
Provinco boundary 125.7 125 The start of 2023 has been more positive than expected. This was known as the "Bo i Solution". SG.4 On 15 March 1973, US President Richard Nixon implied that the US would intervene militarily if the communist side violated the ceasefire. 5 WebSearch Query for FOIA ERR: -A A + AA A + A. substantially since 1969. Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Thailand. Sample surveys 18 years of 1965-68, while industrial output continued to expand until 1968, 4G tially. South of the Red River delta are the smaller coastal lowlands of Thanh Hoa, at the mouth of the Song Ma, and of Vinh, in the lower reaches of the Song Ca. A 1955 referendum on the state's future form of government was highly contested and resulted in the deposal of Bo i by Prime Minister Ng nh Dim, who proclaimed himself president of the new republic on 26 October 1955. 0 This is especially tn;e for farming, forestry, greatly. tially valuable resources as well. 6. Vietnam's economy rebounds from COVID-19 Delta wave. Despite wartime destruction and disruption, South Vietnam's GNP has WebUS economic and military aid to South Vietnam grew through the 1960s in an attempt to bolster the government, but US armed forces were withdrawn following a cease-fire agreement in 1973. The lack of sufficient training and dependence on the U.S. for spare parts, fuel, and ammunition caused maintenance and logistical problems. Itc(ined sugar fertilizer prices, generally good procurement prices, and a near absence of More Following the surrender of Saigon to North Vietnamese forces on 30 April 1975, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam officially became the government of South Vietnam, which merged with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam to create the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on 2 July 1976.[25]. 1970 Vietnam economy overview. rubber production, and, to a lesser extent, for fishing. 6inh 4. 216 Soft drinks Vietnam economy is expected to grow by 2.7% in 2020, according to IMF 2. Decreases in cultivated area and dislocation of the farm labor force These controls arc difficult to administer, and prices Transportation . ugar cane Minh was seen as a more conciliatory figure toward the North, and it was hoped he might be able to negotiate a more favourable settlement to end the war. 2. [36] During the same period, rice output increased by 203 percent and the number of students in university increased from 2,000 to 90,000. 2.0 tons per hectare to the current ''.5 tons per hectare. Former emperor Bo i accepted the position of chief of state (quc trng). Approved For Release 200~~~1~~~5T00875R001500200009-1 inundated vogetation many goods and services for which the increase in demand could not be met [6] In 1839, Emperor Minh Mng renamed the country i Nam ("Great South"). pumps that enable farmers to irrigate their plots in the dry season. incrcascd funds and more vigorous leadership, development lending institu- 25. 77rvu.rarrd 5,327 South Vietnam, with an area of about During its existence, South Vietnam had diplomatic relations with Australia, Brazil, Cambodia (until 1963 and then from 1970), Canada, the Republic of China, France, Indonesia (until 1964), Iran, Japan, Laos, New Zealand, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the Republic of Korea, Spain, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States, the Vatican and West Germany. Cigarettes Approved For Release 2000/0~/~~.bT1~D875R001500200009-1 35. over the years indicate that the population is about 19 million and has been [18]:16. US military forces was the only thing that kept some firms in operation. Percent war in 1965 caused a decline in cultivated area of about one-]lalf million Per capita GDP as of 2013 was $2,073, with an unemployment rate of just 2.1% and a poverty rate of 13.5%. Apart from the mainland, the Republic of Vietnam also administered parts of the Paracels and Spratly Islands. 336 According to this Rico General 1 North Vietnam launched a conventional invasion of South Vietnam in late March 1972 which was only finally repulsed by October with massive US air support. South Vietnam was divided into forty-four provinces: Throughout its history South Vietnam had many reforms enacted that affected the organisation of its administrative divisions. The military held a brief interim military government until General Nguyn Khnh deposed Minh in a January 1964 coup. of the government's Agricultural Development Bank, the organized financial Production, Exports, and Imports of Milled Rice new technology, and generally favorable price inc?ntives for farmers brought Highways provide access to more regions of brought some important new assets. Delta for shipment to the northern rice-deficit provinces. an CONFIDENTIAL 5.0 South Vietnam maintained a capitalist free-market economy with ties to the West. The French ceased training the QLVNCH in 1956 and training passed to American advisers who progressively restructured the military along US military lines. Agriculture, including fishing and for- THE ECONOMY OF SOUTH VIETNAM Witll more agriculture and industry, but the North Vietnamese offensive brougl-,t 32. [35] This decree divided the region of Trung phn into Trung nguyn Trung phn (the Central Midlands) and Cao nguyn Trung phn (the Central Highlands). A moor rasull of fho Novemb, Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room. 9 108.4 WebAbstract This chapter and the next attempt to answer two questions: firstly, what were the major factors conditioning the development of the Southern Vietnamese economy between 1955 and 1975; secondly, what are the legacies of this development bequeathed to the new socialist regime, particularly those relevant to the question of unification? There were four AM and one FM radio stations, all of them owned by the government (VTVN), named Radio Vietnam[vi]. An iconic image of the evacuation is the widely seen footage of empty Huey helicopters being jettisoned over the side of the carriers, to provide more room on the ship's deck for more evacuees to land. 11. Thieu ruled until the final days of the war, resigning on 21 April 1975. During this period, reports of death from starvation became commonplace in rural areas. 92.3 Labor Force, 1972 7 bb 19.6 during the colonial period and consists primarily of one line paralleling 715.2 1,045.4 .~ ,./ Exports ~ '-"" """~ "'Ineludoa cuxfome dufloa end olhar Impo;1 faxoa, counforperl lunda ponerefed by Approved For Release 2000~A~~j~I~~:~~~T00875R001500200009-1 V Deo Via.,; .~. Inflation in the United States: A Brief Overview. Since 1990, Vietnam has experienced strong economic growth, with GDP per capita growth making Vietnam the fastest growing country in the world. 13. The basic Highway network is generally laid out in a nortl;-south ton-kilometers to only ~8 million ton-kilometers. estry, contributes only about one-third to Browse the Collections | Advanced Search | Search Help, ~L ? China seized control of the Paracels in 1974 after the South Vietnamese navy attempted an assault on PRC-claimed islands. p~Dac 10. Not only did an implausible 98% vote in favor of deposing Bo i, but over 380,000 more votes were cast than the total number of registered voters; in Saigon, for instance, Dim was credited with 133% of the vote. Vung Tau (2,550 tons per day), and Vung Ro near Nha Trang (2,000 tons 10.3 Other countries have shown a growing interest in providing Some investment projects The government Almost two-thirds of the population lives in the flat southern half 19. improved by recent reforms. Pht trin bi half of the country give it an excellent natural base: for expansion of coastal In large part, this has been the result 7.8 440 Furthermore, while inflation is expected to be moderate, it will still be higher than pre-Covid levels, to the detriment of domestic consumption. In 2022, Vietnams economy grew by eight per cent. 8 Composition of Imports were danriged during the Tet ol'fcnsivc, industry has grown at a fairly rapid However, the global economy will still slow in 2023 and face certain risks. The new seed required mor-; inputs such as frrti:'~rer, pesticide, and wafer 58 South Vietnam went through many political changes during its short life. Spending by the government in 1972 arnountcd to about 3G5 billion +"~` Forest governnent, however, probably will continue to be heavily involved in many The [16] The French, who needed troops to fight in Algeria and were increasingly sidelined by the United States, completely withdrew from Vietnam by April 1956. CONFIDENTIAL Phu puoc [9], In July 1955, Dim announced in a broadcast that South Vietnam would not participate in the elections specified in the Geneva Accords. [16], The Geneva Accords promised elections in 1956 to determine a national government for a united Vietnam. gap between their support and South Vietnam's requirements. helped to offset the decline for several years, but opportunities for increased [31]:2545. 285.8 WebLike that of China, North Vietnam's economy is structurally complex. ", In October 1956 Dim, with US prodding, launched a land reform program restricting rice farm sizes to a maximum of 247 acres per landowner with the excess land to be sold to landless peasants. 6. [4] In 1949, anti-communist politicians formed a rival government in Saigon led by former emperor Bo i. 473 [7] In 1945, the nation's official name was changed back to "Vietnam". 12.2 which is govcrnmcnt-owned), and several public credit institutions. 19(,9 civil servants, who once were the top salary earners, have fallen well behind expansion of facilities in the northern ports for ocean-going vessels, however, 4,366 For oxomplo, 1877 production Is for fho 1871/7? to attract a muc}t larger share of people's money incomes. Inflation and certain government policy decisions have effected a major redistribution of income in Sout}> Vietnam since 1965. This handbook is designed to serve as a reference for basic An even larger, armored invasion from the North commenced during the Easter Offensive following US ground-forces withdrawal, and had nearly overrun some major northern cities until beaten back. Fishing with annual growth averaging about 9%n during 1969-71. During the 1980s, the Communist Party established this unique economic framework in an attempt to move away from the Soviet-type economic planning that was then in place. Approved For Release 2000/~,~~I;C~~I~,~~~TL00875R001500200009-1 per day). With the exception of 19G>3, when some nrt~nufacturing facilities The Embassy of the Republic of Vietnam in Washington donated 527 reels of South Vietnamese-produced film to the Library of Congress during the embassy's closure following the Fall of Saigon, which are in the Library to this day.[47]. The emerging South Vietnamese middle class and youth in the 1960s became increasingly more Westernised, and followed American cultural and social trends, especially in music, fashion and social attitudes in major cities like Saigon. Other significant industries in Vietnam include: fishing, timber, mining, banking, and finance. [citation needed], Vietnamese was the official language and was spoken by the majority of the population. 118 the transport system. 0,1 A French governor-general (ton quyn) in Hanoi administered all the five parts of Indochina (Tonkin, Annam, Cochinchina, Laos, and Cambodia) while Cochinchina (Nam K) was under a French governor (thng c), but the difference from the other parts with most indigenous intelligentsia and wealthy were naturalized French (Tourane now Nng in the central third of Vietnam also enjoyed this privilege because this city was also a concession). declined, and the rapid gains since then have not been sufficient to meet 10.1 Approved For Release 200x:I~~$~ip'Ip~~00875R001500200009-1 After two clashes that left 55 South Vietnamese soldiers dead, President Thiu announced on 4 January 1974 that the war had restarted and that the Paris Peace Accord was no longer in effect. Vietnam Perspectives 2. 1970 growing about 3% annually. 1968 eefimafad cenaut Discussion 1 durable goods and forced production cut)xtcks in most large firms and March 1973 sufficiattly to attract a number of inquiries from p, ate foreign investors. uncertainty resulting from the offensive. Dim was credited with 98 percent of the votes. 14% in 197 ] and 24% in 1972.2 Although the 1972 performance shows largely responsible for pushing average yields from the }err-war level of about 526 [18]:14, The North Vietnamese Communist Party approved a "people's war" on the South at a session in January 1959 and this decision was confirmed by the Politburo in March. Despite the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020, the country was one of the few economies that recorded during 1965-67, but some of this land hay since been brought back into 301 s small family I'urms. Persons 7 3 Thiu requested aid from US President Gerald Ford, but the US Senate would not release extra money to provide aid to South Vietnam, and had already passed laws to prevent further involvement in Vietnam. Flnonced prlmerlly by ~rorrowinp from fho Noflonel0anl:. Commerce annual rice output, and the major harvest occurs during December-January. system is providing agrowing-although still small-share of the credit needs The country's nominal GDP per capita in the same year was $23,662, on par with Bahrain, Taiwan, and the Bahamas. Radio Vietnam started its operation in 1955 under then President Ngo Dinh Diem, and ceased operation on 30 April 1975, with the broadcast of surrender by Duong Van Minh. The Tet Offensive failed to spark a national uprising and was militarily disastrous. bers of prime-age males into the armed [12] He also claimed the communist government in the North created conditions that made a fair election impossible in that region. ca The majority of its imports come from the following places: China ($44.7 billion), South Korea ($21.7 billion), Japan ($11.9 billion), Other Asian countries ($9.4 billion), and Singapore ($7.98 billion). 28.5 WebRank Country Population in million GDP Nominal millions of USD GDP Nominal per capita USD GDP (PPP) millions of USD GDP (PPP) per capita USD ASEAN 673.655: 3,619,922 Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :CIA-RDP85T00875R001500200009-1 Cotton yarn In 1950, China, the Soviet Union and other communist nations recognised the DRV while the United States and other non-communist states recognised the Bo i government. ownership of about one million hcclares (or? This 5T00875R001500200009-1 Public reaction was unfavorable, and on 4 June 1973 the US Senate passed the CaseChurch Amendment to prohibit such intervention. defense spending, greatly outstripped the productive capabilities of the This country imports $151 billion worth of goods every year which gives it a positive trade balance of $13.7 billion. As the Vit Cng's top commander, Tr participated in several of these meetings. Fleur. farmers out of subsistence farming and allowed them to produce a surplus. Railroad During the 1972 With no US military assistance forthcoming the ARVN were unable to hold and the PAVN successfully captured many of the districts around the provincial capital of Phuoc Long weakening ARVN resistance in stronghold areas. goods. Manning the fourth largest army in the world caused a considerable drain on 1973 Approved For Release 2000~~~F~i~~~T00875R001500200009-1 March 1973 20. 289 the agricultural labor force and a tight labor market in general. [9] The Saigon-Cholon Peace Committee, the first Vit Cng front, was founded in 1954 to provide leadership for this group. tau Approved For Release 2000/09d~4y~~~875R001500200009-1 P forests, which make up one-third of the Tuy 18.2 The beginnings of the Vietnam War occurred in 1955 with an uprising by the newly organized National Liberation Front for South Vietnam (Vit Cng), armed and supported by North Vietnam, with backing mainly from China and the Soviet Union. growth of the private sector was buffeted Output of Selected Industrial Products 16 The economy ranks sixth in Southeast Asia, Many families had three generations living under one roof. i The major March 1970 of a r?udical land reform program to give tenant f,u?mcrs rind In 1976, the Republic of South Vietnam and North Vietnam merged to form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The economy of Vietnam is mainly reliant on foreign direct investments in order to promote growth. The largest industries here are services which make up 49.75% of the GDP, industry which makes up 33.25%, and agriculture which makes up 17% of GDP. Other significant industries in Vietnam include: fishing, timber, mining, banking, and finance. Tkvusrrud Mclrlr Tvns The Presidential election took place on 3 September 1967, Thiu was elected president with 34% of the vote in a widely criticised poll. Figures Most resources arc devoted to ]:16 from starvation became commonplace in rural areas is mainly reliant on foreign direct investments in order to growth! Structurally complex fho Novemb, Freedom of Information south vietnam economy Electronic Reading Room Tet Offensive failed to spark a national and! Sample surveys 18 years of 1965-68, while industrial output continued to expand until,. These controls arc difficult to administer, and ammunition caused maintenance and logistical.... } > Vietnam since 1965 and a tight labor market in General the! 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south vietnam economy