus was actually higher up in the FBI than Fornellhe was the SAC of the Baltimore field officeand he could make sure the mess didnt get buried. The sailor had passed away in the car. No, Tony smiled. The ache of every bruise and the sharp twinges in his newly broken rib served to remind him that taking the desk opposite her ever again was intolerable. Author:Jilly James One-shot based on season 6 episode "Agent Afloat". Other minor & background pairings But his reputation preceded him, and it was hard to get passed the image created by it. I love reading your work. 9.6K 414 14. The bar was fairly upscale and catered primarily to business clientele. A Tony is fed and just done with NCIS? NCIS - Rated: T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,697 - Reviews: 65 - Favs: 524 - Follows: 151 - Published: Sep 15, 2011 - Tony D., Leroy Jethro Gibbs - Complete He held his tongue. My knee is fine, DiNozzo. He growled. We have work to do, Agent DiNozzo. Gibbs looked up at the noon sky. Blood stolen Tony choked on his own blood, his mouth open, trying to drag air into his lungs through the filthy piece of cloth thrust into his mouth. You get to tell Morrow if Im a good boss or not. Dont get me wrong, I understand the I worked hard on this story so dont steal it Ann Rice doesnt let people write fan fiction with her stories and characters but to me it only work for originals stories. Gibbs and Kate just looked at one another for a moment. You need to tell them. Gibbs said after he and Tony entered the elevator and Gibbs flipped the switch. Leo decided he would, at least, give the kid a chance. Summary: A disastrous case on Christmas Eve has Steves team struggling to recapture the spirit of the holiday. I just think she was being a witch. Youre talking about the director of a federal agency and the Secretary of the Navy, Tony, Marcus cautioned. Thats not different from what people wanted to do with your short stories. and he taped it to her target. always did hate that whole sequence in canon. There is not time for debate. Tony paused, again. You twostop it! Gibbs said, angrily. I think Agent Martin actually drives faster than you. Tony replies. And they both did always seem to connect everything Tony did or said back to the money, frat boys or women. Get to work!. Both Kate and Tim opened their mouths to speak. But Gibbs is starting to see through his mask. Word Count: ~5,900 Agent Dennis the tension on tough cases both of them after Tony left to release the of... Nodding and beginning to read here the rest of the Navy, Tony decided to about. This slideshe egregiously broke the law pages 6 months ago Delphi whitethorn total word Count a. Looked around the bullpen and the legal and professional consequences are played out in some of mine well! 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