
Fast forward to 2022. Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) Lasers Patient Labeling Recommendations. Had I received a consent form with similar information as listed on this Draft Guidance, I would never have had the surgery. I have to wear goggle glasses to go outside, or ride in the car with the air/heat on. Then a cornea transplant because I had damaged my cornea. Within about 3-4 days, the epithelium has healed over the giant scratch. This will help to promote a complete and fast healing process. If I put a soft contact lens on with 0.5 diopters of distance correction, I can see 20/20, but eyeglasses will only get me to 20/40. Im 19. In fact, only about 50% will be able to reach 20/20 vision or better at this point. However, if your vision continues to deteriorate or you experience any other symptoms, its essential that you visit your doctor promptly so they can provide assistance. So sorry to hear that KS. And then had to wait about an hour to be taken back which is when I started feeling a little nervous. Im wondering how I am going to live the rest of my life like this. Since epithelial cells reproduce rapidly within the human body, they typically regenerate within weeks to months. A few percentage of PRK patients will need to have an enhancement (touch up) to their treatment usually considered at the 3 to 6 month mark depending on the patient. After the surgery, your eye might be covered with a plastic shield or an eye pad, which should be removed the day after the procedure. My eyes have a hard time focusing, but it gets better everyday. Going from a -6 and -6.25 prescriptions to bringing able to see clearly without anything has been amazing. some people make me laugh, i myself am still stuck between snatching myself SBK Lasik or ASA PRK. My self- esteem has drastically been affected- I used to wear contacts, not glasses, I cant wear any eye make-up because of chronic inflammation and irritation, my eyes and eyelids are always red, and the warm compresses I have to use have destroyed the fragile skin around my eyes (looks like crepe paper), and as I mentioned I have ptosis of my right eye. They wanted $160 after several discounts applied and I said to them, Im not paying that much for some temporary vision and I left. Another complication after cataract surgery is retinal detachment. The first week things will be the most blurry. They are dependent on not needed acute eyesight and environments that dont contribute to my misery. I vented to the doctor regarding my aggravation that I was never told the healing process could take this long. 9 months in Nightly ointment. Our patients often find their vision is slightly blurry for the first few weeks following their PRK procedure surgery. There are many reasons PRK may be recommended. Hi Catherine, What a journey for you, Im so sorry. After prk I had blurred vision which left me debilitated because of headaches and difficulty working on my computer. Vision stays blurry, and isn't even as clear as days 9-10 waking up. Of course I can see 10 times better when wear the glasses. Ive literally gained 20 lbs in the last 2 months from stress eating and even started smoking again to try and cope with the stress. Yes day three made me want to rip my eyes out. Ive tried wearing glasses for it and they make me dizzy, so Ive settled with no glasses and not seeing clearly. Hey DJT, Funny you took the time to comment and read this article if youve never had issues with PRK. I was prescribed Norco as well as steroid and antibiotic eye drops, as I was told that numbing eye drops have been shown to cause complications with healing. Dry eyes end up not healing as well and pose a much higher risk for infection. Also even getting slightly bumped in the eye is painful for me. Im going to be paying $5900, both procedures have similar results but Advanced PRK of course takes longer. It was always just a little better than my current shitty, post-surgery eye sight. Thanks for sticking around to read about my personal experience. It doesnt make sense because I thought the cause of needing reading glasses was age and would happen to both eyes??? The advantage of PRK is great vision correction without needing to create any flap within the cornea. So sorry you are having such trouble. When would I have the time and how do I know this will work if it didnt work the first time. I am hoping that your eyes just need time to heal but I would think by week six youd be stabilized. In between that 1 month mark and the 3 month mark, vision continues to steadily improve. I now have an astigmatism in my left eye, my eyes are drastically different from each other in prescriptions, and I cant see close or far without glasses. When PRK is performed, a layer of the patients cornea (the corneal cells) is completely removed which has to then grow back. The average total cost for LASIK surgery is $4,800 for both eyes. See a corneal specialist. Stage 2 - This stage comes from 30 to 60 minutes after the surgery as the patient begins to experience the effects of numbering drops started to wear off. Almost constantly reddish and sensitive eyes still no reasonable answer for this one, and I was forbidden to use Stilla (or similar) eye drops. Keep us posted and try to stay positive- believe me, I know thats easier said than done! But when this epithelium is removed, the surface becomes rough. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. She also said they would possibly end up doing the PRK. I chose PRK because I am a heavy eye rubber and was terrified that Id rub the flap off. Looking back, I would have done things differently. If you are experiencing severe ghosting after PRK, it is essential that you contact your eye doctor as soon as possible to identify the source of your symptoms and get the most appropriate treatment plan. What Is Diabetic Maculopathy & What Can Be Done? I hope you are doing better. I had RK back in 1979. PRK involves using cutting edge laser technology to destroy the entire outer layer of corneal tissue, known as the epithelium. Originally, I was told three days to a week but as you read further youll learn it was MUCH LONGER plus I needed a second PRK surgery just a year after the first. I am too scared to get prk again after the pain I had and recovery time and my eye doctor (different guy than prk doctor) doesnt think Id have great luck with it if I didnt the first time. My vision was WAY better than before the procedure but I still felt like I couldnt see great especially in low light or at night. PRK uses an excimer laser to change the shape of the cornea and correct vision. Vision at this stage of the recovery is better than how was before the surgery, but it is still blurry enough not to consider as perfect eyesight. I too had prk twice. Many thanks for the warnings, and best of luck to all. My suggestion is to anyone considering PRK surgery: like the author stated, do your homework because the success rate is extremely exaggerated. Thanks for sharing your story. However, most people can see well enough to drive within a week. My eyes have been sensitive to the sun and onions ever since. Have you been back to the doctors office? Time and time again, I find myself so astounded that there are so many of us with issues and unfortunately, I dont think any of the side effects are recorded anywhere. I had no idea about the recovery. 2. Not only that, even in the dark it is uncomfortable to look straight forward or upward. My dizziness and nausea lasted a long time and I did many different therapies to try to help costing my thousands of dollars. Be sure to attend regular follow up visits to ensure your eyes are healing properly. Basically, I am screwed. I really hope my eyes dont continue to get worse again. I appreciated your thoughtful and informative post and all of the commentary that followed. My husband has to drive me around and take me to work, and has had to sacrifice some hours at work (and money) to be able to help me. If your PRK ghosting persists for an extended period of time, its essential to consult your surgeon about possible remedies. I had prk 2 months before. After this procedure, you may need to wear an eye patch or plastic shield for 24 hours. Also, one thing I noticed immediately from my surgery & that was probably an indicator of surgery complications: seeing the car headlights, traffic lights, anytype of light colors more pronounced (the way ppl see car headlights/traffic lights, lights at night, well thats how I see them during the day & night.) All the best to you, Angela! I had my PRK at 15 Aug 2017. it's going to be more than 1 year , i am still seeing blurry vision around lights at night. After your PRK surgery, you should be able to see clearly again; however, your vision will continue to improve as the cornea heals and the new epithelium beneath your contact lens re-epithelializes. As much as we would like everyone to be perfectly on target after any laser eye surgery, there will be patients that end up off target with residual prescription error. She said a simple little procedure could correct the astigmatism and that it was included in my medical packageI didnt have to pay one additional cent. Prayers. No such thing as 20/20 vision after it. Although PRK surgery has a 95% success rate, it's important to know that there are risks associated with laser eye surgeries such as PRK. To learn more, read our Privacy Policy and Editorial Policy pages. I am definitely better but still wanted to share the experience for those who are out there either experiencing the same thing and/or thinking about getting it done. I didnt want to get my hopes up so I took that with a grain of salt and prepared myself for the worst. Nicolas_yo 2 yr. ago My myopia was -7.5 with astigmatism roughly the same as yours. Find an eyecare professional and book online in minutes! He performed cataract surgery and then PRK, which did not work. It is not uncommon for patients to experience blurry vision for several months after surgery. This is the point where the patient begins to experience moderate discomfort in their eye, which may be accompanied by some flow of tears and increased sensitivity to light. I dont know if I could have taken any more than that. So, to anyone who enjoys excellent vision with contacts, really think about it and research before you do it. These are just a fraction of problems I currently deal with them on a constant basis. I had friends who had done Lasik with no problems and with the slight research I had done and the reassurance I had from my friend who is an opthamologist I gave my fate to the wind and expected good results. Since I've found comfort reading other people's recovery timelines, I offer mine . Every NVISION patient is different. I did not feel comfortable driving and my eyes themselves felt extremely sensitive to the touch. I had PRK in November 2021. So here I am two eye surgeries later with a new astigmatism, many missed days of work, chronic dry eye, and a prescription for glasses. They say its because of dry eye, but before surgery I never experienced dry eye (probably used eye drops 3 times in my life before surgery, now 10+ times a day and 5+ times a night). But i am getting epitheal erossions. The lens is removed in cataract surgery and replaced with a clear, artificial intraocular lens (IOL) implant. Its more common with older laser platforms like LASIK, but can also occur after more recent procedures that use excimer laser energy such as bladeless Lasik and PRK. I lined this up with a work trip. [Read more about corneal transplant surgery.]. Answer: No particular reason. And suffer the same complications as you. This is completely normal and should improve with time. Hi Renee, I asked him why I couldnt see his face clearly two feet away if I was 20/20. The opthalmologist looked at my eyes and had said both eyes were in excellent health he is shooting for 20/15. I was very hesitant and still cant believe I went through with it but all I kept thinking was about how I spent so much money that they should fix their wrong! PRK has certain benefits when compared to LASIK and other forms of refractive surgery. Im so sorry Nina. Who do I talk to, to get reimbursed for the prescription because there is NO WAY Im paying for all this again! I am passionate about eye health and love sharing everything I learn about it. i have really dry eyes already and sometimes they burn so bad i can barely stand it. Unlike LASIK, PRK does not involve a corneal flap, which comes with its own risk of complications both during and after the procedure. You may never see well again. I know its still early but Im a realistic person and I have a pretty strong intuition about whats to come. After surgery, I have worse night vision, and the power (how close or far something appears) in my left eye is lower than the power in my right. The first eye, no problems. Light sensitivity is no joke. I had always thought I would have it done if I ever won the lottery but your honesty has saved my potential winnings!! This occurs in about 15% of patients who have cataract surgery. The second day post-op was brutalI just wanted the pain to stop by any means. I dont know if I would have still decided to go through with it or not, but at least it wouldnt have been such a surprise. Can't avoid it. Posted by Otto Olivier | Eye Diseases | 0. I am doubting the wisdom of an enhancement surgery. Well, that all changed on day three! Ive needed a second surgery for years, but no thanks. And so your vision will heal up in different stages. But it is still normal to have blurry vision one month out. Here are some questions to consider post eye surgery. My comment to anyone considering the surgery is that you are rolling the dice. Good luck mate! THESE PROVIDERS DEFINITELY DO NOT DISCLOSE THE REAL ASPECTS OF PRK they make it sound semi easy compared to lasik and that simply is UNTRUE. Your eye doctor will provide you with an eye drop to expedite the reepithelialization process and advise when to return for a follow-up visit. In addition, there is a large chance your vision can revert back to what you had pre-surgery as you age. did you have a prior surgery before prk. Just in time for my three-month hiking trip in Spain. Your eye doctor can treat this condition with eye drops, but it can take weeks or months to heal. (I was 34 when I had the surgery). I assumed PRK was just another term for Lasik when I was signing the consent forms day of the procedure. I asked all the important questions while trying not to burst into tears with the idea of doing this all over again like: My head was spinning with the thought of going through all of this again. The information provided on this page should not be used in place of information provided by a doctor or specialist. But if this tear film evaporates too quickly, it becomes rough and irregular. Anyone who has laser eye surgery will have an increase in the amount of dry eye within the first few months after the procedure; PRK patients arent spared from this. So I went ahead and hiked 500 miles on the Camino de Santiago feeling like everything was a little off. After the first week, I knew something wasnt right. If that doesnt work, it in for a second procedure. I wish I would have read this story before I had PRK surgery. I have had the prk surgery and it was done by a close friend who is a Dr. Im writing this for anyone who is thinking about it. I told him about my blurred vision and he assured me again, that it was part of the healing process. I thought it would subside after some time but after one full year after my last procedure, it hasnt. The ablation was not large enough for my pupils and was off-centre. That is when the one in my right eye failed. This can lead to some residual remaining prescription and / or fluctuation of prescription. Especially after looking forward to 20/20 vision for so long, and spending so much money, it is depressing to be now so blind I cant work or drive properly, Sam, I am so sorry to hear your story. According to WebMD, only 70% of PRK patients achieve 20/20 vision. And again, I felt like my eyes were MUCH BETTER yet still not perfect. The amount of time required to heal can be frustrating. Again, a little discomfort but no pain. There are rare instances when complications occur during or after PRK treatment. How long ago did you have the surgery and what did your friend, the doctor, say about your complications? Im 2 years post PRK and my eyes are better, but will never be normal again. I ran into some extra money and decided to take the leap again. Consult with a doctor virtually or in person. I went in for an eye exam (should have before 2yrs) and was told my vision is 1.5 in one eye and -1.5 in another eye so I got glasses and they make a huge difference. I was -5.75 in both eyes. And its all because PRK, Nothing is as hotly as debated as a topic (at least in the world of vision, more likely to have LESS bothersome symptoms, an increase in these higher order aberrations. Ive seeing doubles, my eyes are always blurry and I cant even see close. Im getting worse not better! I got about 20/25 vision for about a year. My husband had LASIK from the same Dr. months before and was very happy. I got PRK a couple of days back. I havent gotten contacts yet but might as Im finding Im wearing the glasses more and more. That and lets say a over or undercorrection could result in a worst case scenario like yours. It felt like I was being tortured on a rack of sorts! Now they want me to have a second surgery and I have not accepted it. It was a long recovery process and I was disappointed and depressed as well. Ive been wearing them the last few months and love them! I have not seen far away, clearly, since prior to the surgery and just ordered glasses for my farsightedness. As for LASIK Plus and LVI, they use marketing to get folks in with a lower pricepoint and base the price on your prescription. Qualified patients must book their procedure by 2/28/2023. I was so excited and thought this was a great sign. The most common issues are corneal haze, infection after the surgery, and overcorrections and undercorrections. It is very important that the patient protects their eyes from UV light by wearing good sunglasses and do not partake in any activity that may cause damage to the eye organs. So, with that, I will be a candidate to get PRK again.. Im not happy about this but it doesnt cost me anything except being out a week or 2 from work and a shitload of pain when they rub the cornea which excites me about as much as looking directly into the sun without sunglasses. And another one suggesting need to use FML 10 weeks. Blurry vision one month after PRK may be unsettling or frustrating, but it's completely normal. (If only had read your blog sooner!) I couldnt wear glasses because the eye that had already been done didnt need any sort of glasses and I couldnt wear them with just the lens in the one eye because the glasses didnt sit right on my face. After a few weeks, everything was good for about six years. Historically, laser eye surgery has increased the amount of higher order aberrations in the eye. Somewhat blurred vision for close distance THIS BOTHERS ME THE MOST! Temporary glasses have not been helpful and I feel am just stuck in a bad situation. I had the worst pain imaginable. Im not holding my breath. I work for an eye surgeon and also had PRK) With a correction that is extremely high like hers, I would think she wouldnt have enough thickness left for a touch up. Is it worth it? Long story short, Im on month three now since prk and I still have blurred vision that comes and goes but never complete sharp vision. I used to enjoy target shooting, motorcycle riding and wanted to own a convertible. The doctor (again, not the big honcho who performed my procedure because apparently he only does surgeries and never follow-up) revealed my eyes should basically be done healing. My husband had a similar experience with LASIK in not perfect vision, regression, and permanent dry eyes. I am in constant pain. Week 2 I was back to work and had constant headaches because I was straining my eyes to see the laptop screen. Is this normal?? Not anything to worry about just yet, remember, we arent done with the healing yet. I know many people that had no issues but when they do happen it really makes you think. I havent talked to the surgeon after the first op and honestly after reading this and others comments. He did also like you, assure me these treatments and medicines would cure the problem. I guarantee they will tell me I have to get a second surgery. Im relieved to hear you havent seen any of these issues, but based on all the comments and people Ive talked to since my procedure it seems like its not all that uncommon. Click our photo tolearn more. Ghosting can occur during the initial days after PRK surgery, but may take weeks or months before it completely resolves. Sorry for your eye issues, but there is hope. As much as I love not wearing glasses the dry eye pain that comes on without warning is so horrifying. Updated August 2022. The majority of patients achieve up to 20/20 vision with PRK. I am into Day 11 after PRK surgery. Anyone considering Lasik or PRK should go to look at website Lasik Complications. I have had weeks of pain, missed many days of work, will never be able to wear contacts again and will need glasses for the rest of my life. I would tell you not to get PRK ever. The good news is that with a soft contact lens I can see 20/25. When I woke up, my eyes felt like they had sand in them (which I was told was because of the bandage contacts) so it was a little uncomfortable but not in pain necessarily. Wow, I am so sorry to hear of how horrible your PRK experience ended up being for you. Although laser eye surgery has an extremely high success rate, just as with any other form of surgery, there are risks of complications when it comes to PRK that individuals should be aware of before undergoing this procedure. At this point, I now have 20/100 vision and have lost all hope of ever having even close to 20/20 vision again. Pain and discomfort are the most common side effects associated with PRK surgery. The doctor said contacts are not an option because they will change the shape of my eye. Unclear near vision 18 days after PRK laser eye surgery - Is this normal? Stay strong and positive thatll eventually get better. Cant touch my eyelids, an eyelash feels like a knife, and onions are acid. And after some research and figuring out the right date for me before our mega three month trip to Spain and Portugal, I was ready. LASIK is performed by slicing the cornea and creating a flap that gets put back on the eye once the laser is used. It was horrible and took months for my eyes to stabilize. 92% of PRK patients get 20/40 vision or better. Now 2 monthspost-op for wavefront optimized PRK from original Rx: -3.5, -1 and -2.5, -0.25. based on the haze, residual astigmatism, Got prk April 18 2018 and doctor said my eyes are completely healed, only recently this week I am seeing halos and glare at night and my vision is worse at night. Im so sorry youre going through this as well Kristy. Your experience is exactly like mine. Then I met with the doctor to go over what was about to happen and he applied anesthetic drops to my eyes to numb them. Unfortunately, hindsight is 20/20 (that expression is priceless in this scenario! My distance vision is not great either. My ophthalmologist recommended PRK because of the shape of my cornea. I began to worry and get frustrated when my vision did not start to stabilize in the third week. I was too blurry to work on my computer for over a month but I dimmed my screens got blue light glasses and had to put my face inches from the screen to even focus. Have spent as much money, or more, on drops and reading glasses, and taking time off work, as I would have on glasses or contacts anyways. I didn't realize what I wasn't seeing. Your PRK surgeon will provide you with comprehensive instructions on how to care for your eyes following surgery. My eyesight weakened after about 15 years as I stated before and now I need to decide between bifocals or to have the surgery yet again since I was given a guarantee. Wish you a good day. My head would start to hurt and I felt like I had to force my eyes open, thats when I knew it was quitting time. No, it was in Oak Brook. My only issue was small road debris at night that I couldnt see until it was too late. I have the lifetime acuity plan so another surgery is currently being discussed. Vision is still not as clear (crisp) as it used to be when I wore glasses. My eyes are not clear , painful , dry and uncomfortable . Unfortunately, Im experiencing starburts, halos, glare, & slight double-vision at night. Hopefully things stay at this rate for the rest of my recovery period, but we shall see. i cant imagine it hurting worse that that. It would just be overwhelmingly depressing to return and confront my condition. I never felt at any point during this time that I could see as good as when I had contacts, but I expected the first week to be like that. But while you are recovering from PRK, you will have an increase in these higher order aberrations at the one month mark. I wish more stories like this were out there to save us from this misery! In rare cases, more extreme side effects can occur. I never looked into it, but Im sure there have been some people whove tried just dont know the outcome. I think if Im still in the condition I am in now I will insist on more answers. This corneal abrasion takes three or four days to heal, resulting in moderate pain and blurred vision in the short term. The procedures were quick, virtually painless, and by day two, my vision was miraculously corrected, although the surgeon told me that she had misjudged the amount of astigmatism in my right eye, for which she adequately compensated during the left eye procedure So, by day two I didnt need glasses for reading, I no longer had a problem with a computer screen, and distance vision was good: 20/20 in the left eye, and about 20/30 in the right eye. What are the chances the second procedure will work? This is VITAL to your recovery. Nothing is clear at all. Once that surface heals over, vision steadily improves. Im Otto Olivier, the guy behind Eyes Advisor. The doctor said, I should be have been recovered already & that perhaps its due to dry eyes. I have read that it could take 3 or 4 months to really get my good vision back, but I have to admit that I am getting nervous. For some reason that they cant explain, I had a rejection episode after that 14 years which resulted in some weird irregular astigmatism. Will these issues resolve? I am getting frustrated because my eyes get more blurry after the bandage contacts are taken out since Day 7 and my vision have not improved. I did need an enhancement a few months after. I signed a few liability pages waiving my rights to sue for anything and everything. You know the, Its so rare, it will most likely not happen. Just like yourself, I was unaware that even 20/20 does not always mean perfect vision. Was a great sign a convertible feel comfortable driving and my eyes to stabilize clear painful! Part of the procedure this and others comments majority of patients who have surgery! Enhancement surgery. ] are corneal haze, infection after the first op honestly., infection after the first week, I felt like I was that... Rough and irregular took the time to heal can be done pretty strong intuition whats! 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blurry vision 2 months after prk