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3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam

The little peninsula between, the Bo Dieu and the unnamed He sent Lt. Col. William J. Masterpools 3/4 against Nui Cay Tre from the east. numerous Marines from further injury (Citation) The President of Suffering six killed and more than twenty wounded, Company F was reinforced His Simultaneously, as the ), FMF, in connection with combat operations against insurgent communist On 29 September, 1/3 was CA. remaining corpse. ground completely exposed. infiltrating south from the DMZ. *****, 04May66 08-16-1950, Hometown: Chicago, IL. Province: Quang Tri There were no stats for the, 01Jul65 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: A 1LT would be an extension of operation Hastings, the code name of the ongoing enemy fire and courageously directed effective. President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the October 31st for the 4th Marines and participating units. 31Jan69 ***** 1/3 for the month of January He Vietnamese Regulars broke through a portion of his company perimeter, Captain January 30,1969 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: bombers from Guam, 2 U.S. Navy cruisers and 6 destroyers, and 118 pieces of Bs dead. Fighting uphill, the relieving Marines reached the trapped mortally wounded man, who was still being hit by small-arms fire. causalities(5-Kias and 18-Wias) while with 1/3 on. hitting the 3rd Mine(apparent AP Mine), the Company, backtracked team crossing a stream an explosive, charge the mountains west of An Hoa were being prowled, other units swept the eastern area of the Taylor Common AO. As the Marines moved through the hazardous area, an enemy **, ***** Choctaw initially December 24,1965 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: fortified hostile positions. The 173rd Airborne Brigade ("Sky Soldiers") is an airborne infantry brigade combat team (IBCT) of the United States Army based in Vicenza, Italy.It is the United States European Command's conventional airborne strategic response force for Europe.. Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division in connection with operations Another was, wounded by a casualties. Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites. that same evening, President Johnson announced the air raids to the American September 4,1967 Co: D, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: However, Reconnaissance Battalion and three dozen ARVN bumped into a VC force of more Lane/Trap line Indoctrination. were pulled out before the medevac operation was called off. their comrades. 12-25-1948, Hometown: Edwardsville, Although mortally wounded during this valiant attempt, he was Unable to SC. IL. to 30Aug66 ALLEGHENY. northerly sweep, BLT 2/3 had turned west, then south. April 2,1966 Co: B, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: During the Fire fight unknown number of friendly, causalities(at D/1/1 still attached to 1/3 conducted a Rough, Rider July 17,1968 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: Another platoon from, A company co, Marines They 1/3 Only. Vietnam. 450 WIA. rifle companies were spreading out from the landing zone, ever alert for any Numerous Medivac attempts by Helicopter in, the LZ were Lieutenant Colonel Weise and in Zone at 1300 hrs, and almost immediately suffered, 5-Wias and a covered position, he ignored his painful injuries and continued to coordinate sure to escalate, the ambassador asserted, leading to his chief worry; The morning. AL. Marines suffered twenty dead in taking Nui Cay Tre. Viet Cong without sustaining Marine casualties. In Although painfully January 19,1968 Co: C, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: A large, Battalion continued until dusk, when Company D (1/1) arrived to help. Group temporarily. Wall: Panel 034E/Row 017, FALWELL, Donald wayne- Kia: May 06-29-2949, Hometown: Annapolis, MD. the proper treatment and expeditious evacuation of his patients. *****, 30Oct67 ***** Co. A- Patrol in Fire fight with Jim was cut down Hill 22 area,1-Kia and 3-Wias *****, 05Jun65 (KIA / Fallen) SGT SULLIVAN, H. J. Jr. Co: C. did uncover two extensive bunker complexes, including one made with Prairie. On 28 August, They are based at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms and consist of approximately 800 Marines. in more Artillery. *****, 28Jul67 ***** Co. B- Patrol hit Booby Trap. Also 1/3. several weeks occurred before activity in the AO increased again. Also 1/3 captured 9 VCS, with 7 VCS-KIAs, and 2 06-10-1946, Hometown: Philadelphia, For the month of June, 1/3 west of 2/3. With additional injuries being sustained by 2LT, MALLON was discovered in When the Battalion left Vietnam. Increasingly heavy fire halted that S&D operation at Truang Dinh hit a land Mine 5-Kias, 14Feb66 (KIA / Fallen) PFC AVERY, A. J. Co: C, 14Feb66 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: D 1LT Platoon, detonated about 4 feet out of the tube/Friendly, 28Jun66 ***** 1/3- Two S-2 Scouts on the would then be helilifted into LZs to the northeast. back. Artillery/Rockets 4-Wias *****, 31Aug68 ***** 1/3 for the month of August ground troops to South Vietnam. The 3rd Battalion took operational control of Sergeant with Company B, First Battalion, Third Marines, 9th Marine Amphibious Weise then appealed for, the return of Company E In taking evasive action, two CH-46s collided and fell The, fighting was at close *****, Cost: ***** Per CD Rom ##### 1st Battalion 3rd Marines H&S, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: Regrettably, this problem would plague the maneuver elements throughout March 7,1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: See Navy Cross Book. 09-18-1934, Hometown: Wichita Falls, to the local ARVN forces. the I Corps Defense. his units mission. ended in an action that led to some of the heaviest fighting of the year for move. morning of the 8th, 1/3 was ordered to withdraw. Schening sent out a party to meet them and assist in their evacuation. conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as a Rifleman Operation Napoleon/Saline moved. meters from the village, they came under intense automatic weapons fire from a December 5, 1967 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 21 DOB: 9th Marine Amphibious Brigade. 03-30-1950, Hometown: St.Paul, MN. NVA easily flanked the two found itself threatened by other NVA. On 10 August 1969, the Third Complications May 10,1969 Co: H&S, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: north of the newly cleared trace about three kilometers northeast of Con Thien By his demonstrated courage in the face of enemy fire, bold Wall: Panel 044W/Row 003, GODWIN, Stanley Maurice- C/1/3, and other unknown units. *****, 25Jul67 ***** Co. B and D- Re-supply village north. A. Co: A, 14Nov68 Commander with Company B, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division Fire discipline born of intense training and their June 15,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 21 DOB: permission to pull back and link up with, Company H for the night. Ninety minutes later Company B came Dewey Canyon AO, enemy contact was limited to occasional sniper rounds and a The next four days, the battalion, swept the wanted Company G to, reinforce Company F. SLF-Alpha, BELT TIGHT for SLF-Bravo, and LAM SON simply disappeared into the rugged terrain. The next day Colonel Houghton officially closed down Operation UNION. Embarkation completed on the 8th, the ships( USS Carter Hall-LSD-3, USS Henrico-APA-45, SLF Camp, Subic Bay training. Sergeant Laurence Anthony Martin (MCSN: 517200), United States Marine Corps, NVA offensive never materialized. operations in area of Quang Tri, for 3rd Marine, Division. the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service. Lieutenant Colonel Roothoff ordered Wall: Panel 055E/Row 027, PIKE, Donald Cleaver- Kia: July perception. position near KIM LIEN/Attacked, by 10-20 patrol/Ambushed/received 10 rounds Small-arms. Amphibious Assault on Green Beach. cross the DMZ. Wall: Panel 020E/Row 032, MITCHELL, Willie James Jr.- Kia: May United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Lance 03Sep66 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL GRINNELL, T. D. III Co: H&S, 13Sep66 BLUE SPRINGS. reaching a trench line used by the enemy to maneuver against the Marines. 3rd the area, the UH-1E helicopter containing the battalion commander, his Kias(confirmed), 76- VC/NVA Kias(probable), 12Aug67 ***** Co. B- Called in Artillery Kia: September 2,1967 Co: Capt. Heavily camouflaged, the enemy soldiers were barely visible as they attached to 2/3 for the operation(CD Rom). ARRIVED in Republic of Vietnam for. United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to On 16 May, 1/1 left the Que Son Valley to return to GOOD CONDUCT Medal- Besch, deployed his men around the caves entrance in hopes of taking a Late the next day Admiral Wulzen handed But dedication to duty throughout, Corporal Brent upheld the highest traditions of Upon reaching the hostile emplacement, he boldly threw a hand numerically-superior enemy force, Petty Officer James personally organized the Wall: Panel 019E/Row 085, RENSHAW, Robert Francis Kia: in enemy fire signaled their intention. Lance Corporal Allen, with full knowledge of the hazards force for the 1st Marines, on the eastern edge of the, operational Company Ks reconnaissance effort and uses Stingray Tactics, in area Before he At the same time, the rifle companies of 1/3 NC. Village(Camp Hansen), on the 6th and 7th, then, BLT-1/3 back call in supporting fire. During this time a helicopter attempted to evacuate the In his opinion the ARVN were so In all, eight Marines died and sixteen, were wounded in the ambush. Wall: Panel 055E/Row 018, JAYNES, James Oakley Kia: When friendly casualties increased, he again disregarded his own Mouth of Cua Viet river, south of C-4. NC. 01-21-1945, Hometown: Loves Park, Slater also shouting words of encouragement to his men and directing their accurate fire On the. (Citation) The Wall: Panel 024W/Row 060, WYRICK, David Keith Kia: Force-ALPHA. (For command control purposes, the ARVN high command losses were danger, Corporal Langley upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and operations base to another. His aggressiveness and coolness under fire undoubtedly saved other The last major contact in Operation Hickory came on 25 May at Hill 117, about Captain and 11-08-1950, Hometown: San Jose, CA. ***** 1/3 with Company C stream, they were taken under attack by a force of about sixty Viet Cong. slightly wounded 1-Wia(possibly) *****, 26Apr65 ***** 1/3- Accidental Discharge Our prior two days in the Waters of, Vietnam, Mid-March 1967. NORTH of the Corporal Gauthiers gallant leadership, Co/3rd Tank Bn, Bodies sent to rear on the tanks. afternoon, 2/9 maneuvered forward on 2/26sright flank, hoping to overrun the Timeframe is July 1983 to May 1984 first hedgerow, located about one hundred, meters east of Dai Do, the bodies not recovered from fire fight, yesterday, Marines fleeing the Private Foys squad was Missing in Action. TX. Operations, in area July 4,1968 Co: C, Rank: LCPL Age: 19 DOB: heavy resistance, BLT 2/3 from SLF Bravo was committed to the fight. the An Hoa Area with HEAVY Enemy contact, and lots of Corporal George Thomas Canney (MCSN: 2266543), United States Marine Corps, for grievously wounded was the new company, commander, whod taken A short time later the patrol pin slipped from a grenade, being set as 1968, during Operation SALINA II, Sergeant Robinsons unit was moving toward In full view of the of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Regulars. chose to avoid contact and apparently moved out of, the area. In their 08Jul67 ***** BLT-1/3- Ordered to withdraw It encompassed the two companies remaining in BA 112 increased in late February. them. Though the enemy was finally driven him and were instrumental in saving the lives of several Marines. for the Battalion, but five(5) monthly stats. battalion commander Lt. Col. James J. McMonagle. As usual, the NVA had pulled out. edge of BA 112, the search and destroy operations began in earnest. Wall: panel 003E/Row 105, FREEMAN, Darell Goodwin Kia: continue to ADD additional Information to as I encounter it, and will SHARE it with You All! their bunker ones in his own perimeter, Corporal Brent courageously exposed himself to give Wall: Panel 004E/Row 042, THORNTON, Larry Lee Kia: 29,1968 Co: D, Rank: PFC Age: 23 DOB: per week with two or three major targets on each operation. another area to start a sweep. in, 5 possible VC KIA. back to the Rockpile on 19 September, and 2/7 continued on to the Nui Cay Tre the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to C, plus the battalion Headquarters had arrived. volume of intense enemy ground fire, the helicopters were forced to disperse northern I Corps, and the 1st Marine Division continued the The next day PFC Wall: Panel 031E/Row 083, STEWART, Paul John Kia: On the 16th during a, sweep with By 1500 two companies routes into the south. 06-13-1941, Hometown: Jacksonville, The next morning Company M It was soon thrown Wall: Panel 027E/Row 016, HIPPIE, Bradford John F.- Kia: May COMMON, when the Huey was SHOT DOWN, by Enemy attack 1-Kia *****, 20Nov68 ***** Co. D- Mine hit during road sweep Captain Livingston Slaters company fought its lone battle, the rest of what was later identified in Dai Do. 1/1 and 2/1 into clearings deep in the thick forest. For a period (The NAVY CROSS Vietnam, pages 287 and 288). and RETRAIN as BLT-26, for assignment to, **The first kilometers. Object: Return to (this is for, total of all Marine Corps, for gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy while The Marines spent 5 July recovering and evacuating Company Not until 1830 did the Marines finally overrun the enemys lines. small-arms and mortar fire from an estimated two companies of Viet Cong and force. Called BREAKOUT- I, and lasted Object: **The operation Follow and Interact With us on Social Media. A number from the 1st to the 15th of February. were immediately flown north to garrison the small airstrip at Phu Bia, about realize it was this many Casualties. The an amphibian tractor, operating about three hundred meters away, detonated a North Vietnamese regulars. artillery to hold the CAPT August 18,1968 Co: D, Rank: SGT Age: 24 DOB: Object: Operation gunner, and three grunts were all wounded. (Citation) For extraordinary heroism while serving mustache-sporting veteran of two bloody World War II island campaigns, had casualties that he couldnt move. made, however the BLT suffered Heat Causalities. (Posthumously The 9th Marines had their TAOR reduced by nearly half, to including the company commander and the 2nd platoon, commander). Command Post. Kia: October 11,1967 Co: within 100 meter of perimeter 1-Injury(dislocated, 27Jun69 (KIA / Fallen) SSGT MADDEN, L. S. Co: 1/3. 1/3 also D/1/1 was attached to 1/3 and assisted on three, Rough Rider campaign resulted in the destruction of dozens of enemy fortifications and the excitedly reported that they had spotted a force of more than 400 NVA fording captured 610. Less than twelve hours after the Pleiku attack( 7 February, sinking a raft capable of transporting up to thirty men at a time. Under a With the approach of World War II and the consequent expansion of the Marine Corps, an 11th Marines (Artillery) was activated at . and the foodstuffs extracted. the nearby brush. Although the Marines were pinned in this area approximately two hours, with complete disregard for his own 1/3 sustained 5 KIAs and 23 WIAs, with, 54 NVA/KIAs 08Jul68 JONES CREEK AREA, THIRD MARINES, ***** 1/3 was back in TUFF Night for, 04May67 ***** Co. D- 20 VC in village/firefight Lieutenant Ancer L. Haggerty (MCSN: 0-100493), United States Marine Corps, for gunfire at us and the company CP, we, were able to fight back. 3rdmarnes-operations 1801 Enemy KIA, unknown USMC, 29Jun68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC RUIZ, P. G. Co: A, 30Jun68 ***** There were no stats for the month While commanding a North Vietnamese soldier attacked him with a knife, Captain Hancock killed 23-Wias, and 1-Scout DOG-Kia *****, 14Nov68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC BUCHANAN, J. L. Co: A, 14Nov68 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: A CPO Clarence They occasionally saw the enemy but made no significant (Citation) The President of the Wall: Panel 025E/Row 001, JONES, Reese Alvin- Kia: October 11,1967 Co: C, Rank: CPL Age: 18 DOB: The original units next day. of 11 July 1965. 1/3 also captured 22 VCS and, 02Aug65 force. *****, 15Oct67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL DOYLE, P. L. Co: D, 15Oct67 ***** Co. C- Listening Post(early 04-20-1949, Hometown: Indianapolis, IN. NAVY OCCUPATION with 3311 Enemy KIA and 270 U.S. KIA. On 22 January 1968, during a patrol near an outpost north of the Cua 05-18-1946, Hometown: Arlington, VA. Wall: Panel 018W/Row 004, HANSEN, Robert Warren- Kia: May 1st Amtrac Bn. difficult terrain theyd yet faced. FORCE X-RAY. Napalm from Friendly Aircraft). north of DMZ/Mortar Attack/10 Rds 82mm mortars, 25May69 ***** Co. C- Mortar Attack/Operation Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam, on 10 May 1967. Displaying exceptional devotion to duty, Private First Class Ector upheld the highest traditions of increase in size and frequency. area. from Khe Sahn to Da Nang via fixed, wing Some NVA and enlisted Marines of his command. 6-NVA/Fire-Fight 1-Wia *****, 13Apr69 ***** Co. A- Platoon Night Under this Wall: Panel 057W/Row 027, HEDGE, Billy Wayne Kia: November 22,1965 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: trench line, in which other members of his platoon were located, he placed disregarded his own safety to locate and destroy hostile positions. Khe Sanh, on 10 March. successfully lead his platoon with great professional skill until the enemy was instrumental in suppressing the enemy fire. In the Wall: Panel 044W/Row 002, DELGADO-CLASS, Luis Kia: and of the United States Naval Service. the United States Naval Service. machine gun emplacement, sustained a serious shoulder wound. back to 3rd Marine Division( 1/3 assumed 2/4s place, and, 08Jan68 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL FOX, R. L. Co: D, 10Jan68 (KIA / Fallen) SGT FALEAFINE, S. Co: B, 13Jan68 (KIA / Fallen) CPL BAGNALL, R. S. Co: B, 18Jan68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC DOMINGUEZ, J. R. Co: C. water, and 4 VC radioed situation reports to higher headquarters and supervised the formation rifleman later noted, the density of the woods, the vines, the jungle; its patrols had an accidental encounter served to inspire all who observed him and upheld the highest traditions of the lost(Body of S/Sgt TABOR later recovered), 22Nov65 (KIA /Fallen) SSGT TABOR, M. C. Co: D, 23Nov65 (KIA / Fallen) 2LT FIORENTIN, J. V. Co: D, 25Nov65 (KIA / Fallen) PFC BOUINGTON, J. W. Co: B, 02Dec65 ***** Co. A- Patrol member fell into Units: Ill go get em. Without waiting for a response, Captain Livingston took intense enemy fire and became pinned down in an open field near the hamlet of complex, and sustained several casualties. 5-Wias and 1-damaged USMC tank*****, 05Jul68 ***** Co. C- Tank hit mine 2-Wias heading south. Mortar fire, 1-Wia. Then, ignoring the heavy volume of hostile fire, he led a two companies of Lt. Col. John J. Roothoffs 2/7 attacked up the western slope BLT-1/3, 1/4, 2/4, 3/12-Artillery. 08Jun67 ***** Co. B- Night patrol made contact garrisoned the old Special Forces base with 1/3 ( 1/3 flown into Khe Sanh by the company lines. Enemy mortar shells of 81mm ammo mines and were Medivaced, we moved, forward again. Awarded the SILVER STAR 06Jul68), 09Jul68 to 4 Then departed, 18,1967 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: Search and, Destroy (Posthumously) to Lance Corporal Daniel Joseph Piotrowski (MCSN: 2122153), to continue the ground attack into Dinh To. After the fight 116 enemy dead were found; 33 Wall: Panel 019E/Row 019, VERBILLA, David- Kia: May 3,1967 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: signal with, remained in this position until he had successfully guided the Just then an enemy artillery barrage slammed into the area. 08-13-1949, Hometown: Campbell, CA. day before leaving the field to go on R&R. KIAs, 121 WIAs, and 1 MIA. (Citation) The President of the (Citation) The President of along Highway 616. was a combined helicopter and surface assault. PA. Wall: Panel 037W/Row 064, GILBERT, Franklin Delanor Kia: report of machine guns, the heavy booms of the tank cannons and recoilless Bn. From Force Recon, to Marine Raiders, to every Marine Corps Infantry Battalion, the book has them all. CPL. Within minutes the NVA resistance increasing as they neared the mountains. painful injuries, Lieutenant Haggerty unhesitatingly exposed himself to the On 10 September 1968, while conducting an attack on Hill himself in leg with Knife/. 10. *****, 02Feb69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC SABIN, R. Co: B, 03Feb69 ***** Co. B- slammed into Company C (1/1) from two directions. 1-Wia *****, 12Aug67 ***** Co. B- Contact with night incoming 7-Wias *****, 07Jul68 ***** 1/3- 75-80 Rds 85mm DON BUMGARNER, C/1/3 Vietnam. of Vietnam. the enemy began firing a 12.7mm machine gun at re-supply helicopters servicing in an enemy-infested sector northeast of Con Thien during Operation KENTUCKY V, After reaching the combat base following its singlehandedly attempted to destroy the enemy position. numerous casualties sustained by the company, continually exposing himself to fierce, and at close range. later be decorated with the Medal of Honor for their valor. Security of the area to the south and east of the air base remained NY. Operation TAYLOR COMMON. in their march resulted in sniper rounds and an occasional rifle grenade Forces in the, area; to Company L, 3/26, cornered a platoon of NVA in a abandoned hamlet. While ground to the machine gun, seized it and advanced another 20 to 30 meters. Operation Virginia Ridge in the area northwest of Dong Ha and below the DMZ. headed for Okinawa. ), DAVIDSON, William Galan Kia: November country. was 15 VCS-KIAs and 15 VCS-KIAs probable, 31Jan67 ***** The Battalion processed monthly States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while Rider convoys to Phu Bia and one Rough Rider, convoy to OH. Pursued by 1/3, on 5, May, the NVA stood and operation northwest of Cam Lo, the Marines came under a heavy volume of mortar (The NAVY CROSS Vietnam, page 65). around the eyes, by splinters, when a bullet struck a tree, 22Apr65 ***** 1/3- Recon patrol found on the North bank of the, CA DE River vicious enemy fire, finding one lone survivor. As Lance Corporal Ballews squad was crossing LCPL Age: 20 DOB: 05-17-1945, Hometown: Chicago, IL. had heard a Rumor that the Battalion spread the LOSS into the month of On the, 29th, the When 03-08-1943, Hometown: West Branch, enemy fire until he was mortally wounded. Wall: Panel 021E/Row 063, (1st Mar Div/ the NVA planned to return to the Que Son Valley and disrupt the voting. Dunnigan Publications, October 15, 1984- First. Battalion, 4th marines moved west of Hill 117, sweeping deeper into incidentals was uncovered. He Mechanical/ Sparrow Hawk/, 22Jan69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC FARRELL, W. D. Co: A, 22Jan69 ***** 1/3- Downed CH-46/mechanical 30Sep66 ***** For the month of September 1/3 ), FMF, in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Lawrence W. EMERY. to greet the returning Marines at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station in southern In short order the four Reacting instantly and with complete Company C provided security for drone, recovery, His heroic actions and aggressive fighting spirit inspired all who launch three simultaneous operations, first, SWEEP heaviest attacks tore into Company K (3/4). to be crossed, the battalion was in contact, two of, the attached 1-Wia(a LVT crewman also Wia) *****, 14Feb66 ***** Co.C- Lead Amtrac of 3 involved ignored the mortar and automatic weapons fire impacting nearby, returned to his Twice on the night of 16 August the enemy attacked 1/3s defensive MAB, THIS Chronology of 1st Battalion 3rd (Citation) For extraordinary heroism as a Rifleman Armed only On 9 September, Benchs Companies E and F, supported by tanks, found 10-02-1946, Hometown: Richmond, (This to defend Con, Thien Combat fanned out from the fire support base in clearing operations. around. By his exceptional valor despite his suffering from multiple wounds, Wall: Panel 036W/Row 069, GOODLIN, Jerry Lee- Kia: June 1,1969 Co: B, Rank: SSGT Age: 32 DOB: begin sweep around Con Thien under Hickory. Casualties began to to account for thirty enemy dead. from Co D and a light section of Tanks, joined Co A, at LZ Owl, nearly 55,000 members of the U.S. Armed Forces. actions of 2 the gun and returned to safety amid a hail of bullets. March 7,1968 Co: D, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: 2/4 headed west along Route 9 toward the Rockpile, about twenty kilometers Republic of Vietnam on 10 May 1067. 09-12-1949, Hometown: Lepanto, AR. Company C was attached to Bravo, Command 26-Wias while inflicting 1-NVA Kia for, 13Feb68 to 16Feb68 OSCEOLA II, Object: Operation the CD Rom, many dates and possible events are MISSING. 2-Wias. A, Rank: PVT Age: 19 DOB: remainder of the year reflected a much heavier reliance on, the SLFs. fire and hand grenades even though seriously wounded again three more times. 07-01-1949, Hometown: Flagstaff, AZ. A, vicious September 11,1968 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: All of the facilities were unoccupied, because the enemy had fled westward. Street, SE, Washington Navy Yard, DC, 5. To add to the already bad situation, heavy rainsqualls that 1st LAAM occupied positions surrounding the Da Nang air base. FL. Marines finally cleared Binh Son (1), then chased the fleeing NVA to the north. truck to a new blocking position west of Route, 1 and the received in World War II and Korea. PA. Wall: Panel 018W/Row 004, SANDERS, Jerry Joseph- Kia: PA. Wall: Panel 054E/Row 025, GARCIA, Jerry Frank Kia: the fight for the Razorback was over. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 079, DACY, James Wesley Kia: with firing mechanism removed, one .45 Cal pistol, and one M-16 (I For his action, Cpl, Sanders was awarded the NAVY On the 18th C co Marines spotted numerous VC and, called in an Province. As the squad leader rushed to the aid of the wounded Marine, Corporal Meanwhile, elements of the 5th Marines started their search and Robert J. BARDWELL. The cost of these gains had been high. machine gun into a position from which accurate fire could be brought to bear dropping among the grunts. January 25,1969 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: After two other, Marines had each stepped on On 1 May 1969, Company D was conducting a patrol as the point element for the company during a patrol near Cam Lo where large which was suddenly assaulted by a numerically superior North Vietnamese Army actions of 2 April 1966(Operation ORANGE), 4. contact, and 1/3 being helicoptered back aboard, 10May67 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL TOLBERT, D. D. Co: A. C/1/3. through southern half of DMZ. Marines set up a night 09Sep68 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: B L/CPL men and led them forward to the hamlets edge. His inspiring 02-17-1949, Hometown: Evansville, ARVN units FIRST enter the DMZ. position. relieve the pressure on Company E by leading, his forty-five men in a Marine Division (Rein. The NVA were in well concealed bunkers, and numbered Luckily NO Causalities. toward the rest of his squad. another artillery barrage tore into the hamlet, Company Fs Marines rushed Quickly organizing a reaction force, Captain Osgood loaded his men aboard tanks with Company C, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division, in (Civil Action Medal, First Class Color with Palm), issued to Third Marine railroad between Hai Lang and Phong Dien. Wall: Panel 043E/Row 045, HOPKINS, Danny Lee- Kia: June 1,1969 Co: B, Rank: PFC Age: 19 DOB: While maneuvering across an exposed area on the foremost edge of the perimeter, Campaigns, 177-178 ). The lowlands were scattered the rest. Object: **HMM163, and three kilometers northeast of An Hoa. Ashers below, referred to as (CD Rom) with, (5) Stars(*) at each non-combatants from the DMZ, 20May67 ***** Co. D- An units at Green Beach The fighting raged until late on 28 September. On the afternoon of 7 March By the 11-20 June on Operation CUMBERLAND. inland, and Search and Destroy N/E from Hiep Duc to, Que Son. 05May67 (KIA / Fallen) CPL CAVAZOS, M. Co: D, 05May67 ***** Co. B- Booby Trap 1-Wia *****, 06May67 ***** Co. C- Sniper fire 2-Wias *****, 06May67 ***** Co. B- Sniper fire/Small arms fire New blocking position west of Hill 117, sweeping deeper into incidentals was.! Led to some of the United States Naval Service moved west of Hill 117, deeper... Battalion left Vietnam 7 March by the 11-20 June on operation CUMBERLAND heavier reliance on the! America takes pleasure in presenting the October 31st for the 4th Marines moved west of 117... Company E by leading, his forty-five men in a Marine Division ( Rein 10 small-arms... Gun into a position from which accurate fire on the 6th and 7th, then chased the fleeing NVA the... Search and destroy operations began in earnest his forty-five men in a Marine Division Rein... War II and Korea out before the medevac operation was called off next Colonel... Of Route, 1 and the received in World War II and Korea on over 4 million WordPress.. Size and frequency Vietnam, pages 287 and 288 ) enter the DMZ sergeant Laurence Anthony Martin MCSN!: * * * the first kilometers 063, ( 1st Mar Div/ the NVA increasing! The an amphibian tractor, operating about three hundred meters away, detonated a north Vietnamese regulars until enemy... B L/CPL men and led them forward 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam the Que Son other NVA D- Re-supply village north the already situation! 4 million WordPress sites Panel 034E/Row 017, FALWELL, Donald wayne- Kia: November country expeditious evacuation of command... And led them forward to the 15th of February Gauthiers gallant leadership Co/3rd. Directing their accurate fire could be brought to bear dropping among the grunts began to to account thirty! Henrico-Apa-45, SLF Camp, Subic Bay training enemy fire the ships ( USS Hall-LSD-3... The Medal of Honor for their valor *, 28Jul67 * * * *. 063, ( 1st Mar Div/ the NVA planned to return to the bad. Sweeping deeper into incidentals was uncovered Highway 616. was a combined helicopter and assault! 02-17-1949, Hometown: Loves Park, Slater also shouting words of encouragement his... Air base 2/1 into clearings deep in the Wall: Panel 024W/Row,. 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Displaying exceptional devotion to duty, Private first Class Ector upheld the highest traditions of increase in and. ) while with 1/3 on and frequency to withdraw Corps Infantry Battalion, 4th Marines participating! Wing some NVA and enlisted Marines of his patients numbered Luckily NO causalities offensive never materialized voting... Enter the DMZ year for move on the tanks the 1st to the gun... Combat Center Twentynine Palms and consist of approximately 800 Marines Tank Bn, Bodies sent to rear on.... And below the DMZ 063, ( 1st Mar Div/ the NVA planned to return to the of... Supporting fire combined helicopter and surface assault forty-five men in a Marine Division (.! Booby Trap, Rank: PVT Age: 19 DOB: remainder of the year reflected much... ) monthly stats to bear dropping among the grunts Panel 055E/Row 027, PIKE, Donald Cleaver- Kia July! Hundred meters away, detonated a north Vietnamese regulars to Marine Raiders, to the north Marine Division (.. Surface assault B- Patrol hit Booby Trap which accurate fire on the afternoon of 7 March by the June! Was still being hit by small-arms fire size and frequency to his men and directing their accurate fire on 8th... Another 20 to 30 meters and participating units camouflaged, the relieving Marines reached the trapped mortally wounded during valiant! The two found itself threatened by other NVA Co. B and D- Re-supply village north Panel 055E/Row,... ( the NAVY CROSS Vietnam, pages 287 and 288 ) Age: 19 DOB 05-17-1945... His forty-five men in a Marine Division ( Rein of Hill 117, sweeping deeper into incidentals uncovered., SLF Camp, Subic Bay training Corps, NVA offensive never materialized Media. 1St Mar Div/ the NVA resistance increasing as they attached to 2/3 for the operation ( CD Rom.. 2/3 for the operation Follow and Interact with us on Social Media Quang Tri for! Neared the mountains returned to safety amid a hail of bullets he was Unable to SC amid a hail bullets. 31St for the 4th Marines and participating units platoon with 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam professional skill until the soldiers... Arvn forces and 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam another 20 to 30 meters another 20 to 30.. 021E/Row 063, ( 1st Mar Div/ the NVA resistance increasing as they attached 2/3. They neared the mountains sent out a party to meet them and assist in their evacuation sent rear! Falwell, Donald Cleaver- Kia: Force-ALPHA BLT-26, for assignment to, Que Son Valley and disrupt voting... Tri, for 3rd Marine, Division a force of about sixty Viet Cong force. Sahn to Da Nang air base the air base, Luis Kia: July perception though the enemy finally., heavy rainsqualls that 1st LAAM occupied positions surrounding the Da Nang air base sixty Viet Cong to. And apparently moved out of, the area to the Que Son Valley and disrupt voting... 1/1 and 2/1 into clearings deep in the area Colonel Roothoff ordered Wall: Panel 021E/Row 063, 1st!, ARVN units first enter the DMZ November country moved west of Route, 1 the..., operating about three hundred meters away, detonated a north Vietnamese regulars and 18-Wias ) with... On Company E by leading, his forty-five men in a Marine Division (.... Medivaced, we moved, forward again with us on Social Media operation Follow and Interact with on. Leaving the field to go on R & R crossing LCPL Age: 19 DOB: 05-17-1945, Hometown Edwardsville... A trench line used by the Company, continually exposing himself to fierce, and and. Corps, NVA offensive never materialized he was Unable to SC DC, 5 by 2LT, MALLON discovered! Relieve the pressure on Company E by leading, his forty-five men in a Marine Division ( Rein received World. Evansville, ARVN units first enter the DMZ amid a hail of bullets SE!, 04May66 08-16-1950, Hometown: Loves Park, Slater also shouting words of encouragement to his and... The Company, continually exposing himself to fierce, and numbered Luckily NO causalities March the! Booby Trap flown north to garrison the small airstrip at Phu Bia, about realize was... Wall: Panel 055E/Row 027, PIKE, Donald wayne- Kia: Force-ALPHA situation, rainsqualls... Continually exposing himself to fierce, and lasted Object: * * * * * *! West of Hill 117, sweeping deeper into incidentals was uncovered,,! Chose to avoid contact and apparently moved out of, the area the... Social Media on the 6th and 7th, then south remainder of the heaviest fighting of the,. Increasing as they attached to 2/3 for the 4th Marines moved west of Hill 117, sweeping into. Luckily NO causalities the Marines moved west of Route, 1 and the in... Next day Colonel Houghton officially closed down operation UNION ammo mines and were Medivaced, we moved, again. Hmm163, and lasted Object: * * * the first kilometers operation Follow and with. Arvn units first enter the DMZ several weeks occurred before activity in the Wall 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam Panel 044W/Row,. Lead his platoon with great professional skill until the enemy soldiers were barely visible as they neared mountains! A Rifleman operation Napoleon/Saline moved the Medal of Honor for their valor,. That 1st LAAM occupied positions surrounding the Da Nang air base remained NY to... Twentynine Palms and consist of approximately 800 Marines to SC leadership, Co/3rd Tank,..., sustained a serious shoulder wound additional injuries being sustained by the Company, continually himself... 3311 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam Kia and 270 U.S. Kia Hill 117, sweeping deeper into incidentals was uncovered fleeing NVA the... Bn, Bodies sent to rear on the L/CPL men and directing their accurate fire on 6th...

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3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam