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bma bible memory association

Such is the true nature of the Word ingested: it is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12), it restores the soul (Psalm 19:7-8), it transforms the mind (Colossians 3:16), and it lasts forever (1 Peter 1:23) it will be my honor to demonstrate and unleash these truths and benefits in YOUR life, too! Box 1881, Newport News, VA 23601. VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of HEBREWSfrom memory It not only sustains me but also produces enormous tangible benefits in my day-to-day life spiritual, emotional, relational, and even physical (Proverbs 4:20-23; verse 22 highlights the physical aspect/benefits) totally life-transforming and amazing and I can hardly wait to demonstrate all of this for you, it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE, guaranteed. And you might not have the time or inclination to run for political office yourself, but millions of people do the next closest thing and donate (one-time or, most beneficially for that campaigns planning purposes, monthly) to a candidate who espouses and fights for the same beliefs they hold dear. (Believe me, once a person gets a taste of this, his or her life will never be the same. Encourage as many of our fellow Christians as you can to pray for this historic event by having them go to BibleMemory.ORG/pray (please make sure they understand that its .org, not .com) doing so by word-of-mouth is great, and to do so with a single click on your social media simply click here then scroll down to just below the Form and select your platforms, its that quick and easy! Because its just as clear that the Bible also restores the soul and makes wise the simple and rejoices the heart! And I find that my heart remains filled with and focused on the things above, not on the things that are on earth (Colossians 3:2), not on the things which are seen, but unseen, not the things which are temporal but eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18) what a wonderful way to go through life! VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of 2 PETER from memory. Psalm 19:7-8 has long been one of my all-time favorite passages (and chapters) of Scripture (along with John 3, Colossians 3, and Matthew 5-7 among many others but these would have to top the list). His utter love and kindness and compassion. MTC prepares workers to serve among unreached peoples and provide exposure to urban ministry in the cross-cultural setting of Queens, New York. $3.75 . Because when the Lord is truly in something, miracles happen and needs are met, and as you now know if youre reading this on the website, unbelievably, unthinkably, the website address BibleMemory.org was indeed available for my use, just waiting for me to follow the Lords amazing lead and provision and to put it to use in order to chronicle this historic project, what is sure to be an amazing journey. These have proven to be absolutely LIFE-CHANGING to me and I think youll enjoy those same massive benefits as well, that these videos will CHANGE YOUR LIFE in a very tangible and wonderful and ongoing way. This was before we had AWANAor will result in having the ENTIRE Bible in me every word of the Word for the first time in known human history, and I think people the world over will be AMAZED at the results of what happens when the infinite Word of God is placed and resides within a finite human being, flawed and flesh-enveloped though he or she may be. Supporting this history-making undertaking could well end up being one of the most important things you do in your entire life. The WorldGod created all things for His own pleasure and glory, as revealed in the biblical account of creation (Gen. 1; Rev. Do you want to have the mind of Christ? Usually, people come to this site for one of four reasons. Memorizing the ENTIRE BIBLE every single one of the words He has imparted and communicated to us thenreciting His own words BACK TO HIM! $9.49 + $1.25 shipping . The Commission contact information is: The Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, 10 Summit Park Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275 USA, Telephone: 412.788.6505, Fax: 412-788-6510, Website: www.ats.edu. To their utter missing out yet few if any are even aware of this because nobody has trumpeted it from the proverbial mountaintops but with your help I intend to change this, too, and do just that! You can even memorize and review verses while reading and studying your Bible, all in one app! }); Which exists to serve and help and bless and pray for and minister and listen to you in any way possible, and for the next month or two to find like-minded Bible-loving believers who would like to sponsor this monumental and historic effort. Its a true honor & blessing to have you here! But in the spiritual realm, when it comes to God and His Word, the Bible, the exact OPPOSITE is true! Years ago when I was in college, I was memorizing 6-8 verses a week from Collegiate 1, The Everlasting God, published by BMA (Bible Memory Association. VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of 1 PETER from memory Before that we were the Southwest Chapter of the Bible Memory Association (BMA). (Talk about a MIRACLE!). (To echo the Apostle Paul in Romans 7:18, For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh.) I am 75 years old and I have been memorizing with Scripture Memory Fellowship since I was 10 years old when it was called Bible Memory Association (BMA) I have always loved to memorize Bible verses; you just have to want to and then you can do it; and SMF has the tools to help you learn and want to memorize! Dates: 2009-2010. KJV Drill Bible 2014. No emergencies. And patience. Spirituality (instead of feeling dead). VIDEO: OVERVIEW of this historic project, A complete list of videos reciting entire books from memory is located on the Videos page, NOTE: This website works best with Google Chrome and a desktop computer, from and on behalf of everyone who stands shoulder-to-shoulder with me in this project and resultant ministries, NOTE: The official recitation videos for these first six and all. In this day and age of technology and information overload, it's increasingly difficult to find time and solitude to focus on God's Word. Literally. You can answer that call to help fund this love/thank-You gift to the Lord : We believe in the one true God, who is the first person of the Trinity; perfect, infinite, and eternal. Encouraging, Educating, then Empowering OTHERS to memorize and recite Scripture is a close second, but giving such a unique and historic love/thank You gift back to Him is the main reason for this effort and resultant ministry. Submit prayer requests to be prayed for by someone who is brimming with the living Word within him, which I firmly believe is the biggest key to, Find a BIBLICAL Bible-loving, Bible-believing, Bible-. And it is as easy as learning their A-B-C's! Not even close. Quote, Do you want to share your testimony about what memorizing Gods Word means to you? Biblical Mennonite Alliance is an organization of congregations and ministers deeply committed to the Lord Jesus Christ. Tweet. Freedom Center Subject Files . , Sponsored by Bible-loving believers like YOU! Addresses: Streamwood, IL 60107 1 E Bode Rd, Streamwood, IL 60107. Vtg Postcard Miracle Camp Amsterdam NY Bible Memory Association BMA Scriptures . and Im 99.9% sure that it will do so for virtually anyone and everyone who applies it. How could it be that the more I stuffed into my mind, the more I was then able to pour in? Yep. Many people will (mistakenly) think that anyone who memorizes a huge amount of Scripture must be some sort of super saint. We have a 70-year track record of helping memorizers of all ages. This collection will help your children store God's Word in their hearts. Im DJ Bible and Ill be your host. This is one reason I appreciate my years in AWANA and BMA (Bible Memory Association) when I was a kid. Please see the Side or Bottom Panel for several ways YOU can be part of this historic event! The property itself was begun as a part of the government Army core of engineers back in the early 1940's. The dike and lake were built as a plan to create jobs during the Great Depression. Im looking for true PARTNERS in every sense of the word, so if youre able and feel led by God to do so,please become aMonthly Partnerby clicking on the little box on that PayPal pageas this would provide much better visibility going forward in proceeding with the plan of action (4 phases) discussed above to grow this into a full-speed-ahead, full-fledged, full-time ministry for the Lord to use however He desires. Because after I accomplish this work, Im going to use it in many ways, to bring forth many ministries out of it, so get going, My child!, And so I did. Dr. Woychek, president of BMA, purchased the property in the mid 1940s and began a BMA camp. The more of it I memorize, the more I am able to memorize. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Ive been memorizing Bible verses my entire life, starting with BMA (the long-defunct Bible Memory Association) at age 2 or 3 or 4 then in Sunday School and AWANA as a child and teenager. VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of PHILEMONfrom memory And once completed, I intend to share it with you and with the world, to shout it from the mountaintops, and am absolutely certain that it will have the same effect on others as it has on me, that it will enable and empower virtually ANYONE to memorize and RETAIN massive amounts of the Bible and ANYTHING ELSE! Visit our website www.southlandcamp.org to find out more information about upcoming. Copyright BibleMemory.org. Get going! Personal Appreciation: Youll be on the receiving end of immeasurable, literally unlimited gratitude from me for joining other Lord-led, like-minded, Bible-loving believers in supporting this each month and thus literally help make it happen, help make it a reality for the Lord to receive this first-and-only-one-of-its-kind love/thank-You gift for all He does and who He is! 2. So I dont have any plans to write a book about my life as interesting and unique as it has certainly been but I did register the internet domain name DJBible.orgfor a personal website should the Lord ever lead me to do so but for now will just direct it to this website, BibleMemory.ORG. Wrong! Become a one-time or monthly partner by making a donation via PayPals fully-secure Bible Memory page! THE SOUTHLAND STORY. I also became a part of BMA (Bible Memory Association), which is about memorizing scripture and receiving prizes for being able to quote it to a mentor. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Looks strange (and feels even stranger!) Spreading the Word by spreading the word! https://wordpress.com/home/scripturememoryalumni.com. And after getting over my shock and amazement that THE PERFECT domain name was actually AVAILABLE for me to use, thats exactly what I did and the rest, as they say, is history. AwanaAyat EmasBible BeeBible BowlBible Foundation (India)Bible Memory Association (BMA)Bible QuizzingFountain of Life (Philippines)MemverseSing 250+ verses (Indonesia)STT Setia JakartaSTT Setia LuwukSTT Setia NiasTopical Memory System (TMS)Quote 1.OOO Verses (Indonesia)Upton Lake Christian SchoolVerse LockerYour ChurchYour School In fact, lets just take one of them, verse 8. c1950s LOS ANGELES California Postcard "MIRACLE MILE" Wilshire Blvd. Youre omniscient so I know You know that most people cringe at even the thought of trying to memorize anything much less the Bible much less the ENTIRE Bible. Directly, or by osmosis (i.e., the blessing and blessings borne by reading and/or listening to anyone whose brain is brimming with the Bible). Using The Bible Memory App. Through these ministries weanticipate Gods blessings in the salvation of the lost, the strengthening of the family, and the spiritual, numerical, and financial growth of thechurches. HAPPINESS GUARANTEED. Enter a verse, a word, a phrase, Strongs number,.. KJV NKJV NLT NIV ESV RVR NASB RSV ASV YNG DBY WEB HNV VUL. and youll automatically be notified of future posts! People who participated in the scripture memory program by BMA and/or went to any of the BMA camps including Louisiana, Georgia, Michigan, New York, California or others. Subjects Bible Memory Association (Associated name) Christian saints--Prayers and devotions Christianity Publishers and publishing Physical Storage Information Legal document box: 2, Folder: 27 (Text) . Find the businesses in YOUR area that are owned and/or managed by fellow Christians who love the Lord and His Word and realize the importance of and support Bible memory. If not, feel free to contact us directly! associationendeavors to unify the work of the churches as they fulfill the Great Commissionin their local communities, the State of Texas, and ultimately, the world. so I think youll derive a lot of ongoing benefit and enjoyment in this way and it will also give me the blessing of being able to update you on various things as they arise from time to time. PHASE 4: Set up new and/or work with established addiction centers to specifically address the huge need for healing, curing, and then preventing from recurring (relapse) the massive crisis of addiction to pain killers, opioids, and other drugs, as well as the dreadful disease of depression. And as you might imagine, the Bible has a lot more to say about itself but even just these twoare fully, infinitely sufficient to CHANGE ONES LIFE. A is for "All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way." (Isaiah 53:6) B is for "But He was wounded for our transgressions." It might look nice sitting on a table or desk or dresser or nightstand, but it only goes to work and does its thing when poured into ones mind. If the participant memorizes their entire book by the end of the session, they will receive a reward. Because, amazingly, the more of it I memorize, the EASIER it gets! The funeral service will be held on Sunday, September 25th at 3 PM at Unity Church. As I say multiple times in the Bible, He who believes in Me will not, shall not be disappointed. [Slight pause] What are you waiting for? When you're ready, click the register link to sign up for free. What Program Helped You Memorize Gods Word. but verifying the legitimacy of this project is exponentially more important, so without further ado, VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of TITUSfrom memory I was zonked (showing my lack of faith and how easy it is for such to creep in even just in human terms Hebrews 12:1 demonstrated) when I checked the absolutely perfect domain for this: BibleMemory.org (of course!). . I was active in Awana, my entire family did BMA (Bible Memory Association), participated in Good News Clubs. . You can do this by word-of-mouth and/or by sharing on your Social Media platforms with just a click! Did your school encourage or empower you to memorize Gods Word? I've been memorizing Bible verses my entire life, starting with "BMA" (the long-defunct Bible Memory Association) at age 2 or 3 or 4 then in Sunday School and "AWANA" as a child and teenager. Not one. . It's amazing. This is one of my favorite passages since childhood. It clearly states that the Bible restores the soul, makes wise the simple, rejoices the heart, and enlightens the eyes. Encourage as many people as you can to support this historic event by having them go to BibleMemory.ORG/support (please make sure they understand that its .org, not .com) doing so by word-of-mouth is great, and to do so with a single click on your social media simply click here then scroll down to just below the Donate button and select your platforms, its that quick and easy! This finding is literally historic, and indeed the closest thing to a bona fide miracle in recent history of which Im aware: its verifiable, its tangible, and due to the living and active nature of the Bible (Hebrews 4:12) its even repeatable. The fear, or respect, of the LORD (Psalm 19:9) is the beginning of wisdom. The administration had the dual function of . Humanly speaking, it hurts my head just thinking about the enormity of this task.). No doubt about it. This is one of my favorite passages since childhood. A verse that BMA (Bible Memory Association, now ScriptureMemory.com) had me memorize when I was involved in the program, was Job 28:28. please encourage your friends and family to do likewise. Exodus . Because the more of the Bible Ive memorized, the more and more a SPECIFIC memory METHOD is taking shape, is falling into place, piece by beautiful piece. We offer Camps, Bible Lessons, and a Scripture Memorization program. Are you looking for something that will encourage, challenge, and excited you to memorize God's Word? The Family series books apply to multiple ages. $("#youtube_video")[0].src += "&autoplay=1"; I mention several on the home page but will highlight just one of them here. Yes, you might not ever memorize the entireBible yourself but you CANmake it possible for someoneelseto through your thoughtful financial support! Toaccomplish this, we plant new churches and provide resources to assistcooperating churches in developing their ministries of family and childcare,evangelism, discipleship, and Christian education. Another way you can help out is to tellyour friends, relatives, fellow congregation members and even co-workers(a great side door for sharing the Gospel!) So also, I think that this would bring a depth of pleasure to the Lord like nothing else, since I sense that He will then use this platform to Educate, Encourage, and Empower people all around the world to memorize and recite Scripture (thus greatly multiplying and compounding His pleasure) and to bring countless souls to salvation, which will multiply His pleasure all over again because we know fromLuke 15:10that even the angels of God rejoice over even just ONE sinner who repents, so how much more must the Holy Creator receive joy over hundreds or thousands or even millions? Our flesh. The conversation (which occurred entirely in my soul, not ears, not audibly youll be glad to know ) which immediately followed on that occasion, when this thought first hit my head and heart, went something like this: Me: But, Lord, Im the LEAST likely and logical and capable person to pull off such a historic task, which nobody else in known human history has been able to do and I dont have an overly great mind to begin with, Im no genius, so how on earth can this be?, God (again, not audibly but in my spirit exactly as referenced in Proverbs 20:27): Fear not, just start doing it, just memorize the first few verses of the first selected book and I through My Word will take care of the rest and make it happen., Me: But, Lord, Im still just a human vessel and a very flawed one at that, even if You make it happen it would take years and Ive got bills to pay so have to spend most of my time working my job as You know. Still other bookscontain several chapters of a Bible book or even an entire book. I remember thinking to myself, Theres no way! But something funny, something amazing happened on the way to obeying that calling of the Lord to just start doing it, just memorize the first few verses of the first selected book and Ill take care of the rest as described above. VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of PHILEMONfrom memory 3.442 . I look greatly forward toshowingyou how to get there, how to make this happen not only in YOUR life but also those of your children and/or loved ones. If you have any questions or need help with signing up and/or registering, feel free to Contact us. For those who already know Him, I am honored beyond description to have you on the team, thanks so much for your thoughtful support and for spreading the Word by spreading the word as we seek to please the Lord and make history together! For instance, some of our books are collections of verses relating to a single subject which pull verses from the entire Bible. Publishing History This is a chart to show the when this publisher published books. Examples: NFL, NASA, PSP, HIPAA. Dont miss out on this opportunity not only to be a part of history but to helpMAKE IT HAPPEN because without you, it wont! In fact, just the opposite of their notion is true, because the more of the Bible I memorize, the more I realize how utterly and entirely sinful I am in and of myself, in my flesh. It all came back to me: Bible Memory Association, Miracle Camp, Dr. W, and those wonderful little memory books. The main challenge is that so relatively few ever really give regular and systematic Bible memory a try, but I with your and the Lords help intend to change that! Accredited Texas Seminary School Christ Centered Learning Since 1955. By the way, this would be a great time to let you know that as Ive been memorizing Scripture, a very specific METHOD of doing so is coming into focus, which, as noted above, I can testify firsthand is making it MUCH EASIER for me to memorize and retain not just the Bible but EVERYTHING: to-do lists, schedule and meetings, various events that occur, etc., a true sponge effect! But I want to hone in on the second half of that verse, that the Bible also enlightens the eyes. Directly or just by proximity. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. And thats when He made it absolutely, unmistakably, inescapably clear just how much He is in this and just how intimately and directly involved He has been from the very start. I think a lot. I find that I see things that many others dont (heightened insight produced by the Word within). Please share a memory of Christine to include in a keepsake book for family and friends. BMA: BACnet Manufacturers Association: BMA: Bilingual Medical Assistant: BMA: Bankinnskudd Med Aksjeavkastning: BMA: Benefit Management Administrators: BMA: Barber . HAPPINESS GUARANTEED. , you might not ever memorize the entireBible yourself but you CANmake possible. ) when I was a kid be the same did BMA ( Bible Memory Association ), participated in News... And it is as easy as learning their A-B-C & # x27 ; s,... 70-Year track record of helping memorizers of all ages Camps, Bible Lessons, and enlightens the.! Vtg Postcard Miracle Camp, dr. W, and enlightens the eyes verses from the entire every! People will ( mistakenly ) think that anyone who memorizes a huge amount of must... In Good News Clubs just as clear that the Bible also restores the and! At 3 PM at Unity Church but I want to hone in on the second half of that verse that... 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bma bible memory association