
They are skilled at finding creative solutions to complex problems and thrive in an environment where their expertise is valued. Because Mars in Virgo depends so much on the house and aspects to it, dont expect to see every single one of these qualities in yourself. Their motto is The best offense is defense. They may appear weak to some, but they can be very strong. Mars in Virgo probably produces more workaholics than any other Mars sign position. You already know that yourastrological signis a major indicator of your personality and approach to life but did you know that your sex life is also written in the stars? Until March 20th: The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar seventh house--your partnership sector. Although Virgo is symbolized by the virgin, they actually have quite a healthy attitude towards sex and approach it as necessary for their well-being and for releasing tension. They are precise, analytical thinkers who prefer facts over emotions. As opposed to what you are thinking, in March, you . And lets not forget her legendary efficiency she can break down any project into bite-sized pieces and tackle it with ease. These people want to be good at what they do. She is drawn towards partners who are good at what they do and who dont cut corners. Our Mars sign is important when looking into compatibility because it tells us how the person acts in bed and what they want in bed. But even the most organized among us need a little support sometimes. Mars in Scorpio and Venus in Cancer horoscope compatibility for marriage. The tendency to dwell runs high. Generally calm and easygoing people, Mars in Taurus natives can have powerful tempers when theyre overly provoked. They have a strong knack for debugging and are highly capable of troubleshooting complex coding issues. The key to evolve is to let go of judgments and work on becoming less critical. Theyre great at noticing small details and will fine-tune things until they get them right. What gets us all fired up? However, their fleeting attention span means they crush easily and can get caught up in the chase. In matters of work for such a man, stability comes first. Whatever the case may be, Mars in Gemini natives need to get everything off their chests when theyre fired up. The Mars in Virgo man in a nutshell: These individuals arentall into casual sex, but many of them dont see an issue with practicing and honing their sexual skills before they meet a long-term partner. These natives draw on their sharp wit to win arguments. The most compatible placement for them is natives with Sun in Taurus. Generally, their temper comes quickly, and they deal with anger on issues right awaywith this kind of character, there is little room for festering. Quick flare-ups characterize the Mars in Aries character, but their anger usually doesnt last for too long. Get An Accurate Prediction Today, The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign. He will treat himself so that no one in the world can not get ahead of him in what he considers himself an expert. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, meaning its energy flows best in this placement. Venus and Mars in the same signs: You are vibrant, sexual, and charismatic. And if you are not ready for this, then you better not start a relationship too far. See additional information. She prefers stability over spontaneity and values practical planning over taking risks. He will work to be better than others, he will treat you so that his care is the best in the world. The quintessential romantic, they crave intimacy and emotional connection. Mysterious by nature, each Mars in Scorpio varies in sexual expression, but they generally share a common intensity and depth in their desires. Pisces is also the sign of fantasy, so they have rich imaginations when it comes to sex they are generally open-minded and the taboo can be a turn-on. Libras can also make meaningful connections with fellow air signs, Gemini and Aquarius. Pleasing their partner is extremely important to people with Mars in Virgo. Geographical position, characteristics of the White Sea, We choose doors to the bathroom and toilet, With an increased liver diet. These busy minds need constant tasks! All this may look attractive to a woman, but one more important question must be answered: "What is the man with Mars in Virgo in love?" Hes asuper attentive lover and can be really selfless and giving. But only if you ask him. Spontaneity is one of their assets; as are simplicity, purity of action, and innovation. Passions run high, and so does desire. Having Mars in Virgo in your chart is (in my opinion) really lovely! These natives are very adaptable, often thriving on change. This sign values security, consistency, and wisdom from their partner, and are most attracted to experienced, even older, lovers. This person in the relationship will be almost bezemotsionalen, he can not show you a bright passion or violent love. Unlike Mars in Fire, Mars in Air natives are quite capable of adopting airs and tactics to get and do the things they want. The typical Mars in Virgo male likes to take care of small, practical matters for his partner to show appreciation. After taking charge all day, they love being dominated and told what to do in bed. But beneath her cool exterior, shes perceptive and analytical, with a fierce desire for perfection. They also have deep running emotions and sexual intensity, and are also willing to work on intimacy in the long term. Theyre often attracted to people who seem simple and normal; theyre able to see something special in these individuals that draws them. Although sincere and enthusiastic, they also tend to rush and can be selfish in bed. When comparing birth charts, its important to note what signs you have in common along with their placements, especially your sun/rising signs. Mars in Aquarius is prone to over-intellectualize and often needs a mental spark to be physically aroused. A life that is too predictable makes them antsy. They usually are not the type of people to take on too many projects at once. (See also the Sexuality of Mars in Gemini). Gemini, after all, rules the hands; and these people often express energy through musical instruments and the likeeven video games. Youll really have to communicate your needs in order for the relationship to be healthy and enjoyable. They are instinctively self-protective and cautious. He will massage you, if you have a backache, do not be afraid to give a shot if necessary. And do not forget about his quest for excellence! The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness. The Virgo man is a disciplined and cautious husband, his efforts being to maintain the finances of the family and for everyone to have what they need. There is a perfectionist at the heart of all people with this position. These people are sharp thinkers and can solve any complex problem with enough time. It doesnt take much to make these people nervous. Cancer rules the chest, so they appreciate a little extra attention on their breasts and nipples. Input the time, date, and place of your birth into abirth chart calculator. When happy, they act with great confidence, and when tense, they can be entirely withdrawn. They have much nervous energy. They need a lot of independence, so monogamy may not always be their thing and they wont tolerate a clingy or controlling partner. Mars, the planet of combat, in Libra, the sign of peace, makes for the essence of harmony when it comes to sex. Such a man will not let you get out of bed, cook for you, buy the medications you need and everything that will cheer you up. Copyright 2018 en.delachieve.com. If you want to know what someone's kink is, check their Mars. So, if you have an ex that you constantly keep going back to, no matter how many times you swear youre donecheck their moon sign. Although they can be a little hard-nosed and critical at times, they rarely resort to pushing others around. Its also important to the Mars in Virgo woman to find someone who satisfies her in bed and who prioritizes her sexual needs. As these signs are both air signs, there is a lot of common ground for them to connect with. Sarah Bair Klpfer is a designer, strategist, and creative director specializing in the development and execution of branded narratives and experiences. Angry wordssome of the most incisive and sarcastic onescan fly around with the more energetic natives. Most Compatible Mars in Virgo women's practicality and attention to detail make them masters of organization and analysis. Unsurprisingly, Scorpio rules the sexual organs, making their orgasms incredibly important to them. They worry when they are not producing anything, and they worry about whether what theyve produced will measure up. These people dont need a lot of praise from superiors because they justknow when they completed a task efficiently. The sign and house will govern how he likes to be appreciated and validated in his masculine energy and how he will express himself sexually. Find her on Instagram @becca_reitz. This can cause issues in the workplace, in the home, or in any environment where they need to work with others. They both have a tendency to fuss and worry that can annoy other signs. They enjoy experimenting with BDSM and are down to switch between top and sub. Sometimes theyre downright rude and impatient, but with Mars in Aries natives, you generally know what theyre after. Just like the women in the same sign, Virgo men want everything to be perfect and as efficient as possible. This is a very impulsive position of Mars. She can conceive a project, formulate a plan, and then work tirelessly to see it through, all while paying close attention to the tiniest details. In the mutable air sign of Gemini, Mars is a little scattered and unfocused. They should watch for over-sensitivity and self-protection if it limits their lives. Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio, so this gives a natural edginess to the scorpion of astrology. He'll speak pleasantly and may have a number of kids. As you remember, this person is very closed, immersed in his own world, so it will be difficult for him to meet your requirements if you want him to give loud compliments and large bouquets. Generous to a fault, they are self-sacrificing in bed, often setting aside their own needs to please their partners. The fact is that you can somehow influence the other aspects of life, while you can not force love. When Mars in Aries people listen to their instincts, they generally get things done, and they make fast and (usually) decent decisions. The Pisces sun and moon will square Mars in Gemini. When you are born under Mars in Capricorn, you make a good match with Mars in Virgo or Mars in Cancer. This woman is a master of organization and efficiency, with an eye for detail that never misses a beat. They rarely confront or initiate a fight, although they are certainly capable of instigating conflict. That is, from the outside it may look like he makes decisions quite spontaneously, but if you know this person well, you will understand that in reality he has planned everything in his own head and lives in accordance with this plan. Mars in Virgo people need to learn to embrace the energy of another person, not just the results the person gets. Touch and smell are particularly important, so consider a sensual massage or perfumed bubble bath as foreplay. Mars in Libra: Those who have Mars in Libra are usually romantic and like to enjoy long moments of pleasure. At their best, they exude a protective, almost therapeutic aura about them. This is one of the more sexual positions of Mars. If youre curious as to whether or not your crush/new relationship/long-term partner is a romantic match for you, look to these five areas your birth charts for the answer. Mars in Virgo people are quite protective about their "system" for getting things done. Watch popular content from the following creators: Astrology with Taryn (@tarynleighbond), Alyssa Sharpe(@thedivinevenus), Astrology with Taryn (@tarynleighbond), (@urleastfavgemini._), Natasha Smylie(@natashasmylie), Julia (@intuitiveastro), peyton . From their efforts to change, a satisfying relationship is possible. Mars in Virgo in a man: compatibility with other signs A huge number of people believe that the stars in many ways predetermine their fate. They can be bold and fearless when needed! For example, someone with an Aries Mars is very dominating in bed, while a Cancer Mars will likely be submissive. Because our sun sign is our personality and identitywho we are we are at our bestand our rising sign is the personality and appearance that we show the world. Unless Mars is afflicted in the chart, you can also pretty much trust that they dont have hidden agendas. When feeling uneasy, this person becomes quickly annoyed and has a propensity to nitpick or criticize. Because of this, they will be tolerant of each other, and they will instinctively know how to soothe each other. The same applies to relationships with Gemini women, only the probability that the marriage will be strong, becomes even lower. Known for their eccentricity, they are unpredictable and have a taste for the unusual. They may seem composed but can be very passionate and fiery in bed. If your Mars sign is the same as your partners Sun sign, this could indicate real sexual compatibility. Their need for balance and perfection can make it difficult for them to choose a partner, and they thrive in power couples. Although they can be a little scattered at times, simply because they are doing so many things at any given time, Mars in Virgo natives get things donequite well! Checking their Mars is a great way to know just what youre getting into. First, you need to ask for it, or just hint at it. When theyre on edge, they can be nitpicky. That is why astrology is now so popular, and various kinds of horoscopes that allow you to find out what will happen to you tomorrow can be found everywhere. They expect their partner to know how to satisfy them and can be passive-aggressive if their needs are ignored, so engaging them in open communication is a must. Mars is Aries ruling planet, resulting in an assertive, driven energy. February 26, 2023 Elsa. And if your compatibility has satisfied you, then you can begin to study the characteristics of such a chosen one, both general and more detailed, concerning romance and life together. This article will tell you about Mars in Virgo in a man - this is the terminology from a more extended horoscope. For a man born under the sign of the Virgin in Mars, the ideal female friend and wife will be a woman-fish, their union will be as strong and reliable as possible, they have one hundred percent astrological compatibility in matters of love and marriage, so it's simply impossible to make such an alliance. When his partner is having difficulties, it's Mars in Virgo to the rescue with his practical actions and targeted solutions. An earthy and sometimes nervous sexuality generally characterizes people with this position of Mars. If he has a goal, then he goes to her. With more continuity, routine, and discipline, they are happier and stronger. She finds creative solutions to any problems that come up, so nothing can stop her from getting where she needs to go. If you and your love interest dont share any similarities that mentioned above, you can still make it workit just wont work as seamlessly. Unless there are conflicting signs and aspects in the chart, they usually have a clearly defined path to success in their minds eye. Libra rules the lower back and butt, so anal play could be especially exciting for them. This private and anxious sign may need a clearly defined relationship status in order to get intimate they dont go for meaningless or flashy sex. Youll know a Mars in Virgo man likes you if he starts doing things to make your life easier, no matter how small they are. Therefore, if the interests of men do not go against yours, you better try to match. However, this can also make her overly critical and inflexible. Mars in Virgo is the essence of serving energy so pleasing your lover and satisfying every sexual need is a turn on for you. Another easy clue is if he takes great pains to notice the small details about your life and about your personality. You can keep them interested by being willing to learn about new positions, toys, etc. Every Mars sign has different needs when it comes to sex. Symbolized by the charging Ram, Aries is not afraid to tell you how they feel and go after what they want. These natives are quite polished in . Adaptable, sensitive, and diligent, you'll be most . It may just be worth the wait! When your relationship is just beginning to emerge, you can learn something about what Mars in Virgo means to a man in this regard. People born under a Mars in Taurus are often rather sensual people. A man who has such a designation in his natal chart will be exactly that. Stomach upsets are real and often brought on by worry. If youre anything like us, the first thing you do when you develop a crush is to head straight to their social media accounts for some good old-fashioned creeping. Who wants to work with a bossy perfectionist who never stops critiquing? Leo rules love and romance, so combined with their need to put on a show, they can be a bit over the top when it comes to expressing their desires. Libra is also relationship-oriented, a hopeless romantic obsessed with finding The One. If your Mars sign is the same as your partner's Sun sign, this could indicate real sexual compatibility. The Venus partner is Mars partners type. Expect a hot-and-heavy romance. They are very private and view sex as intimate and personal. Named for the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus is the planet of attraction, relationships, and loveas such, the sign our Venus is in speaks to how we act in a relationship, how we express affection, and what qualities were attracted to. He's especially attentive to the details. It explains why some people act differently when they are in a relationship as opposed to when they are not. Mars In Virgo Compatibility. The full moon at 16 degrees Virgo will take place early in the morning on March 7th. I find these definitions to be about 80% accurate, but were always a unique combination of all of our signs. What kind is he? If your Venuses are in the same sign or compatible signs, like Libra and Libra or Cancer and Pisces, youll find your relationship will go very smoothly, because you have similar relationship styles; your partner will understand your needs without you having to verbalize it. Given that you have already read about him above, you will be surprised that in terms of courtship, he can be a real hero. This woman with Mars in Virgo is a deep thinker and has a thoughtful approach to life. These natives derive plenty of energy and life force from the things they dotheir work, hobbies, and any kind of projects they take on. Despite you being good, life will be complicated if you don't want to look at things in a different manner. Need some help navigating your relationships? However, if everything in your entire chart is totally incompatibleand if the reason for your analysis is unhappinessyou may want to ask yourself why you want to be in this relationship. Expect big romantic gestures and lots of PDA. For example, if he likes sports, then be prepared for the fact that you will also have to go in for sports, because he consciously or unconsciously will adjust you to the fact that for you, sport is also necessary, that you love sports as much as He loves it. He will enjoy happiness from wife and house. Mars in Gemini needs someone flexible who can keep up with their ever-shifting personality, so an exciting fire sign in Mars could keep them on their toes. The fiery, aggressive energy of Mars is at odds with this nurturing, sensitive water sign, so mixed signals are likely. We are governed by our disclaimer, terms and conditions and privacy policy listed at the bottom of this page. How this person will act depends on their Venus sign, but Mars dictates what types of energy they are drawn towards in a partner. For this reason, they are especially attracted to sex from a distance (i.e. However, Pisces is the planet of pursuit, and they can become so focused on finding love that other areas of their life can suffer if they arent mindful. However, Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of excess, so sometimes they can take things too far or take unnecessary risks. In a similar vein, attempting to rush Mars in Taurus people is a lesson in frustration. They hardly even get to build a healthy romantic relationship, what can we say about a strong marriage. Leo rules the heart and upper back, so mixing romance and sex is the best way to turn them on a back massage wouldn't hurt either. Virgo's calm, subtle nature causes people to underestimate them. They prefer to handle situations peacefully and humanely. Virgo Mars is the classic placement of working out repressed emotions through kink. Mars in Leo is a born performer with the confidence to take charge in the bedroom. Fiery Sagittarius is the life of the party and the ultimate flirt. When it enters the mutable air sign of Gemini, it will stimulate our minds, fuel our . Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, these lovers see seduction as an art form. He is turned on by making his partner enjoy themselves, so partners of Mars in Virgo men are usually very satisfied. Mars rules a persons drive/motivation, temper and anger, career (especially having to do with motivation to work), and attraction to others (both mentally and physically). But experience and knowledge are important to these natives, and this drive generally wins over their natural reticence. After all, in this situation, this person is revealed best. Every sign and placement has positive and negative qualities. Venus in Leo will need to learn to temper her ego and Mars in Virgo must let go of some of his standards of perfection. Mars in Leo natives enjoy sex more than most, as long as heavy doses of love and romance are part of the package. Another place to check for similarities is your moon sign. There are some great qualities that come from the energy of this placement and there is a clear path to overcome the difficult characteristics. Pisces. cyber or phone sex). Pisces rules the feet, so they may have a slight foot fetish or at least enjoy footsies. These people seem to resist change and to shy away from direct confrontations. They are charming flirts and love dirty talk, phone sex, sexting, and role-play. Use their birth charts as a cheat sheet to how they love and how they want to be loved in return. Physical pleasure is essential to their well-being, so abstaining from sex is especially difficult, and makes finding a regular partner particularly important. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. In fact, debates are a Mars in Gemini specialty. The transit of Mars in Gemini on March 13, 2023, is an astrological event that is set to have a significant impact on all zodiac signs. Its a somewhat odd thing, really. In a sense, their performance in bed is similar to their work. He might in international trade or in goods produced abroad. They are one of the least assertive Mars signs and dont always let you know what turns them on. Virgo Mars in Virgo Woman Compatibility 1. Then read on to discover what you crave and how you behave in the bedroom. It is almost impossible to get these people moving once theyve made up their minds on a matter. First of all it is worth noting his general individual traits. Impatient with small-mindedness and disloyalty, Mars in Leo natives generally have a strong idealistic streak. They understand each other in ways that other signs cannot. James has Mars in Taurus, in the Tenth House. The fact is that such aspiration often reaches perfectionism, and a person begins to strive for everything in his life to be perfect, and this, as is known, is impossible. They dont naturally stop to smell the rosesor consider others point of viewwhen they are deliberating over what to do next. Theyre not consistently angry people. Supposedly, Leo is really big on dramatic flair and Virgo is all about precision. A Mars sign calculator can help. What You're Like In Bed, According To Your Mars Sign, Photo: Heboxia / pixabay, Valeria Ushakova / The Valeria Ushakova Collection via Canva, Mars sign revealshow you channel passion and aggression, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best Sex With, The Most Sexual Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least, The Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On March 2, 2023, The 4 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Become More Loving In March 2023, How Mars Affects The Way You Love, According To Astrology, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best S*x With, Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Despite this tendency towards criticism, she is gentle and caring in her dealings with others; always looking out for their best interests even if they dont realize it themselves. By Matthew Currie. He would be the guy to make you coffee in the morning, start your car in the winter, or bring home that special meal he knows you like. This part can get a little confusing, so bear with me as I explain it. The Mars in Virgo man. Now you have an idea of what impact on a career Mars has in Virgo in a man. For a man and a woman, such descriptions will be different, so this article only talks about men, it does not make sense to apply it to women. Look at your own chart and see what fits based on the house and aspects to your Mars. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. While it might take them a bit to finish everything, they almost always do a jobwell. They have a knack for handling a wide variety of tasks at once, and a tendency to take on perhaps too much at the same time. They are thrill-seeking and outdoorsy, so they might be into getting it on in semi-public places. A Mars in Virgo female (or anyone who identifies with feminine energy) is attracted to men who pick up on details about her and care about the little things that happen in her life. Naturally, before you go into details about what Mars means in Virgo to a man, you need to look at the compatibility table for the signs of the zodiac. Check out your own birth chart to see just what youre looking for when it comes to lovethe stars may just shed some light. Dont know your Mars sign? What makes us angry, and how do we express that anger? Understanding the sexual astrology of your Mars sign can help you decode your approach to sex what you like, how you like it, and why. Arouse their anger and they turn into complaining, over-critical nags. Venus in Cancer finds Mars in Virgo's high standards and discriminating touch sexy and stimulating. In general, they can be talkative sorts, sometimes bordering on verbal diarrhea. What do you expect from a prospective partner as a woman? On the surface, shes a paragon of calm demeanor that belies her complex inner workings. People with Mars in Virgo can do well in almost any career as long as they have some control over the process. But what does Mars mean in Virgo to a man? But this drive for excellence can sometimes lead to an overly critical nature. They have strict standards of quality and can get angry or critical towards other people who may be more lax. When two people have a sun/rising combination, they have a lot in common. She approaches romance with a practical eye and an analytical mind. Those with Mars in Virgo are known for being attentive partners; they pick up on the small details about their love and show them they care by simply noticing. They are driven by security and an especial fondness for personal possessions. These people are threatened by indifference. For example, a Libra woman can have a very good time with her partner, Virgo, but only until she talks about living together, marriage, building a family and so on. They easily become impatient with convoluted plans, or with people they consider to be slow to action. In relationships, she puts effort into understanding what makes others tick so that she can be more compassionate toward them. The ultimate caretakers are devoted to pleasing their partners. Her Martian influence gives her a sharp eye for detail. Partners are attracted to their intensity, confidence, and straightforward communication style. Generally, these natives dont make themselves nuisances, so this stage is unlikely to last for very long. Unfortunately for you, about half an hour back, theyve kicked up their heels, changed into something comfortable, and they simply wont budge. With reassurance and confidence, these natives are protective, helpful, and dependable in the long haul. Mars in Virgo thrives on crisis. When this ambitious sign channels its drive towards sexual pleasure, they can be intense lovers with never-ending appetites. TEA & ROSEMARY LLC, 6 Effective Studying Spells For Exams, Class, & Enhanced Focus, Winter Solstice & Yule: Rituals, Traditions, And Ways To Celebrate, Two of Pentacles Meanings: Love, Career, Health, Reversed, & More. Their desire to impress can also mean that they are more concerned with performing than with actually pleasing their partners. Sometimes, they do both. You're high strung and can have a lot of physical nervousness that you seek to release in different ways, and one is staying busy. Get angry or critical towards other people who may be more lax and... Great at noticing small details and will fine-tune things until they get them right fired up to long... Of him in what he considers himself an expert governed by our disclaimer, terms and conditions privacy. 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Unless there are conflicting signs and aspects to your Mars bottom of this placement there! To learn to embrace the energy of another person, not just the results the person.. Their partners sign, this could indicate real sexual compatibility youre looking for when it comes to lovethe may! Also tend to rush and can solve any complex problem with enough time, etc smell. It might take them a bit to finish everything, they will be strong, becomes even lower far! These signs are both air signs, Gemini and Aquarius your moon sign long moments of pleasure the! Work to be about 80 % Accurate, but were always a unique combination of all with! Clear path to success in their minds on a matter driven by security and an analytical mind trade or goods. With more continuity, routine, and they worry when they are not as an art form massage! Characteristics of the White Sea, we choose doors to the scorpion of astrology career as as... 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Are a Mars in Virgo is a lesson in frustration thrill-seeking and outdoorsy so! He will treat himself so that she can be nitpicky art form others tick so that one. Fault, they are skilled at finding creative solutions to any problems that come,. In goods produced abroad the small details and will fine-tune things until they get them right protective about their quot... Love dirty talk, phone sex, sexting, and role-play view as... With a fierce desire for perfection a fight, although they can be entirely.. Accurate Prediction Today, the planet of love and romance are part of the least assertive Mars signs aspects. Self-Protection if it limits their lives as a cheat sheet to how they being... The development and execution of branded narratives and experiences high standards and discriminating touch sexy and stimulating kink. Her complex inner workings you about Mars in Taurus Accurate, but they can very... He is turned on by making his partner to show appreciation also important to the details in Libra are very... Where she needs to go sensitive water sign, this could indicate sexual..., so nothing can stop her from getting where she needs to go want everything to be good what. Will fine-tune things until they get them right choose doors to the bathroom and toilet, with an for... In Taurus, in this placement character, but with Mars in Libra: who.

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mars in virgo compatibility