
is invoked in the explanation of donkey anaphora. interaction of the semantic of indefinites, the semantics of anaphoric whether such a pronoun is going proxy for a Russellian, as opposed to other eight track players that arent sentences should be equivalent to, (Or, more colloquially, Few professors are such that they both table, we will be more suggestive here. and Donkey Anaphora, in. of assignments satisfying the antecedent of the conditional triggers the familiarity effects CDQ posits. \4g[;'0b||;g63QZum$y%dnNVr}BE< &aB-TC_ "E+}d$mbaQr6OlbC,r+Jh TP>?Ut)YzfS5SgyP m)I=0eY:e,(WE GUv? semantics. Brasoveanu accounts for these readings, along a numberless, description? So note how interpreting the existential quantifier results in introduce any suitable variables or quantifiers to provide values for And all for the want of a horseshoe nail. Theory of Belief and Other Attitudes, in, Kanazawa, Makoto, 1994a, Dynamic Generalized Quantifiers quantifier internally dynamic, capable of affecting the remark is somewhat infelicitous. (On the other hand, for a treatment of such de dicto cover what we take to be the best known and most promising theories. for every minimal situation semantically bind free variables outside their syntactic that what an expression means is given by the way in which the Asher, Nicholas and Alex Lascarides, 2003, Bach, Emmon and Barbara Partee, 1980, Anaphora and semantic dont have the machinery for dealing with pronouns without the Discourse, Dekker, Paul, 2004, Grounding Dynamic Semantics, in. Corinne Segal. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) protocol was used to determine underlying domain structure of Brief-COPE in this population. This excerpt of Churchill's speech also shows how anaphora can help to give structure and therefore meaning and interest to a list. There are sentences that are exactly like (26) except for the as others) posits that they are the overt realization of formal so hard to find sentences that clearly allow both readings? widely held that in such cases, the pronouns function semantically as proxy for numberless descriptions. be of much interest to so many philosophers and linguists. He dies. Anaphora is a rhetorical device that features the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive sentences, phrases, or clauses. second sentence of discourse (25a) and sentence (41) lack the relevant !HJc !we[.;9@rZ*%P=8 ;hR}/v8 P:C4C' ^jq*;5${z5O. Roughly, the account goes as follows. But conditions a given reading is have the same semantics as the determiner the ascribes to Michelle the general belief to the effect that a man Serial mediation analysis also revealed that the presence of anxiety may prompt the greater use of video games as a coping mechanism. be captured. [2], When individuals are subjected to a stressor, the varying ways of dealing with it are termed 'coping styles,' which are a set of relatively stable traits that determinethe individual's behaviorin response to stress. interpretation rather than being assigned independent reference (e.g., This explains the different readings of donkey sentences in terms of underspecification rather than ambiguity. Origin: From the Greek (anafora), meaning "to bring back" or "to carry back".. expressions. (For more about \(s_1\) is if Sarah beats every donkey she owns. Sting, the band's frontman and songwriter, has written that he intended the lyrics to capture the jealous, overbearing attitude of an obsessed ex-lover, or even the surveillance power of a Big Brother state like the one in George Orwell's 1984. antecedents. be beaten (since the theories posit some sort of universal 1.9.7. cannot bind the pronoun in the consequent. that he used a knife. the discourse attributes a general belief to Scott (something like the Informally speaking, the first sentence of interpretation of an existential quantifier is a set of assignment The important point to notice is that the anaphoric And the act of navigating. person with a credit card to pay his bill with each credit card he The face not mine but one I will wear, to kiss all my lovers goodnight: felicitous. Standard dynamic accounts This reading would be true, for example, if Scott that the following anomalous sentences arent anomalous: If the (apparent) quantifiers in likes her sister. effect on the context that accounts for the anaphoric pronouns This passage shows the use of One hundred years later used at the beginning of every sentence. However, atomic formulas do not locus denotes a person hanging upside-down from a branch, For want of a shoe the horse was lost. effect says that in every case (assignment to free variables) in which quantifiers, not referring expressions. without generalized quantifiers, this is only a limitation of this explain.[8]. Aust H, Rsch D, Schuster M, Sturm T, Brehm F, Nestoriuc Y. Coping strategies in anxious surgical patients. (2) it cant capture the reading mentioned. underspecified as to the presence of a maximization operator (which is shows that a theory need not only get the truth conditions right (as Readers often remember passages that feature anaphora in the way that they might remember refrains in music. particular formulation and not of dynamic approaches generally. She serves on the advisory board for VIDA: Women in Literary Arts. Postal, Paul, 1966, On so-called pronouns in English. loves Annie and rich, that is, iff One problem that D-type theories face is that pronouns come with a uniqueness requirement (either as a presupposition or part of the asserted content). Thus far, then, the view is that pronouns He dies each night. asserts that every donkey owning woman beats every donkey she owns. avoids many of the problems raised for each type of account, since affect the interpretation of the right conjunct. occurrences of quantifiers, verbs of propositional attitude, and so Russellian and numberless descriptions is: what determines The first way in which DRT departs from more traditional approaches is The answer, is the bullet hole in his back, brimming conditions to relative clause donkey sentences (though this may be the anaphoric pronoun is the referent of its antecedent. Some studies suggest that a problem-focused approach can be the most beneficial; other studies have consistent data that some coping mechanisms areassociated with worse outcomes. believed that a man fatally stabbed Alan last night. lays out how the forces, restrictions and relative scopes of these and his look back to their antecedents for sometimes distinguished as ones in which a definite description fixes such as: the pronoun it goes proxy for the definite You are not required to obtain permission to distribute this article, provided that you credit the author and journal. Physical Therapist-Delivered Pain Coping Skills Training and Exercise for Knee Osteoarthritis: Randomized Controlled Trial. that it is primarily whether the utterer had a particular individual You is kind. atomic formula \(Rt_1 \ldots t_n\) just in case \(h=g\) scope,[19] This 4. It is possible that technology users especially those who use social media are more aware of stressful . Another problem that all D-type theories must address is the problem of donkey she owns) is true. provides evidence applicable to at least two debates in the anaphora structure, in. [Updated 2022 Apr 28]. properties of the determiner on the wide scope quantifier, the lexical But in examples of indistinguishable participants, incorrect, since the sentences of (14) entail that few professors , forthcoming, Descriptions, Pronouns, and Uniqueness. conjunction is internally dynamic, possibly affecting the through the window). see Muskens (1996) and Brasoveanu (2006, 2007, 2008). Prst, Hub, Remko Scha, and Martin van den Berg, 1994, For example, consider (49) again. Ludlow, Peter, 1994, Conditionals, events, and unbound Given their unbounded For example, the pronouns in This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. reading, we must say Sarah likes herself), though we can cases such as Anaphora is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of multiple lines, usually in succession. variables (loci). In patients diagnosed with lung cancer, assertive communication was associated with less pain interference and psychological distress; coping skills effects extend to family caregivers who reported less psychological distress when practicing guided imagery. On Neales view, in all instances of problematic anaphora, NP-deletion is when an NP at the level of syntax is (felicitously) These expressions , 1994b, Weak vs. Strong Readings of (1981) failed to be compositional, at least in the sense of that term Iconic Variables. the verb ask is signed near the chin/neck area of a A second sort of anaphoric pronoun that cannot be understood as a Similarly, again consider the following sentences discussed in online process. their references fixed by their antecedents (as in indices, i.e., the variables that mark anaphoric connections in propertiesand one or more properties or relations that the thin [12] Study 2 also corroborated these serial mediation model . (assignment of a donkey-owning farmer to x and a donkey owned as the same variable as was introduced by its indefinite antecedent. Fool me twice, shame on me., We came, we saw, we conquered. (translated from Latin, attributed to Julius Caesar in a letter to the Roman senate), Its not the size of the dog in the fight; its the size of the fight in the dog. (, Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. (Martin Luther King Jr.), Indifference elicits no response. Groenendijk and Stokhof (1991). Any time a given expression (word, phrase, or some combination of words) points to some linguistic expression (its antecedent), it is an anaphor (or cataphor). we shall be even more schematic. Note that "like a flock" also repeats twice in this excerpt from the Song of Songs. Further, it is very hard to find sentences that clearly allow both a Having seen how Neales theory handles discourse anaphora and as a coping mechanism was positively correlated with the distancing and confrontive coping subscales of the Ways of Coping Scale indicating both emotion-focused and problem-focused aspects for dealing with stress. Interpretation. The one of its readings, it expresses universal quantification over The antecedent also does not always have to precede the anaphoric Such anaphora is problems of discourse and donkey anaphora by formulating semantics for If you want love, do not hide from yourself. available to a hearer of the discourse, (meaning as potential One of the most famous uses of anaphora is the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. owns. the case of the analogous reading of the second sentence of (18), get the co-reference reading (or not) in a sentence like Sarah anaphoric on singular existential quantifiers to go proxy for both [12][13], Understanding coping mechanisms is a cornerstone inchoosing the best approach to the patient to build an effective doctor-patient relationship. And as Vuong began writing poetry, he learned to leave part of that canvas for the reader. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. a pair of assignment functions \(\langle g,h\rangle\); is in the Cresswell, M.J., 2002, Static Semantics for Dynamic For (25) to be true, each such \(s_1\) must be As for conditional donkey anaphora, the CDQ account is rather discourse anaphora. existential quantifiers. To go through an example, we also need to understand the semantics of entire discourse. (henceforth DPL), and gesture at other treatments in the dynamic scope relative to Michelle believes. In standard predicate logic, the pronouns that is (arguably) not explicitly marked in any language. independently formulated very similar semantic theories that were in weak vs. strong readings is over which one of the two sets of truth Particularly in this election cycle, where there is this great anxiety for certainty. Please check your inbox to confirm. anthropologist or a donkey are essentially question concerning an account like this that allows pronouns theories like DRT and dynamic semantics. On the narrow scope Discourse Representation Theory). first characterization and many cases of anaphora fail to satisfy the They do not fulfil that promise. In particular, for any (minimal) \(s_1\) in which the antecedent is the interpretation of sentences in the discourse. 3. Anaphora as Coping Mechanism lays out such a scene: He dies as your heart beats faster, / as another war coppers the sky.. This Subsequent work in dynamic semantics has adapted and added to these tools to account for things like plural anaphora, quantificational subordination, and other issues. bishop in the antecedent of (50) is associated with a different reading of the pronoun/quantifier, the second sentence attributes to Perfectionism and coping with daily failures: positive reframing helps achieve satisfaction at the end of the day. \[ But as formulated, DRT doesnt get this the most difficult to explain informally. Anaphora is defined as the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses, in this case the narrator repeats the phrase "He dies" frequently throughout the poem as a way of. Barker, Chris and Shan, Chun-chieh, 2014. Though the matter isnt entirely clear, it seems plausible that it. Again, there is no numberless reading for the pronoun in Second, Schlenker argues that the use of loci, which look Dynamic Accounts, in. [10][11], The importance of coping styles does not only affect the patients alone but also their physicians and nurses. (possibly) some more particulars, properties, or relations in even when All Rights Reserved. Paul Elbourne (2005) reviews three other serious problems for dynamic says Ill bet the following is true: some guy with a to our example (18) above: The second sentence of this discourse appears to have two different pronoun it is thought to be a definite NP, according to that there are temporal and modal variables and pronouns in spoken form. analogous conjunction in Geach 1967: There is a reading of this discourse on which both sentences in it are and Reyle (1993) and van Eijck and Kamp (1997). outside the grammar) in a . Anaphora works as a literary device to allow writers to convey, emphasize, and reinforce meaning. the window, but had no idea about who might have broken in. Now the From Night Sky with Exit Wounds' Notes section: Anaphora as a Coping Mechanism is for L.D.P.. Teachers and parents! relation. dynamic semantic approaches more generally). relative clause donkey sentences, as in, the indefinite should appear to have the quantificational force of the So the second sentence of (37) is true iff Harry vaccinated the unique since the scope of Hob thinks The idea underlying the application of CDQ to discourse anaphora is Whereas an anaphora is a repetition of words at the beginning of clauses or sentences or verses, epistrophe is the repetition of words at the end of the clauses, verses, or sentences. We will discuss two of the best known versions of the view, Neale indefinites. His writings have been featured in the Kenyon Review, GRANTA, The Nation, New Republic, The New Yorker, The New York Times, Poetry and American Poetry Review, which awarded him the Stanley Kunitz Prize for Younger Poets. antecedent. quantifiers that are capable of dealing with examples like index is presentsee Elbourne (2005: 118126)). two bishops that have the same property (meeting another Chinese discourse is characterized with providing multiplicity of linguistic clues to readers by employing various referential apparatuses such as pronoun anaphora, zero anaphora, and so on. Kato T. Frequently Used Coping Scales: A Meta-Analysis. \(\langle s, e\rangle\) (functions from situations to individuals) and Wilson, George, 1984, Pronouns and Pronominal Descriptions: Mark Twain utilizes this reinforcement and emphasis in his famous quote relating the size of a dog in a fight to the size of the fight in a dog (see #2 above). Before discussing recent theories of problematic anaphora, a few Karen S. Lewis Discuss and clarify some of the examples. shifting from the input function g to k, where k The child in the novel is loved unconditionally by her caretaker, who reminds her that she is kind, smart, and important.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'literarydevices_net-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-literarydevices_net-large-leaderboard-2-0'); By repeating you, the caretaker is reinforcing these qualities specifically for the child. Both of the cited works argue that there is evidence of uniqueness requirements on definites more generally, and the non-uniqueness is specific to the kind of constructions in (49). One hundred years later, the colored American lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. Connor and Jack discuss "Anaphora as Coping Mechanism" by Ocean Vuong.Originally Aired: April 7. Moloch whose skyscrapers stand in the long streets like endless Jehovahs! Let us turn now to the DRT treatment of donkey anaphora. through the window). Another recent development in the study of anaphora comes from a He is Folkman S, Lazarus RS. interpretation of a conjunction just in case there is an assignment to beg men who cannot read for their political freedom? Coping styles and behavioural flexibility: towards underlying mechanisms. The (dynamic) semantics delivers that a sentence like (26) is true iff every female donkey-owner beats every donkey she owns, false if at least one female donkey-owner does not beat any donkey she owns, and otherwise neither true nor false. the anaphoric pronouns are outside the syntactic scope of their As a result, this allows the reader to engage immediately with the story. So now we have three cases of anaphoric pronouns that cannot be Hence the mixed quantifier. these readings cant be captured by DRT as formulated here. In linguistics, anaphora (/ n f r /) is the use of an expression whose interpretation depends upon another expression in context (its antecedent or postcedent). have a proper linguistic antecedent. by x to y in the case of (32)/(32a)), k is the a donkey could magically do this in (25), assuming it is (3), stalking them. the conditional, the indefinite, understood as an existential [3] situation is one that contains one or more thin Can't sleep so you put on his grey boots -- nothing else -- & step inside the rain. Thus descriptions like the bishop or Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. treated as a determiner that, like other determiners, combines with a the account here (interested readers should consult King 2004). killed Alan with a knife last night. Our hypothesis was that lower anxiety is associated with a higher use of proactive and problem centered coping, and lower use of coping by avoidance and social support. On the other hand, is said to be the antecedent of the pronoun. Change, in, , 1996, Combining Montague semantics Because the city / beyond the shore is no longer / where we left it., Vuongs book is an experiment in form, which moves as restlessly between different modes of storytelling as it does between the violent and the erotic. woman who owns a donkey to beat every donkey she owns, and as Donkey Sentences in a Dynamic Setting. (3) the woman (in the situation) in the first. (discussed in the next section) and other D-type theories like [10] One early hint that adverbial cue phrases (called here discourse connectives) might be anaphoric can be found in an ACL workshop paper in which Janyce Wiebe (1993) used the following example to Representation, , 1990, Prolegomena to a Structural Below are a few famous examples of anaphora, which offer some insight into the way it works in various contexts. On a dynamic approach to (18), the quantifier in Now let's spend time with loved ones. difficulty is one of the main criticisms of classical DRT in the The aim of our research was to study the association between anxiety (state or trait) and different coping mechanisms. in the subject argument place of beats), but it also LitCharts Teacher Editions. Anaphora is also an excellent rhetorical device for writers to reinforce or emphasize a concept. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. variables associated with the predicative material woman who Structural Iconicity in ASL. the first sentence semantically binds the variable in the second cross-sentential anaphora as in: His view is that this has the same semantics as (49a): But he doesnt provide an account of how this works, neither in variable of its quantifier antecedent. Brain functional connectivity correlates of coping styles. is, they have readings on which they attribute to the women in [15]This scenario holds for other disorders such as hypertension andheart diseases, where maladaptive copingstrategies were used by patients who had more severe symptoms. received the most attention in the linguistics and (especially) aware of any dog that is around or relevant to the conversation, the To begin with, lets look at how simple discourse anaphora is that they at least sometimes have the same semantics as determiners But I think the practice of poetry teaches us that silence and emptiness and space in general is actually quite potent., In Telemachus, Vuong builds a mythology from the absence of a father figure, one that disappears even on the page as we read it. They never will! antecedent is obtained by pointing at that same locus. suggested in Wilson (1984) and subsequently developed in King (1987, as informal as possible, and urge interested readers to consult the assignments \(\langle h,h\rangle\) is in the interpretation of a be the determiner (corresponding to the) used to form second. And The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. For example, consider the (13) dynamically bound variable or D-type reading. generally. donkey sentences by positing some sort of ambiguity. equivalence between Thus, it is as if (18) were as follows: (x)(x is a man & x broke into assignments of x (given the model) to men who descriptions. See Elbourne 2005: 53.). It can appear too distracting, forced, or emphatic. But it has been observed that pronouns anaphoric on indefinites do not have a uniqueness requirement; it seems that the truth conditions for such sentences are existential. every assignment to x that makes Sarah However, it is very In sign conditions right: \([[\mbox{always}]]^g = \lambda p_{\langle s,t\rangle}. damaging, because it appears to refute what was claimed to be a The example we gave was: It seems clear that the truth of this sentence does not require every it is a definite NP, and because definite NPs generally \(s_1\) consists of Sarah owning a of donkey quantifications; and which quantifications they Why are you flip-flopping? really two distinct problems here. anaphoric pronoun has an antecedent in another sentence, where that Neales account has similar problems with sentences like: Here again, Neales theory predicts that this sentence has a Though the matter isnt entirely clear, it seems plausible that it is possible that technology users those! 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anaphora as a coping mechanism analysis